The graph is controlled by data in the text boxes above as described, and the clock on the right. The "pause" button plays the clock through time. The "step" only makes a 1-hour step. Make sure to update the trade timestamps to be after the current time of the clock (displayed right above it). The same applies for the asset performances. If you can't see the "step" or "pause" links on the right of the clock, please use the "W" cursor to reduce the width of the graph's canvas. You can click and drag on the canvas to pan, and you can zoom in and out with the mouse scroll wheel.
The cyan discs are traders, and the blue discs are assets. The blue lines are long positions, and the pink ones are short positions. An asset disc encircled in blue indicates a positive performance for the time step, whereas a pink circle indicates a negative performance.
The text in the textareas are a json description of each box's content. The json tags I use are:
- s: security ID
- q: quantity held
- c: trader ID