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Created August 24, 2019 21:18
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namespace Grader.Service
public class GradeConverter
/// <summary>
/// This function will take in a positive integer representing a grade percentage
/// and return the letter grade corresponding to that percentage.
/// </summary>
public char GetLetterGrade(int grade)
if (grade >= 90)
return 'A';
// As per the requirements we will always include the lower bound number
// in the middle cases
if (grade < 90 && grade >= 80)
return 'B';
if (grade < 80 && grade >= 70)
return 'C';
if (grade < 70 && grade >= 60)
return 'D';
if (grade < 60)
return 'F';
// this should never happen, but if it does then we know something is wrong.
throw new System.Exception("No letter grade found for that percentage");
We need a function that converts a percentage into a letter grade.
The mapping should be as follows:
- 90 and above (including 90) should be given an A
- 80 - 90 (including 80) should be given a B
- 70 - 80 (including 70) should be given a C
- 60 - 70 (including 60) should be given a D
- Anything below (but NOT including 60) should be given an F
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