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Last active February 14, 2019 13:18
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Nsm javascript pseudo
"FirewallPolicyId": 120,
"Name": "TestFirewallPolicy",
"DomainId": 0,
"VisibleToChild": true,
"Description": "test the firewallpolicy",
"LastModifiedTime": "2012-12-12 12:32:44",
"IsEditable": true,
"PolicyType": "ADVANCED",
"PolicyVersion": 1,
"LastModifiedUser": "admin",
"MemberDetails": {
"MemberRuleList": [{
"Description": "Test Member Rule",
"Enabled": true,
"Response": "IGNORE",
"IsLogging": false,
"Direction": "OUTBOUND",
"SourceAddressObjectList": [{
"RuleObjectId": "AF",
"Name": "Afghanistan",
"RuleObjectType": "COUNTRY"
"DestinationAddressObjectList": [{
"RuleObjectId": "101",
"Name": "hostDNSRule",
"RuleObjectType": "HOST_DNS_NAME"
}, {
"RuleObjectId": "102",
"Name": "hostIpv4",
"RuleObjectType": "HOST_IPV_4"
}, {
"RuleObjectId": "103",
"Name": "ipv4Addressrange",
"RuleObjectType": "IPV_4_ADDRESS_RANGE"
}, {
"RuleObjectId": "104",
"Name": "networkgroup",
"RuleObjectType": "NETWORK_GROUP"
"SourceUserObjectList": [{
"RuleObjectId": "-1",
"Name": "ANY",
"RuleObjectType": "USER"
"ServiceObjectList": [],
"ApplicationObjectList": [{
"RuleObjectId": "1308991488",
"Name": "100bao",
"RuleObjectType": "APPLICATION",
"ApplicationType": "DEFAULT"
}, {
"RuleObjectId": "106",
"Name": "applicaionOncutomPort",
"ApplicationType": "CUSTOM"
}, {
"RuleObjectId": "105",
"Name": "applicationgroup",
"RuleObjectType": "APPLICATION_GROUP",
"ApplicationType": "CUSTOM"
"TimeObjectList": [{
RuleObjectId " : "
107 ","
Name " : "
finiteTimePeriod ", "
RuleObjectType " : "
RuleObjectId " : "
108 ", "
Name " : "
recuringTimePeriod ", "
RuleObjectType " : "
RuleObjectId " : "
109 ", "
Name " : "
recurringTimeperiodGroup ", "
RuleObjectType " : "
var session_credentials = '';
var insecure = params.insecure;
// handle '/' at the end of the url
var base_url = params.url.slice(0, params.url.length - params.url.match('/*$')[0].length) + '/sdkapi/';
var proxy = params.proxy;
function sendRequest(method, url_suffix, headers, body, params)
// add default headers
if (!("Accept" in headers))
headers["Accept"] = ['application/vnd.nsm.v1.0+json', 'application/vnd.nsm.v2.0+json'];
if (!("Content-Type" in headers))
headers['Content-Type'] = ['application/json'];
if (session_credentials !== '')
headers['NSM-SDK-API'] = [session_credentials];
var path = base_url + url_suffix;
if (params)
path += encodeToURLQuery(params);
var res = http(
Method: method,
Headers: headers,
Body: body,
if (res.StatusCode < 200 || res.StatusCode >= 300)
throw 'Request Failed.\nStatus code: ' + res.StatusCode + '.\nBody: ' + JSON.stringify(res) + '.';
return JSON.parse(res.Body);
function validateTimeArgs(time_period, start_time, end_time)
if (time_period === 'CUSTOM')
if ((start_time === undefined) || (end_time === undefined))
return false;
return true;
function login()
var cmd_url = "session";
var credentials = btoa(params.credentials.identifier + ':' + params.credentials.password);
var headers = {
'NSM-SDK-API': [credentials]
var res = sendRequest("GET", cmd_url, headers, '');
// store current credentials
session_credentials = btoa(res.session + ':' + res.userId);
return res;
function sensors_to_entry(title, sensors)
return createEntry(sensors,
contextPath: 'NSM.Sensors(val.ID && val.ID === obj.ID)',
title: title,
data: [
to: 'ID',
from: 'sensorId'
to: 'Name',
from: 'name'
to: 'Description',
from: 'Description'
to: 'DomainID',
from: 'DomainID'
to: 'IPSPolicyID',
from: 'IPSPolicyID'
to: 'IP Address',
from: 'sensorIPAddress'
}, ],
undefined, pascalToSpace);
function get_sensors(domain_id)
var cmd_url = 'sensors';
if (domain_id !== undefined)
cmd_url += '?domain=' + domain_id;
var res = sendRequest('GET', cmd_url,
{}, '');
return sensors_to_entry('Sensors', res.SensorDescriptor);
"domain": 0,
"visibleToChild": true,
"description": "try",
"ruleobjId": 0,
"name": "test_NTW",
"networkList": ["", "", ""]
"ruleobjType": "NETWORK",
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