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Last active December 18, 2024 13:53
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Stream.apk install error
Could not create a driver on phone: 38181FDJH00ABN. Exception: Could not start a new session. Response code 500. Message: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Error executing adbExec. Original error: 'Command '/usr/lib/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb -P 5037 -s 38181FDJH00ABN install -r /home/auttesty/.appium/node_modules/appium-device-farm/lib/stream.apk' exited with code 1'; Command output: adb: failed to install /home/auttesty/.appium/node_modules/appium-device-farm/lib/stream.apk:
Host info: host: 'DESKTOP-3H3KNUJ', ip: ''
Build info: version: '4.11.0', revision: '040bc5406b'
System info: 'Windows 10', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '10.0', java.version: '21.0.2'
Driver info:
Command: [null, newSession {capabilities=[{appium:newCommandTimeout=180, dashboard:enableVideoRecording=false, appium:locale=GB, dashboard:enableLiveVideo=false, df:record_video=false, appium:skipUnlock=true, appium:language=en, appium:automationName=UIAutomator2, appium:noReset=true, appium:udid=38181FDJH00ABN, appium:adbExecTimeout=120000, appium:orientation=PORTRAIT, appium:settings[includeExtrasInPageSource]=true, platformName=ANDROID, appium:uiautomator2ServerInstallTimeout=120000}], desiredCapabilities=Capabilities {appium:adbExecTimeout: 120000, appium:automationName: UIAutomator2, appium:language: en, appium:locale: GB, appium:newCommandTimeout: 180, appium:noReset: true, appium:orientation: PORTRAIT, appium:settings[includeExtrasInPageSource]: true, appium:skipUnlock: true, appium:udid: 38181FDJH00ABN, appium:uiautomator2ServerInstallTimeout: 120000, dashboard:enableLiveVideo: false, dashboard:enableVideoRecording: false, df:record_video: false, platformName: ANDROID}}]
Capabilities {appium:adbExecTimeout: 120000, appium:automationName: UIAutomator2, appium:language: en, appium:locale: GB, appium:newCommandTimeout: 180, appium:noReset: true, appium:orientation: PORTRAIT, appium:settings[includeExtrasInPageSource]: true, appium:skipUnlock: true, appium:udid: 38181FDJH00ABN, appium:uiautomator2ServerInstallTimeout: 120000, dashboard:enableLiveVideo: false, dashboard:enableVideoRecording: false, df:record_video: false, platformName: ANDROID}
12-18 14:45:08.920 D/ziparchive( 1567): Zip: EOCD not found, /data/app/vmdl957728055.tmp/stream.apk is not zip
12-18 14:45:08.920 E/system_server( 1567): Failed to open APK '/data/app/vmdl957728055.tmp/stream.apk': Invalid file
12-18 14:45:08.921 I/PackageInstallerSession( 1567): Session [957728055] was destroyed because of [Failed to parse /data/app/vmdl957728055.tmp/stream.apk: Failed to load asset path /data/app/vmdl957728055.tmp/stream.apk]
12-18 14:45:08.928 D/AOC ( 1265): A3:MSG:, 4581: USF: TMD3719: dbv:1184 leakage:0.030091 refresh_rate:60 status:1 op_hz:0 [0]
12-18 14:45:08.968 D/ziparchive(26169): Zip: EOCD not found, /storage/emulated/0/stream.apk is not zip
12-18 14:45:08.968 E/.apps.nbu.files(26169): Failed to open APK '/storage/emulated/0/stream.apk': Invalid file
12-18 14:45:08.969 W/PackageManager(26169): Failure to parse package archive apkFile= /storage/emulated/0/stream.apk
12-18 14:45:08.970 W/ikl (26169): Error extracting drawable from custom Uri
12-18 14:45:08.970 W/ikl (26169): Could not obtain packageInfo from apkPath.
12-18 14:45:08.970 W/ikl (26169): at ikl.a(PG:177)
12-18 14:45:08.970 W/ikl (26169): at fsk.a(PG:33)
12-18 14:45:08.970 W/ikl (26169): at fsj.i(PG:160)
12-18 14:45:08.970 W/ikl (26169): at fsj.d(PG:35)
12-18 14:45:08.970 W/ikl (26169): at fth.b(PG:59)
12-18 14:45:08.970 W/ikl (26169): at iko.f(PG:7)
12-18 14:45:08.970 W/ikl (26169): at fti.c(PG:277)
12-18 14:45:08.970 W/ikl (26169): at fsj.k(PG:23)
12-18 14:45:08.970 W/ikl (26169): at
12-18 14:45:08.970 W/ikl (26169): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
12-18 14:45:08.970 W/ikl (26169): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
12-18 14:45:08.970 W/ikl (26169): at
12-18 14:45:08.970 W/ikl (26169): at
12-18 14:45:08.970 W/ikl (26169): at
12-18 14:45:08.974 D/ziparchive(26169): Zip: EOCD not found, /storage/emulated/0/stream.apk is not zip
12-18 14:45:08.974 E/.apps.nbu.files(26169): Failed to open APK '/storage/emulated/0/stream.apk': Invalid file
12-18 14:45:08.976 W/PackageManager(26169): Failure to parse package archive apkFile= /storage/emulated/0/stream.apk
12-18 14:45:08.976 W/ikl (26169): Error extracting drawable from custom Uri
12-18 14:45:08.976 W/ikl (26169): Could not obtain packageInfo from apkPath.
12-18 14:45:08.976 W/ikl (26169): at ikl.a(PG:177)
12-18 14:45:08.976 W/ikl (26169): at fsk.a(PG:33)
12-18 14:45:08.976 W/ikl (26169): at fsj.i(PG:160)
12-18 14:45:08.976 W/ikl (26169): at fsj.d(PG:35)
12-18 14:45:08.976 W/ikl (26169): at fth.b(PG:59)
12-18 14:45:08.976 W/ikl (26169): at fvv.f(PG:106)
12-18 14:45:08.976 W/ikl (26169): at fti.c(PG:277)
12-18 14:45:08.976 W/ikl (26169): at fsj.k(PG:23)
12-18 14:45:08.976 W/ikl (26169): at fsj.i(PG:781)
12-18 14:45:08.976 W/ikl (26169): at fsj.d(PG:35)
12-18 14:45:08.976 W/ikl (26169): at fth.b(PG:59)
12-18 14:45:08.976 W/ikl (26169): at iko.f(PG:7)
12-18 14:45:08.976 W/ikl (26169): at fti.c(PG:277)
12-18 14:45:08.976 W/ikl (26169): at fsj.k(PG:23)
12-18 14:45:08.976 W/ikl (26169): at
12-18 14:45:08.976 W/ikl (26169): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
12-18 14:45:08.976 W/ikl (26169): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
12-18 14:45:08.976 W/ikl (26169): at
12-18 14:45:08.976 W/ikl (26169): at
12-18 14:45:08.976 W/ikl (26169): at
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