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Created March 8, 2014 12:28
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Object {user: Class, feeds: Class}
feeds: Class
__ember1394281568565: "ember702"
__ember1394281568565_meta: Object
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type: "Join LMS"
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container: Container
currentState: (...)
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set currentState: function (value) {
data: (...)
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__ember1394281568565: "ember470"
__ember1394281568565_meta: Object
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created_at: "2014-03-06 13:33:36"
dob: "2/Jan/2010"
email: ""
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fail: null
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linkedin: null
mobile: null
modified_at: "2014-03-07 09:58:53"
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_loadingPromise: null
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_suspendedRelationships: false
_updatingRecordArraysLater: false
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currentState: (...)
get currentState: function () {
set currentState: function (value) {
data: (...)
id: "1"
isError: false
store: Class
__proto__: Object
__proto__: Object
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