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Notes for "Traversing Knowledge Graphs in Vector Space" paper

Traversing Knowledge Graphs in Vector Space


  • The paper describes a "compositional" training approach for vector space models, corresponding to Knowledge Bases (KBs).
  • The new approach improves the system's ability to answer path queries and impute missing information for the KBs.
  • Link to the paper


  • Given a KB, knowledge graph, G, is defined as the set of triplets (s, r, t) where s, t ∈ Entities and r ∈ Relations.
  • A path query q consists of an initial entity, s, followed by a sequence of relations, p, to be traversed.
  • The answer to the query is the set of all the entities that can be reached from s by traversing p.
  • Knowledge base completion (KBC) is the task of predicting if an edge (s, r, t) belongs in the graph.


  • Given a triplet (s, r, t), define score(s/r, t) as the liklihood of s being connected to t via r.
  • In general, score(s/r, t) = M(Tr(xs), xt) for some membership operator M and some traversal operator T.
  • Given a dataset of form (q, t) where q is the path query and t is the answer to the path query,
    • Minimize the max-margin objective 1 - margin(q, t, t')
    • margin(q, t, t') = score(q, t) - score(q, t')
  • This objective function is better that the existing objectives which only train on queries of length 1 (single-edge training).

Candidates Models

  • TransE
    • score(s/r, t) = -|| x<sub>s</sub> + w><sub>r</sub> - x<sub>t</sub>||<sub>2</sub><sup>2</sup>
  • Bilinear-Diag
    • Similar to TransE, but with multiplicative interactions between entity and relation vectors.


  • Single-Edge Query datasets:
    • Freebase
    • WordNet
  • Path Query Dataset
    • Given a base knowledge graph, generate path queries of different lengths by performing random walks on the graph.


  • Evalution Metric

    • Mean Quantile - For a query q, the quantile of a correct answer t is the fraction of incorrect answers ranked after t.
    • hit at 10 - Percentage of correct answers ranked among top 10 results.
  • Compositional training improves path querying performance across all models and metrics on both the datasets.

  • TransE(COMP) is the best model in terms of mean quantile.

  • Performance improves for both induction and deduction based queries.


  • Why does compositional training improve path query answering?

    • Cascading nature of errors along the path - For a given edge (s, r, t) on the path, the single-edge training encourages xt to be closer to xs, only to the extent that margin is 1 and does not push them any closer. The remaining discrepancy gets added as noise at each step of the traversal.
  • Why does compositional training improve knowledge base completion?

    • Paths in a knowledge graph are an important feature for predicting the existence of single edges and training on paths should provide some form of structural regularisation which should reduce cascading errors.
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