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Notes for Semantic Parsing via Paraphrasing paper

Semantic Parsing via Paraphrasing


  • Semantic parsing is the problem of mapping natural language utterances into logical forms that can be executed on a Knowledge Base (KB).
  • The paper presents a new approach to semantic parsing that uses paraphrasing to leverage the large amount of text which is not covered by the KB.
  • Link to the paper


  • Given an input utterance x, construct a set of logical forms Zx using a different kind of logical form templates.

  • For each logical form z in Zx, generate a small set Cz, of canonical utterances using Freebase description of the type, entity and property involved in the logical form.

  • Note: Both the steps above are performed with a small, simple set of deterministic rules which the authors found sufficient for their datasets.

  • For each z in Z and each c in Cz, use a paraphrase model to score pairs (c, z) given x.

  • The paraphrase model has two parts:

    • Association Model

      • For each pair of (x, c), the model goes through all spans of x and c and identifies pairs of potential paraphrases (associations).
      • To determine the associations, the model uses
        • Phrase pairs from a phrase table, constructed using Paralex corpus.
        • Linguistic features like lemma, POS tag and Wordnet derivations.
      • During training, the model learns to weight the associations appropriately.
    • Vector Space Model

      • Assign vector representations to x and c by averaging over the word2vec representations corresponding to the different words in these utterances.
      • Estimate paraphrase score for (x, c) via weighted combination of their vector representations.
  • The two paraphrase models are complementary to each other in terms of the information they capture.


  • Dataset

    • WEBQUESTIONS dataset - 5810 question answer pairs.
    • FREE917 dataset - 917 questions (annoted with logical form).
  • Learning

    • Given the question-answer pair (xi, yi), the objective function minimizes the log-likelihood of the correct answer along with the restriction of L1 regularization.
  • Results

    • The proposed model improves the accuracy on WEBQUESTIONS by 12% and matches the best results on FREE917.
    • Removing the association model results in a much larger degradation of performance as compared to removing the VS model.
    • Error analysis suggests that the model:
      • can not handle temporal relations.
      • suffers from ambiguity in entity recognition.
      • counts multiple associations multiple times and assigns inflated scores to such associations.
  • Comments

    • The core idea of using paraphrasing for semantic parsing seems promising and would further benefit from advanced models like skip-thought vectors which provide a more natural vector representation for the sentences, thereby helping to reduce the dependence on handcrafted features.
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Is there any good implementation of this available as open source?
I am trying sempre which is based on this same concept.
I am however stuck there with lack of good documentation about how to create paraphrase models for custom domain.

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