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Last active July 13, 2022 06:53
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ACEX Fortify persistence, a custom ACEX Fortify preset, and a persistent ACEX Fortify budget.
class ACEX_Fortify_Presets {
class ASO_Fortify_Objects {
objects[] = {
{"Land_BagFence_Round_F", 5},
{"Land_BagFence_Short_F", 5},
{"Land_BagFence_Long_F", 10},
{"Land_Plank_01_4m_F", 10},
{"Land_BagBunker_Small_F", 25},
{"Land_HBarrierTower_F", 100},
{"Land_HBarrierWall4_F", 25},
{"Land_HBarrierWall_corner_F", 25},
{"Land_HBarrier_1_F", 5},
{"Land_BagBunker_Tower_F", 50},
{"Land_BagBunker_Large_F", 100},
{"Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F", 100}
["CAManBase", "Init", {
params ["_entity"];
_entity setVariable ["side_unit", side _entity];
_entity addEventHandler ["Killed", {
params ["_unit", "_killer", "_instigator", "_useEffects"];
_sideUnit = _unit getVariable ["side_unit", sideUnknown];
if (_sideUnit isEqualTo sideUnknown) exitWith {};
_budget = switch(_sideUnit) do {
case west: { -50 };
case east: { 50 };
case resistance: { 50 };
case civilian: {
if ((side _instigator) isEqualTo west) then { -200 } else { 0 }
default { 0 };
if (_budget isEqualTo 0) exitWith {};
[west, _budget, (_sideUnit isEqualTo civilian)] call acex_fortify_fnc_updateBudget;
["ACE_Fortify_budget_change", []] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
}] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler;
["acex_fortify_objectPlaced", {
[ALiVE_SYS_LOGISTICS, "updateObject", [(_this select 2)]] call ALIVE_fnc_logistics;
["ACE_Fortify_budget_change", []] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
["acex_fortify_objectDeleted", {
[ALiVE_SYS_LOGISTICS, "removeObject", [(_this select 2)]] call ALIVE_fnc_logistics;
["ACE_Fortify_budget_change", []] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
_action = ["ASO_Logistics_Update", "Save Position", "", {
[ALiVE_SYS_LOGISTICS, "updateObject", [_target]] call ALiVE_fnc_logistics;
hintSilent "Position saved!";
}, {true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction;
["Reammobox_F", 0, ["ACE_MainActions"], _action, true] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToClass;
_budget = "ACE_fortify_budget" call AliVE_fnc_ProfileNameSpaceLoad;
_objects = ["ASO_Fortify_Objects"] call acex_fortify_fnc_getPlaceableSet;
if (_budget isEqualType 0) then {
["acex_fortify_registerObjects", [west, _budget, _objects]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
} else {
["acex_fortify_registerObjects", [west, 0, _objects]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
["ACE_Fortify_budget_change", {
_budget = [west] call acex_fortify_fnc_getBudget;
_saved = ["ACE_fortify_budget", _budget] call ALiVE_fnc_ProfileNameSpaceSave;
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;
_objects = [alive_sys_logistics, "allObjects"] call ALiVE_fnc_logistics;
_aceFortifyObjects = ["ASO_Fortify_Objects"] call acex_fortify_fnc_getPlaceableSet;
private _aceFortifyObjectsCleaned = [];
_aceFortifyObjectsCleaned pushBack (_x select 0);
} forEach _aceFortifyObjects;
if (_x isKindOf "Static") then {
if (_x isKindOf "CBA_NamespaceDummy" || _x isKindOf "Helipad_base_F") exitWith {};
if ((typeOf _x) in _aceFortifyObjectsCleaned) then {
_jipID = ["acex_fortify_addActionToObject", [west, _x]] call CBA_fnc_globalEventJIP;
[_jipID, _x] call CBA_fnc_removeGlobalEventJIP;
} forEach _objects;
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The above code gets ACEX Fortify to work with persistence, a custom ACEX Fortify preset, and a persistent ACEX Fortify budget.

Please note I have setup the ACEX Fortify budget to update so that when a side west unit kills opfor or resistance, it will give them more currency; and when a civilian is killed, currency is taken away. You can edit the code to your liking but this example gives you an advance configuration.

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seems persistance is broken with the budget with current alive and acex being folded into regular ace. Any chance on getting this fixed?

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