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Created December 8, 2022 05:15
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o365 parser
.event.kind = "event"
.event.type = ["info"]
.event.category = ["web"]
.o365.audit = object!(del(.json.o365audit))
if .o365.audit.CreationTime != null {
creation_time, err = split(string!(.o365.audit.CreationTime), "Z")[0] + "Z"
.ts = to_timestamp!(creation_time)
} = del(.o365.audit.Id) = to_string(.o365.audit.UserId) ?? null
.event.provider = del(.o365.audit.Workload)
.event.action = del(.o365.audit.Operation) = del(.o365.audit.OrganizationId)
.user_agent.original = .o365.audit.UserAgent
id_to_schema = {
"1": "ExchangeAdmin",
"2": "ExchangeItem",
"3": "ExchangeItemGroup",
"4": "SharePoint",
"6": "SharePointFileOperation",
"7": "OneDrive",
"8": "AzureActiveDirectory",
"9": "AzureActiveDirectoryAccountLogon",
"10": "DataCenterSecurityCmdlet",
"11": "ComplianceDLPSharePoint",
"12": "Sway",
"13": "ComplianceDLPExchange",
"14": "SharePointSharingOperation",
"15": "AzureActiveDirectoryStsLogon",
"16": "SkypeForBusinessPSTNUsage",
"17": "SkypeForBusinessUsersBlocked",
"18": "SecurityComplianceCenterEOPCmdlet",
"19": "ExchangeAggregatedOperation",
"20": "PowerBIAudit",
"21": "CRM",
"22": "Yammer",
"23": "SkypeForBusinessCmdlets",
"24": "Discovery",
"25": "MicrosoftTeams",
"28": "ThreatIntelligence",
"29": "MailSubmission",
"30": "MicrosoftFlow",
"31": "AeD",
"32": "MicrosoftStream",
"33": "ComplianceDLPSharePointClassification",
"34": "ThreatFinder",
"35": "Project",
"36": "SharePointListOperation",
"37": "SharePointCommentOperation",
"38": "DataGovernance",
"39": "Kaizala",
"40": "SecurityComplianceAlerts",
"41": "ThreatIntelligenceUrl",
"42": "SecurityComplianceInsights",
"43": "MIPLabel",
"44": "WorkplaceAnalytics",
"45": "PowerAppsApp",
"46": "PowerAppsPlan",
"47": "ThreatIntelligenceAtpContent",
"48": "LabelContentExplorer",
"49": "TeamsHealthcare",
"50": "ExchangeItemAggregated",
"51": "HygieneEvent",
"52": "DataInsightsRestApiAudit",
"53": "InformationBarrierPolicyApplication",
"54": "SharePointListItemOperation",
"55": "SharePointContentTypeOperation",
"56": "SharePointFieldOperation",
"57": "MicrosoftTeamsAdmin",
"58": "HRSignal",
"59": "MicrosoftTeamsDevice",
"60": "MicrosoftTeamsAnalytics",
"61": "InformationWorkerProtection",
"62": "Campaign",
"63": "DLPEndpoint",
"64": "AirInvestigation",
"65": "Quarantine",
"66": "MicrosoftForms",
"67": "ApplicationAudit",
"68": "ComplianceSupervisionExchange",
"69": "CustomerKeyServiceEncryption",
"70": "OfficeNative",
"71": "MipAutoLabelSharePointItem",
"72": "MipAutoLabelSharePointPolicyLocation",
"73": "MicrosoftTeamsShifts",
"75": "MipAutoLabelExchangeItem",
"76": "CortanaBriefing",
"78": "WDATPAlerts",
"82": "SensitivityLabelPolicyMatch",
"83": "SensitivityLabelAction",
"84": "SensitivityLabeledFileAction",
"85": "AttackSim",
"86": "AirManualInvestigation",
"87": "SecurityComplianceRBAC",
"88": "UserTraining",
"89": "AirAdminActionInvestigation",
"90": "MSTIC",
"91": "PhysicalBadgingSignal",
"93": "AipDiscover",
"94": "AipSensitivityLabelAction",
"95": "AipProtectionAction",
"96": "AipFileDeleted",
"97": "AipHeartBeat",
"98": "MCASAlerts",
"99": "OnPremisesFileShareScannerDlp",
"100": "OnPremisesSharePointScannerDlp",
"101": "ExchangeSearch",
"102": "SharePointSearch",
"103": "PrivacyInsights",
"105": "MyAnalyticsSettings",
"106": "SecurityComplianceUserChange",
"107": "ComplianceDLPExchangeClassification",
"109": "MipExactDataMatch",
"113": "MS365DCustomDetection",
"147": "CoreReportingSettings",
"148": "ComplianceConnector",
"174": "DataShareOperation",
"181": "EduDataLakeDownloadOperation",
if .o365.audit.RecordType != null {
schema_id = to_string!(.o365.audit.RecordType)
.event.code = get(id_to_schema, [schema_id]) ?? null
if .o365.audit.ResultStatus != null {
result_status = downcase!(.o365.audit.ResultStatus)
if (
"succeeded" == result_status || "success" == result_status || "partiallysucceeded" == result_status || "true" == result_status
) {
.event.outcome = "success"
if (
"failed" == result_status || "false" == result_status
) {
.event.outcome = "failure"
if .event.outcome == null {
.event.outcome = "success"
if .o365.audit.Parameters != null {
if is_array(.o365.audit.Parameters) {
params_arr = array!(del(.o365.audit.Parameters))
.o365.audit.Parameters = {}
for_each(params_arr) -> |_i, r| {
if r.Value != null {
.o365.audit.Parameters = set!(.o365.audit.Parameters, [r.Name], r.Value)
} else if is_string(.o365.audit.Parameters) {
.o365.audit.RawParameters = del(.o365.audit.Parameters)
if .o365.audit.ExtendedProperties != null {
if is_array(.o365.audit.ExtendedProperties) {
params_arr = array!(del(.o365.audit.ExtendedProperties))
.o365.audit.ExtendedProperties = {}
for_each(params_arr) -> |_i, r| {
if r.Value != null {
name = r.Name
.o365.audit.ExtendedProperties = set!(.o365.audit.ExtendedProperties, [name], r.Value)
} else if is_string(.o365.audit.ExtendedProperties) {
.o365.audit.RawExtendedProperties = del(.o365.audit.ExtendedProperties)
if .o365.audit.ModifiedProperties != null {
if is_array(.o365.audit.ModifiedProperties) {
params_arr = array!(del(.o365.audit.ModifiedProperties))
.o365.audit.ModifiedProperties = {}
for_each(params_arr) -> |_i, r| {
if is_object(r) && r.OldValue != null && r.NewValue != null {
name = replace!(r.Name, r'(\.| )', "_")
.o365.audit.ModifiedProperties = set!(.o365.audit.ModifiedProperties, [name, "OldValue"], r.OldValue)
.o365.audit.ModifiedProperties = set!(.o365.audit.ModifiedProperties, [name, "NewValue"], r.NewValue)
} else if is_string(r) {
name = replace!(r, r'(\.| )', "_")
.o365.audit.ModifiedProperties = set!(.o365.audit.ModifiedProperties, [name], {})
if is_empty(.o365.audit.ModifiedProperties) {
.o365.audit.ModifiedProperties = null
} else if is_string(.o365.audit.ModifiedProperties) {
.o365.audit.RawModifiedProperties = del(.o365.audit.ModifiedProperties)
if is_array(.o365.audit.AlertLinks) {
.o365.audit.AlertLinks = map_values(array!(.o365.audit.AlertLinks)) -> |v| {
if is_object(v) {
string(v.AlertLinkHref) ?? null
} else {
.o365.audit.AlertLinks = filter(.o365.audit.AlertLinks) -> |_, v| { v != null }
if .o365.audit.Severity == "informational" {
.event.severity = "1"
} else if .o365.audit.Severity == "low" {
.event.severity = "2"
} else if .o365.audit.Severity == "medium" {
.event.severity = "3"
} else if .o365.audit.Severity == "high" {
.event.severity = "4"
if .event.code == "ExchangeAdmin" { = del(.o365.audit.OrganizationName)
client_temp = del(.o365.audit.ClientIPAddress) || del(.o365.audit.ClientIP) || del(.o365.audit.ActorIpAddress)
if .event.code == "ExchangeItem" { = del(.o365.audit.MailboxOwnerUPN)
if == null && .o365.audit.LogonUserSid != null { = to_string(.o365.audit.LogonUserSid) ?? null
.user.full_name = .o365.audit.LogonUserDisplayName = del(.o365.audit.OrganizationName) || = .o365.audit.ClientProcessName
} else if .event.code == "AzureActiveDirectory" { = .o365.audit.ObjectId
if .event.action == "Add user." {
.event.action = "added-user-account"
.event.category = push(.event.category, "iam")
.event.type = push(.event.type, "user")
.event.type = push(.event.type, "creation")
} else if .event.action == "Update user." {
.event.action = "modified-user-account"
.event.category = push(.event.category, "iam")
.event.type = push(.event.type, "user")
.event.type = push(.event.type, "change")
} else if .event.action == "Delete user." {
.event.action = "deleted-user-account"
.event.category = push(.event.category, "iam")
.event.type = push(.event.type, "user")
.event.type = push(.event.type, "deletion")
} else if .event.code == "AzureActiveDirectoryStsLogon" {
.event.category = push(.event.category, "authentication")
.event.type = push(.event.type, "start")
.event.type = push(.event.type, "access")
} else if .event.code == "SharePointFileOperation" {
.url.original = del(.o365.audit.ObjectId) = del(.o365.audit.SourceRelativeUrl) = del(.o365.audit.SourceFileName)
.file.extension = del(.o365.audit.SourceFileExtension)
if .event.action != null && ("FileAccessed" == .event.action || "FileDeleted" == .event.action || "FileDownloaded" == .event.action || "FileModified" == .event.action || "FileMoved" == .event.action || "FileRenamed" == .event.action || "FileRestored" == .event.action || "FileUploaded" == .event.action || "FolderCopied" == .event.action || "FolderCreated" == .event.action || "FolderDeleted" == .event.action || "FolderModified" == .event.action || "FolderMoved" == .event.action || "FolderRenamed" == .event.action || "FolderRestored" == .event.action) {
.event.category = push(.event.category, "file")
if .event.action == "ComplianceSettingChanged" {
.event.category = push(.event.category, "configuration")
if "FileAccessed" == .event.action || "FileDownloaded" == .event.action {
.event.type = push(.event.type, "access")
if (
"ComplianceSettingChanged" == .event.action || "FileModified" == .event.action || "FileMoved" == .event.action || "FileRenamed" == .event.action || "FileRestored" == .event.action || "FolderModified" == .event.action || "FolderMoved" == .event.action || "FolderRenamed" == .event.action || "FolderRestored" == .event.action
) {
.event.type = push(.event.type, "change")
if "FileDeleted" == .event.action || "FolderDeleted" == .event.action {
.event.type = push(.event.type, "deletion")
if (
"FileUploaded" == .event.action || "FolderCopied" == .event.action || "FolderCreated" == .event.action
) {
.event.type = push(.event.type, "creation")
if .event.code == "SecurityComplianceAlerts" {
.message = del(.o365.audit.Comments) = del(.o365.audit.Name) = del(.o365.audit.PolicyId)
.rule.category = .o365.audit.Category
.rule.ruleset = del(.o365.audit.EntityType)
.rule.description = .o365.audit.AlertEntityId
.rule.reference = join!(.o365.audit.AlertLinks, ", ")
.event.kind = "alert"
if .o365.audit.Category == "AccessGovernance" {
.event.category = push(.event.category, "authentication")
} else if (
.o365.audit.Category == "DataGovernance" || .o365.audit.Category == "DataLossPrevention"
) {
.event.category = push(.event.category, "file")
} else if .o365.audit.Category == "ThreatManagement" {
.event.category = push(.event.category, "malware")
} else {
.event.category = push(.event.category, "authentication")
if == null && .rule.ruleset == "User" { = to_string(.o365.audit.AlertEntityId) ?? null
if "Recipients" == .rule.ruleset || "Sender" == .rule.ruleset { = .o365.audit.AlertEntityId ||
} else if .rule.ruleset == "MalwareFamily" { = [.o365.audit.AlertEntityId]
if (
"ComplianceDLPSharePoint" == .event.code || "ComplianceDLPExchange" == .event.code
) {
.event.kind = "alert"
.event.category = push(.event.category, "file")
.event.type = push(.event.type, "access")
if == null { = del(.o365.audit.SharePointMetaData.From)
} = del(.o365.audit.SharePointMetaData.FileName) ||
.url.original = del(.o365.audit.SharePointMetaData.FilePathUrl) || .url.original
.file.inode = del(.o365.audit.SharePointMetaData.UniqueId) || del(.o365.audit.SharePointMetaData.UniqueID) || .file.inode
.file.owner = del(.o365.audit.SharePointMetaData.FileOwner) = del(.o365.audit.ExchangeMetaData.From)
.message = del(.o365.audit.ExchangeMetaData.Subject) || .message = del(.o365.audit.PolicyId) || = del(.o365.audit.PolicyName) ||
if .o365.audit.SharePointMetaData.LastModifiedTime != null {
last_modified_time, err = split(string!(.o365.audit.SharePointMetaData.LastModifiedTime), "Z")[0] + "Z"
.file.mtime = to_timestamp!(last_modified_time)
if .o365.audit.ExchangeMetaData != null {
to_emails = .o365.audit.ExchangeMetaData.To
to_emails = if to_emails == null { [] } else if is_array(to_emails) { to_emails } else { [ to_emails ] }
cc_emails = .o365.audit.ExchangeMetaData.CC
cc_emails = if cc_emails == null { [] } else if is_array(cc_emails) { cc_emails } else { [ cc_emails ] }
bcc_emails = .o365.audit.ExchangeMetaData.BCC
bcc_emails = if bcc_emails == null { [] } else if is_array(bcc_emails) { bcc_emails } else { [ bcc_emails ] } = flatten([array!(to_emails), array!(cc_emails), array!(bcc_emails)])
# TODO(shaeq): ECS should define as array, but it doesnt.
# we should de something about this rather than use , string join's as this will make indicator lookups difficult. = join!(, ", ")
if is_string(.o365.audit.ExceptionInfo) {
.o365.audit.ExceptionInfo.Reason = del(.o365.audit.ExceptionInfo)
if .o365.audit.PolicyDetails != null {
severity_to_code = {
"informational": 1,
"low": 2,
"medium": 3,
"high": 4,
rule_ids = []
rule_names = []
allowed = true
max_sev_code = 0
if is_array(.o365.audit.PolicyDetails) {
for_each(array!(.o365.audit.PolicyDetails)) -> |_i, d| {
rules = array!(d.Rules || [])
for_each(rules) -> |_i, r| {
sev = downcase!(r.Severity)
sev_code = int!(get(severity_to_code, [sev]) ?? 0)
if r.RuleId != null && r.RuleName != null {
rule_ids = push(rule_ids, r.RuleId)
rule_names = push(rule_names, r.RuleName)
if sev_code > max_sev_code {
max_sev_code = sev_code
if allowed && r.Actions != null {
for_each(array!(r.Actions)) -> |_i, v| {
if v == "BlockAccess" {
allowed = false
} = if is_empty(rule_ids) { null } else { join!(rule_ids, ", ") } # TODO(shaeq): fix this respect ECS = if is_empty(rule_names) { null } else { join!(rule_names, ", ") } # TODO(shaeq): fix this respect ECS
if (max_sev_code > -1) {
.event.severity = max_sev_code
if allowed {
.event.outcome = "success"
} else if .event.action == "DlpRuleUndo" {
.event.outcome = "success"
} else if .event.action == "DlpInfo" {
.event.outcome = "failure"
} else if .o365.audit.ExceptionInfo != null && !is_empty!(.o365.audit.ExceptionInfo) {
.event.outcome = "success"
} else {
.event.outcome = "failure"
if .event.code == "Yammer" { = del(.o365.audit.ActorUserId) || = || to_string(.o365.audit.ActorYammerUserId) ?? null
.file.inode = del(.o365.audit.FileId) || .file.inode = del(.o365.audit.FileName) || = del(.o365.audit.GroupName) = del(.o365.audit.TargetUserId) = del(.o365.audit.TargetYammerUserId)
if (
"NetworkConfigurationUpdated" == .event.action || "NetworkSecurityConfigurationUpdated" == .event.action || "SoftDeleteSettingsUpdated" == .event.action || "ProcessProfileFields" == .event.action || "SupervisorAdminToggled" == .event.action
) {
.event.category = push(.event.category, "configuration")
.event.type = push(.event.type, "change")
if "NetworkSecurityConfigurationUpdated" == .event.action {
.event.type = push(.event.type, "admin")
} else if (
"NetworkSecurityConfigurationUpdated" == .event.action || "GroupCreation" == .event.action || "GroupDeletion" == .event.action || "NetworkUserSuspended" == .event.action || "UserSuspension" == .event.action
) {
.event.category = push(.event.category, "iam")
} else if (
"FileCreated" == .event.action || "FileDownloaded" == .event.action || "FileShared" == .event.action || "FileUpdateDescription" == .event.action || "FileUpdateName" == .event.action || "FileVisited" == .event.action
) {
.event.category = push(.event.category, "file")
if (
"FileCreated" == .event.action || "GroupCreation" == .event.action || "FileUpdateName" == .event.action
) {
.event.type = push(.event.type, "creation")
} else if .event.action == "GroupDeletion" {
.event.type = push(.event.type, "deletion")
} else if (
"FileDownloaded" == .event.action || "FileShared" == .event.action || "FileUpdateDescription" == .event.action || "FileVisited" == .event.action
) {
.event.type = push(.event.type, "access")
if (
"GroupCreation" == .event.action || "GroupDeletion" == .event.action
) {
.event.type = push(.event.type, "group")
if .event.code == "MicrosoftTeams" {
if .event.action == "TeamCreated" {
.event.action = "added-group-account-to"
.event.category = push(.event.category, "iam")
.event.type = push(.event.type, "group")
.event.type = push(.event.type, "creation")
} else if .event.action == "MemberAdded" {
.event.action = "added-users-to-group"
.event.category = push(.event.category, "iam")
.event.type = push(.event.type, "group")
.event.type = push(.event.type, "change")
} else if .event.action == "Delete user." { # TODO(shaeq): Check this
.event.action = "deleted-user-account"
.event.category = push(.event.category, "iam")
.event.type = push(.event.type, "user")
.event.type = push(.event.type, "deletion") = .o365.audit.ObjectId
} = del(.o365.audit.TeamName) ||
if is_array(.o365.audit.Members) {
for_each(array!(.o365.audit.Members)) -> |_i, m| {
if is_object(m) && m.UPN != null && !is_empty(string!(m.UPN)) {
.related.user = push(.related.user, m.UPN)
client_temp = replace(client_temp, r'::ffff:([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)', "$1") ?? null
client_port = null
if client_temp != null && !is_empty(string!(client_temp)) {
_grokked = parse_groks!(
"IPANDPORTBRACKETS": "^\\[%{IP:client.address}\\]:%{POSINT:client_port}",
"IPANDPORT": "^%{IP:client.address}:%{POSINT:client_port}",
"HOSTNAMEANDPORTBRACKETS": "^\\[%{NOTSPACE:client.domain}\\]:%{POSINT:client_port}",
"HOSTNAMEANDPORT": "^%{NOTSPACE:client.domain}:%{POSINT:client_port}",
"HOSTNAMEANDIP": "%{NOTSPACE:client.domain} \\(%{NOTCLOSINGPARENS:client.address}\\)",
client_port = del(_grokked.client_port)
. = merge(., _grokked, deep: true)
if .event.code == "ExchangeAdmin" || .event.code == "ExchangeItem" {
server_temp = del(.o365.audit.OriginatingServer)
server_temp = replace(server_temp, r'\n|\r', "") ?? null
if server_temp != null && !is_empty(string!(server_temp)) {
. |= parse_groks!(server_temp,
"HOSTNAMEANDIP": "%{NOTSPACE:server.domain} \\(%{NOTCLOSINGPARENS:server.address}\\)"
if .client.address != null {
.network.type = if is_ipv6!(.client.address) { "ipv6" } else if is_ipv4!(.client.address) { "ipv4" } else { null }
if .network.type != null {
.client.ip = .client.address
if client_port != null {
.client.port = to_int!(client_port)
if .server.address != null {
.server.ip = if is_ipv6!(.server.address) || is_ipv4!(.server.address) { .server.address } else { null }
.source.ip = .client.ip
.source.port = .client.port
.destination.ip = .server.ip
if != null && contains(string!(, "@") {
parts = split!(, "@")
if length(parts) == 2 { = = parts[0]
.user.domain = parts[1]
if != null && contains(string!(, "@") {
parts = split!(, "@")
if length(parts) == 2 { = = parts[0] = parts[1]
if != null && contains(string!(, "@") {
parts = split!(, "@")
if length(parts) == 2 { = = parts[0]
.source.user.domain = parts[1]
if != null && contains(string!(, "@") {
parts = split!(, "@")
if length(parts) == 2 { = = parts[0]
.destination.user.domain = parts[1]
.related.ip = array!(.related.ip)
if .client.ip != null {
.related.ip = push(.related.ip, .client.ip)
if .server.ip != null {
.related.ip = push(.related.ip, .server.ip)
.related.user = array!(.related.user)
if != null {
.related.user = push(.related.user,
if != null {
.related.user = push(.related.user,
if .file.owner != null {
.related.user = push(.related.user, .file.owner)
.user_agent.original = .o365.audit.ExtendedProperties.UserAgent || .user_agent.original = downcase( ?? null =
# TODO(shaeq): enrich -> / based on a tenant config = get(tenants, []) ?? null = || = || || .user.domain
.o365.audit.AzureActiveDirectoryEventType = to_string(.o365.audit.AzureActiveDirectoryEventType) ?? null
.o365.audit.RecordType = to_string(.o365.audit.RecordType) ?? null
.o365.audit.UserType = to_string(.o365.audit.UserType) ?? null
.o365.audit.Version = to_string(.o365.audit.Version) ?? null
.o365.audit.InternalLogonType = to_string(.o365.audit.InternalLogonType) ?? null
.o365.audit.LogonType = to_string(.o365.audit.LogonType) ?? null
.o365.audit.ActorYammerUserId = to_string(.o365.audit.ActorYammerUserId) ?? null
.o365.audit.YammerNetworkId = to_string(.o365.audit.YammerNetworkId) ?? null
# .user_agent = parse_user_agent(.user_agent.original) = del( = del(
# TODO(auto-stringify object JSONs)
.o365.audit.Parameters = if .o365.audit.Parameters != null { encode_json(.o365.audit.Parameters) } else { null }
.o365.audit.Item = if .o365.audit.Item != null { encode_json(.o365.audit.Item) } else { null }
.o365.audit.ExtendedProperties = if .o365.audit.ExtendedProperties != null { encode_json(.o365.audit.ExtendedProperties) } else { null }
.o365.audit.ModifiedProperties = if .o365.audit.ModifiedProperties != null { encode_json(.o365.audit.ModifiedProperties) } else { null }
.o365.audit.ExchangeMetaData = if .o365.audit.ExchangeMetaData != null { encode_json(.o365.audit.ExchangeMetaData) } else { null }
.o365.audit.ExceptionInfo = if .o365.audit.ExceptionInfo != null { encode_json(.o365.audit.ExceptionInfo) } else { null }
if .o365.audit.PolicyDetails != null {
.o365.audit.PolicyDetails = map_values(array!(.o365.audit.PolicyDetails)) -> |v| { encode_json(v) }
.o365.audit.SharePointMetaData = if .o365.audit.SharePointMetaData != null { encode_json(.o365.audit.SharePointMetaData) } else { null }
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