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Created March 13, 2016 17:51
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Notes for "Regularization and variable selection via the elastic net" paper.

Regularization and variable selection via the elastic net

Introduction to elastic net

  • Regularization and variable selection method.
  • Sparse Representation
  • Exihibits grouping effect.
  • Prticulary useful when number of predictors (p) >> number of observations (n).
  • LARS-EN algorithm to compute elastic net regularization path.
  • Link to paper.


  • Least square method with L1-penalty on regression coefficient.
  • Does continuous shrinkage and automatic variable selection


  • If p >> n, lasso can select at most n variables.
  • In the case of a group of variables exhibiting high pairwise correlation, lasso doesn't care about which variable is selected.
  • If n > p and there is a high correlation between predictors, ridge regression outperforms lasso.

Naive elastic net

  • Least square method.
  • Penalty on regression cofficients is a convex combination of lasso and ridge penalty.
  • penalty = (1−α)*|β| + α*|β|2 where β refers to the coefficient matrix.
  • α = 0 => lasso penalty
  • α = 1 => ridge penalty
  • Naive elastic net can be solved by transforming to lasso on augmeneted data.
  • Can be viewed as redge type shrinkage followed by lasso type thresholding.


  • The two-stage procedure incurs double amount of shrinkage and introduces extra bias without reducing variance.

Bridge Regression

  • Generalization of lasso and ridge regression.
  • Can not produce sparse solutions.

Elastic net

  • Rescaled naive elastic net coefficients to undo shrinkage.
  • Retains good properties of the naive elastic net.

Justification for scaling

  • Elastic net becomes minimax optimal.
  • Scaling reverses the shrinkage control introduced by ridge regression.


  • Based on LARS (used to solve lasso).
  • Elastic net can be transformed to lasso on augmented data so can reuse pieces of LARS algorithm.
  • Use sparseness to save on computation.


Elastic net performs superior to lasso.

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Dear Shagun,
I'm looking for closed form formula for Elastic net method for selecting variable.
Do you have code to guide me how to emplement Elastic net in matlab?

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