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Created December 4, 2012 23:40
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Game of Blackjack
Game of Blackjack
You can play with one or two players
each player creaates a account if they don't have one and if they do they can load their existing data
Each player and the dealer are dealt two cards, the dealers first card is face down
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
//enum types for the card suits
enum card_suit{
S, H, D, C
//Global Variables - yes I know they are bad but rather than pass this everywhere I put it here. Also allows me to change the min bet in one spot rather than everywhere
int MIN_BET = 5; //Minimum bet is $5
struct account{ //account structure. This will store all the player information
string name; //The name on the account
string email; //the email address registered to this account
string username; //the username of this account
string password; //pasword for the account
int money; //in case they decide to quit playing when they come back their money will be there may not use this but we'll see
int wins; //games stats
int total_played; //game stats
double win_percentage; //game stats
struct card{ //how the cards are stored
int value; //value of the card
card_suit suit; //suit of the card we have. Not really that important in this game but might as well have it
bool up; //for the dealer since one card is face down
struct player{ //basis of each player in the game including the dealer
account info; //player's account info
vector<card> hand; //the players hand
int bet; //how much the user is betting
int insurance_bet; //if they take the insurance
card deal();
card hitMe();
int score(vector<card>);
bool hasAce(vector<card>);
void printCards(vector<card>);
char printSuit(card);
void doubleDown(player, player&);
int winner(player, player&);
void payout(player, player&);
void split(player&, player&);
void bet(player&);
void insurance(vector<player>&);
account load();
void save(player);
account create();
void play(vector<player>&);
void clear(vector<card>&);
void dealer_play(player&);
void displayMenu();
void displayRules();
int main(){
unsigned int time_seed = time(0); //so we can get a random number
srand(time_seed); //seeding the random number
player user; //creates a player called user
player dealer; //creates the dealer
vector<player> players; //creates a vector of players
char input; //for the Input = "Dealer"; //sets up the dealer info
players.push_back(dealer); //puts the dealer in the vector
int menu; // so we can take in input
displayMenu(); //displays the menu
cin >> menu; //take in the user input
if(menu == 1){ //if the user wants to read the rules
displayRules(); //displays the rules
else if(menu == 2){ //if the user wants to play
cout << "How many players(1 or 2)" << endl; //asks how many players
int numPlayers; //so we can take in how many players
cin >> numPlayers; //takes in the input
for(int i = 0;i< numPlayers;i++){ //cycles through the players
cout << "Are you a new player(N) or existing player(E)?" << endl; //asks if they are a new or existig player
cin >> input; //takes in their input
if(input == 'N' || input == 'n'){ //if they are new = create(); //creates new account info
save(user); //saves the player
players.push_back(user); //pushes the player on the vector
else if(input == 'E' || input == 'e'){ //if they are a existing player = load(); //loads their account info
players.push_back(user); //pushes them on the stack
else{ //if the user can't follow directions
cout << "Please enter 1 or 2" << endl; //reiterates their only options
menu = 0; //resets menu
cin.ignore(); //ignores what's in the buffer
}while(menu != 2); //while they don't choose play we will repeat this until we finish the never ending story
bool cond = false; //so we can ask if they want to continue
int size = players.size();
for(int i =1;i<players.size();i++){
if(players[i] < 5){ //checks to see if they player has any money if not they can add more
cout << players[i].info.username << " is currently out of money. Would you like to add some, yes(Y) or (N)?" << endl; //Lets them know they are out of funds and if they want to add some
cin >> input; //takes in input
if(input == 'Y' || input == 'y'){ //if they say yes
cout << "How much would you like to add?" << endl; //how much
cin >> players[i]; //takes it in
else{ //if not we save their info and leave
save(players[i]); //saves info
players.erase(players.begin() + (i)); //erases player from vector
if(cond && players.size() > 1){//if they have played at least once
cout << players[i].info.username << " Would you like to keep playing(P) or quit(Q)" << endl;
cin >> input; //takes in input
if(input == 'q' || input == 'Q'){ //player want to quit
save(players[i]); //saves info
players.erase(players.begin() + (i)); //erases player from vector
play(players); //and we play
cond = true; //they finished one hand
}while(players.size() > 1);
//!(input == 'q' || input == 'Q')
return 0;
Simple method that displays the rules of the game only
void displayRules(){
cout << "The rules of blackjack are fairly simple and your only opponent in the game is the dealer. Each player is dealt a two cards face up while the dealer only has one card face up. The goal is to have your two cards added total to be higher than the dealer’s two cards and under 21. If you go over 21 you “bust”, or lose, or if the dealers two cards added together are higher than yours you also lose. If your two card total is equal to the dealers then it is a “stand-off” or a tie. Cards values are usually face value, 2 is 2 and 10 is 10, while all face cards, jack/queen/king, are also 10. The only exception to this rule are Aces, they can take on the value of 1 or 11. To get your two cards total you simply add your two cards together. If you have any combination of an Ace or any card that is 10 points then you have what is called blackjack, 21 pts. Getting blackjack means you get paid more if you win. With all of that being said if you’re not satisfied with your two card total then you can take extra cards, called taking a hit, and for each hit you get you get one more card. The dealer does this as well but has a strict set of rules to follow on whether or not to take a hit. If a dealer’s hand is less than or equal to 16 or a “soft” 17, meaning they have an ace and a 6, they must take a hit. If it’s 17 or higher the dealer must stand. So now that we know the dealer rules there are a few options for users. As I stated earlier you can take hits to increase your card total. You may also split your cards and double down. Splitting can be done when your first two cards are of equal value and can only be split from the original hand, split hands cannot be split, the bet has to be equal or greater than the original bet for each hand. For each time you split you will receive and additional card for that hand and then you play like regular blackjack. Users may also double down which consists of a user placing another bet of equal or lesser value when their first two cards total is equal to 9, 10, or 11 without aces. After doubling down you will only get one additional card. Some of you may have realized that if the dealer gets a blackjack or 21 you pretty much always lose, unless you yourself have blackjack. There is a way around this and it’s called insurance. If the dealer is dealt an ace face up then the dealer will ask if you want to take out insurance, equal to half of your original bet, to insure your hand if the dealer has blackjack and only when he has blackjack and helps insure you don’t lose money if he does have blackjack, insurance pays 2 to 1 so your insurance bet will cover the loss of your hand if you bet half." << endl; //displays the rules
Simple method that displays the menu for the game only
void displayMenu(){
cout << "Welcome to the game of Blackjack!" << endl; //output
cout << "Please select an option below." << endl; //output
cout << "1) Rules" << endl; //output
cout << "2) Play" << endl; //output
Rules for the dealer. They hit on everything up to 17 including a soft 17
void dealer_play(player &dealer){
if((score(dealer.hand) < 17) || (score(dealer.hand) == 17 && hasAce(dealer.hand))){ //dealer hits at less than 17 and on soft 17
dealer.hand.push_back(hitMe()); //dealer gets a card
how we will play
This method takes care of all the play portions of the game. Taking hits, splitting, double down, etc
Takes in the vector of players by reference so we can make changes directly to the players
void play(vector<player> &players){
char input; //for our input
for(int i =1;i<players.size();i++){ //cycles through the players
bet(players[i]); //players bet here
cout << "Money: " << players[i] << setw(10) << "Bet: " << players[1].bet << endl; //display their money and bet amount
/**the below function goes through each player and deals them two cards. To make it more realistic
I actually went through every player and gave them one card a time. So it starts with the dealer
for(int i = 0;i< (players.size()*2);i++){
if((i%players.size()) == 0 && (i%2) == 0){ //the dealers first card
players[(i%players.size())].hand[(i%2)].up = false; //is set to false since it's face down
The below function shows each players score but the dealers
for(int i=1;i<players.size();i++){
cout << players[i].info.username << " has: " << score(players[i].hand) << setw(10) << endl;
The below function displays each persons cards
for(int i =0;i<players.size();i++){
cout << players[i].info.username << " Cards:" << endl;
The below function actually consists of the playing
bool cont = true; //we will use this
for(int i = 1;i<players.size();i++){ //we cycle through all the players since each player plays on their own
if(players[0].hand[1].value == 1 && cont){ //if the dealer has an ace and cont is true - basically this only happens the first time if the dealer doesn't have blackjack
insurance(players); //asks player if they want insurance
if(score(players[0].hand) == 21){ //checks to see if the dealer has blackjack - we know the first card is an A
players[0].hand[0].up = true; //if they do we set the first card to face up
printCards(players[0].hand); //prints the dealers cards
The below function cycles through the players and pays them out since they lost
for(int i =1;i<players.size();i++){
input = 'S'; //sets input to stay since they just lost
cont = false; //if the dealer didn't have blackjack this is now false
if(players[0].hand[1].value >= 10 && cont){ //if the dealer has a 10 or face card showing we don't check for insurance but if they have blackjack that's game
if(score(players[0].hand) == 21){ //if they have blackjack
players[0].hand[0].up = true; //puts the dealers first card face up
printCards(players[0].hand); //prints the dealers card
The below function pays out the players since they just lost
for(int i =1;i<players.size();i++){
input = 'S'; //input is now S since the players lost
cont = false; //if the dealer doesn't have 21 we don't care about this anymore
As long as the players score is less than 21
if(score(players[0].hand) <= 21){
The most complicated first - if they have a pair of 5's they can split, double down, hit, or stay
if(((players[i].hand[0].value >= 10 && players[i].hand[1].value >= 10) || players[i].hand[0].value == players[i].hand[1].value) && players[i].hand.size() == 2 && score(players[i].hand) == 10){
cout << players[i].info.username << " score: " << score(players[i].hand) << endl; //shows them their score
cout << "Would you like to Double Down(D), split(L),take a hit(H), or stay(S), default is to take a stay?" << endl; //ask them
else if(((players[i].hand[0].value >= 10 && players[i].hand[1].value >= 10) || (players[i].hand[0].value == players[i].hand[1].value)) && players[i].hand.size() == 2){ //if they can split their cards
cout << players[i].info.username << " score: " << score(players[i].hand) << endl; //shows them their score
cout << "Would you like to split(L) your cards, take a hit(H), or stay(S), default is to take a stay?" << endl; //ask them
else if(players[i].hand.size() == 2 && score(players[i].hand) >= 9 && score(players[i].hand) <= 11 && !(hasAce(players[i].hand))){ //can they double down
cout << players[i].info.username << " score: " << score(players[i].hand) << endl; //shows them their score
cout << "Would you like to Double Down(D), take a hit(H), or stay(S), default is to take a stay?" << endl; //asks them
else{ //they can't do anything special
cout << players[i].info.username << " score: " << score(players[i].hand) << endl; //shows them their score
cout << "Hit(H) or Stay(S), default is to take a stay?"; //asks them what they want to do
cin >> input; //takes in the input
switch(input){ //what did they choose?
case 'L': //they wanted to split
split(players[0], players[i]); //we split them
printCards(players[i].hand); //reprint their cards in case they forgot
case 'D':
doubleDown(players[0], players[i]); //they double down
input = 'S'; //sets input to S since now they are done
case 'H':
players[i].hand.push_back(hitMe()); //we give them one more card for their hit
printCards(players[i].hand); //reprint their cards
cout << players[i].info.username << " score is now " << score(players[i].hand) << endl; //reprint their score
default: //this is here for people can't follow directions
input = 's'; //input is S
if(score(players[i].hand) > 21){ //if they bust they are done
input = 'S'; //so we can quit
}while(!(input == 'S' || input == 's')); //we continue doing this until they are want to stay
dealer_play(players[0]); //now the dealer plays
players[0].hand[0].up = true; //now the everybody can see the first card
The below method shows everybody's score and cards including dealers
for(int i =0;i<players.size();i++){
cout << players[i].info.username << " score: " << score(players[i].hand) << " Cards: ";
The below method pays everybody out
for(int i =1;i<players.size();i++){
if(score(players[i].hand) > 21){ //if the player busted we tell them
cout << "You busted! ";
int win = winner(players[0], players[i]); //we figure out who wins
if(win == 1){
players[i].info.wins += 1; //if the player wins we add one to their win record
payout(players[0],players[i]); //we payout everybody
clear(players[i].hand); //we clear out their hands
players[i].info.total_played+=1; //adds one to the total played
clear(players[0].hand); //clear out the dealers hand
The below method clears out a players hand
void clear(vector<card> &hand){
Creates new accounts for new players
account create(){
account user; //creates a new account
cout << "What is the username you'd like to use?" << endl;
fstream input; //so we can take in the input
string filename; //what file we will open
The below method basically checks to see if a username is available by checking to see if the file can even be open
cin >> user.username; //takes in the username
filename = user.username + ".dat"; //adds the extension to the file; //opens the file
if(!{ //if it didn't fail the name is taken
cout << "This username is already taken. Please choose another one." << endl; //we tell the user
}while(!; //repeat until it doesn't fail
cout << "Please enter a password." << endl; //asks for password
cin.ignore(); // so cin will work
getline(cin, user.password); //takes in the line b/c it may be more than one word
cin.ignore(); //so the next line will wokr
cout << "Please enter your name." << endl; //asks for the users name
getline(cin,; //takes it in
cout << "Please enter your email address." << endl; //asks for email address
cin >>; //takes it in
cout << "Please enter how much money you'd like to deposit" << endl; //asks for money
cin >>; //takes it in
user.total_played = 0; //sets these to 0
user.wins = 0; //sets these to 0
user.win_percentage = 0; //set these to 0
input.close(); //closes the input stream
return user; //returns the account
For saving account info for when you're done
void save(player user){
ofstream output; //output stream
string filename = + ".dat"; //so we know what file to save to, ios::out); //we want to erase all previous data
if(!output){//if we can't open output
cerr << "Output file will not open and data could not be saved. " << endl;
double percent = 0; //for the win percentage
if( == 0){
percent = 0; //so we don't divide by zero
percent = ((double)*100; //win percentage
output << << endl << << endl << << endl << << endl << << endl << << endl << << endl << setprecision (3) << percent; //writes the data to the file
output.close(); //closes the output stream
For loading account info
account load(){
string username, password; //so we know what the username and password is
string filename; //how we will save the data
account user; //sets up an account so we can take in the data
ifstream input; //file stream
We get the users username and password
cout << "What is your username?" << endl; //asks for username
cin >> username; //take it in
filename = username + ".dat"; //append the file extension; //opens the file //opens the file
}while(; //if it fails to open they probably put in the wrong username so we keep doing this until they get it right
getline(input, user.username); //take in the username
getline(input, user.password); //take in the password
cout << "What is your password?" << endl; //asks for the password
cin >> password; //takes it in
}while(!(password == user.password)); //checks password and keeps checking until the user gets it right
Takes in all the user info
input >>;
input >> user.total_played;
input >>user.wins;
input >>user.win_percentage;
input.close(); //close out the file
return user; //returns the account info
if the dealer is displaying an Ace it asks all the players if they want to take out insurance
void insurance(vector<player> &players){
int size = players.size(); //gets the size of the vector
for(int i=1;i<size;i++){
int bet;
players[i].insurance_bet = 0;
if((players[i][i].bet/2)) >=0){ //can the player even make an insurance bet
cout << "How much would you like to bet for insurance, up to " << (players[i].bet/2) << players[i].info.username << "?(0 if you don't want to take out insurance)" << endl; //asks if they want to make an insurance bet
cin >> bet; //takes it in
}while(!(bet <= (players[i].bet/2) && bet >=0)); //continues to do this until they input the right stuff
if(bet != 0){ //did they make a insurance bet
players[i].insurance_bet = bet; //we have the insurance bet set
players[i]; //we take it out of their money pile
if(score(players[0].hand) == 21){ //the dealer has 21
for(int i = 1; i<size;i++){
if(players[i].insurance_bet != 0){ //if they took out insurance
players[i][i].insurance_bet*2); //pays out 2 to 1
players[i].insurance_bet = 0; //clears out the insurance bet
for(int i = 1; i<size;i++){
if(players[i].insurance_bet != 0){ //if they took out insurance
players[i].insurance_bet = 0; //clears out the insurance bet
Asks the user what they would like to bet and returns it
void bet(player &user){
int bet;
cout << << endl; //so we know what player is betting
cout << "How much would you like to bet? (Must be greater than the " << MIN_BET << " and less than " << << ")" << endl; //we tell them what they can bet
cin >> bet; //takes in their bet
}while(!(bet >= MIN_BET && bet <=; //repeat until they get it right -= bet; //subtract the bet from their money stock pile = bet; //set their bet
If the user chooses to split their cards
The split hand is completely played here
void split(player &dealer, player &user){
player split;
vector<player> players; //creates a new player for the split
players.push_back(dealer); =; // takes the extra bet; //takes out the bet from the user money pile
split.hand.push_back(user.hand[0]); //takes the first card from the user and gives it to the split player
split.hand.push_back(deal()); //gives the split person a new card
user.hand[0] = deal(); //gives the user a new card =;
players.push_back(split); //pushes the split player onto the vect
printCards(players[1].hand); //prints out the new cards
char input; //what the input is
for(int i =1;i<players.size();i++){
if(score(players[i].hand) > 21){ //if they bust
input = 'S'; //they are done
cout << "Hit(H) or Stay(S):"; //otherwise we ask them if they want to take a hit
cin >> input; //take in their input
If they take a hit the below code gives them a new card, prints out their new cards and their new score
if(input == 'H' || input == 'h'){
cout << players[i].info.username << " score is now " << score(players[i].hand) << endl;
}while(!(input == 'S' || input == 's')); //we repeat this until they stop taking hits or bust
dealer_play(players[0]); //dealer plays now since we need to take care of this now rather than later
prints the split players cards and score again
for(int i =1;i<players.size();i++){
cout << players[i].info.username << " score: " << score(players[i].hand) << " Cards:" << endl;
payouts the split player
for(int i =1;i<players.size();i++){
if(score(players[i].hand) > 21){
cout << "You busted!"; //tells them they busted
payout(players[0],players[i]); //plays out the player
Typical pay out rules. If the player wins he gets 2 to 1 odds.
void payout(player dealer, player &user){
if(winner(dealer, user) == 1){ //if the player won
if(score(user.hand) == 21 && hasAce(user.hand) && user.hand.size() == 2){ //if the player has blackjack it's a 3:2 payout += ((*3)/2); //I think this is 3:2 odds = 0; //clears out the bet
cout << << " won!" << endl;
else{ (*2); //adds the bet to the players stash of cash = 0; //clears out the bet
cout << << " won!" << endl;
else if (winner(dealer, user) == 0){ //they tied; //players money goes back to his pile = 0; //clears out the bet
cout << << " tied!" << endl;
else{ //the dealer won. = 0; //player didn't win so all we need to do is clear out.
cout << << " lost!" << endl;
Figures out if the dealer or the user won
returns 1 if the player won
returns -1 if the dealer won
returns 0 if they tie
int winner(player dealer, player &user){
if(score(dealer.hand) == score(user.hand)){ //they had a stand off
return 0;
else if(((score(dealer.hand) < score(user.hand)) && (score(user.hand) <= 21)) || (score(dealer.hand) > 21 && score(user.hand) <= 21)){ //user won
return 1;
else{ //dealer typically wins
return -1;
Double down
If the user chooses to double down we take in the new amount betted, deal one more card, and figure out if the user won
takes in the user and dealer players and returns nothing
void doubleDown(player dealer, player &user){
int bet; //so we can store the new bet
cout << "How much would you like to bet? (Must be greater than the " << MIN_BET << " and less than "<< <<")" << endl; //asks how much they want to bet
cin >> bet; //takes it in
}while(!(bet > MIN_BET && bet <= && bet <=; //we repeat this until they get it right; //add the new bet to the original; //takes out their double down bet from the money
user.hand.push_back(deal()); //gives the user one more card
payout(dealer, user); //pays out the player based on if he/she won
Returns the Character version of the suit
Fairly self-explanatory...takes in a number between 0-4 and returns the suit based off that number
char printSuit(card new_card){
case 0:
return 'S';
case 1:
return 'H';
case 2:
return 'D';
case 3:
return 'C';
Prints the cards to the screen
void printCards(vector<card> hand){
const string CARD_VALUES[14] = {"A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K", "X"}; //makes it easier to print
for(int i=0;i<hand.size();i++){
/**cout << "----------" << endl
<< "|" << ((hand[i].up)?(hand[i].value):('X')) << ((hand[i].up)?((printSuit(hand[i]))):('X')) << setw(6) << "|" << endl
<< "|" << setw(8) << "|" << endl
<< "|" << setw(8) << "|" << endl
<< "|" << setw(8) << "|" << endl
<< "|" << setw(6) << ((hand[i].up)?(hand[i].value):('X')) << ((hand[i].up)?(printSuit(hand[i])):('X')) << "|" << endl
<< "----------" << endl;*/
if(hand[i].up){ //if the hand is face up we print this
cout << CARD_VALUES[(hand[i].value-1)] << printSuit(hand[i]) << " ";
else{ //if it's face down we print XX
cout << CARD_VALUES[13] << CARD_VALUES[13] << " ";
cout << endl;
Lets us know if the hand has an ace
bool hasAce(vector<card> hand){
bool has_ace = false; //For now we say there is no ace in the hand
for(int i =0;i<hand.size();i++){
if(hand[i].value == 1){ //we have an ace
has_ace = true; //so we set this to true
return has_ace;
Gets the score for the user
We treat Aces initially as 1 and then later check to see if the hand contains an Ace
int score(vector<card> hand){
int total = 0; //setting up the total value
for(int i = 0; i<hand.size();i++){
if(hand[i].value >= 10){ //if it's 10, J, Q, or K
total+=10; //adds 10 to the toal
total += hand[i].value; //adds the value to the total
if(hasAce(hand) && total <= 11){ //if the hand has an ace and we won't bust
total+=10; //add 10
return total; //return the total
//gets a new card for the player
card hitMe(){
return deal(); //add another card to the players hand
takes in nothing and returns a card
makes a new card and assigns it a random value between 1-13
assigns a suit to the card as well
returns the card
card deal(){
card new_card; //card we will be returning
new_card.value = 1 + rand() % 13; //makes sure the random number is between 1 and 13 for the value
int suit = rand() % 4;
switch(suit){ //makes sure the random number is between 1 and 4 for the suit
case 0:
new_card.suit = S;
case 1:
new_card.suit = H;
case 2:
new_card.suit = D;
case 3:
new_card.suit = C;
new_card.up = true; //we'll change it later if it's the dealers face down card
return new_card; //returning the card
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