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Created November 8, 2015 07:01
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Solving N Queen using Genetic Algorithm.
Author : @Rajat Shah
Task: Solving N Queen using Genetic Algorithm.
Comments: Hard coded for 8x8 chess, can be modified for arbitrary size.
using namespace std;
typedef struct
string arrangement;
int cost;
} individual;
typedef vector<individual*> population_type;
population_type population;
int chessBoardSize;
int initialPopulationCount = 10;
int fitnessValue(string arrangement)
int fitness=(chessBoardSize*(chessBoardSize-1))/2; //initialize to a solution
//removing pairs that lie on the same row and on the same diagonal
for(int i=0; i<chessBoardSize; i++)
for(int j=i+1; j<chessBoardSize; j++)
if((arrangement[i] == arrangement[j]) || (i-arrangement[i] == j-arrangement[j]) || (i+arrangement[i] == j+arrangement[j]))
return fitness;
individual* createNode()
individual *newNode = new individual;
return newNode;
void generatePopulation()
string sampleArrangement="";
individual *temp;
for(int i=1; i<=chessBoardSize; i++)
ostringstream ostr;
sampleArrangement += ostr.str();
//adds entries to population list
for(int i=0; i<initialPopulationCount; i++)
random_shuffle( sampleArrangement.begin(), sampleArrangement.end());
temp = createNode();
temp->arrangement = sampleArrangement;
temp->cost = fitnessValue(sampleArrangement);
individual* reproduce(individual *x, individual *y)
individual *child = createNode();
int n = chessBoardSize;
int c = rand()%n;
child->arrangement = (x->arrangement).substr(0,c) + (y->arrangement).substr(c,n-c+1);
child->cost = fitnessValue(child->arrangement);
return child;
individual* mutate(individual *child)
int randomQueen = rand()%(chessBoardSize)+1;
int randomPosition= rand()%(chessBoardSize)+1;
child->arrangement[randomQueen] = randomPosition+48;
return child;
int randomSelection()
int randomPos = rand()%population.size() %2;
return randomPos;
bool isFit(individual *test)
return true;
return false;
bool comp(individual *a, individual*b)
return(a->cost > b->cost);
individual* GA()
int randomNum1,randomNum2;
individual *individualX,*individualY,*child;
bool found =0;
population_type new_population;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<population.size(); i++)
randomNum1 = randomSelection();
individualX = population[randomNum1];
randomNum2 =randomSelection();
individualY = population[randomNum2];
child = reproduce(individualX,individualY);
if(rand()%2==0) //random probability
child = mutate(child);
return child;
population = new_population;
return child;
void initialize()
srand(time(0)); //to ensure perfect randomness
int main()
clock_t start_time, end_time; //to keep a track of the time spent in computing
map<string,int> solutionsFound;
int maxSolutions = 92,numFound=0; //already known that 92 solutions exist for 8 Queen Problem!
start_time = clock();
cout<<"*Returns the column number corresponding to the row at the index*"<<endl<<endl;
individual *solution = GA();
cout<<"Possible Solution #"<<(++numFound)<<":\t"<<solution->arrangement<<endl;
end_time = clock();
cout << "Time required for execution: \t" << 1000*((double)(end_time-start_time)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << " milliseconds." << "\n\n";
return 0;
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