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Last active April 15, 2019 07:11
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Ayam implementation of Binary Search Tree in C++
* Ayam implementation of Binary Search Tree
* references :-
* ~ not very descriptive compile guide (linux) ~
* $ g++ bstree.cpp -o bstree -std=c++11
* $ ./bstree
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <typename T>
class BSTree {
typedef struct Node {
T key;
Node *left, *right;
Node() {
left = right = NULL;
} Node;
Node *root;
// in-order traversal tree deletion
template<typename Func>
void inOrder(Node *node, Func f) {
if(node != NULL) {
inOrder(node->left, f); // recurse to left subtree
inOrder(node->right, f); // recurse to right subtree
Node *insert(Node *node, T n) {
// if we hit the jackpot
// then create new node here with new value
if (node == NULL) {
node = new Node;
node->key = n;
// not hitting the jackpot yet!??!!?!
// value is less than root's key? then recurse to left
} else if(n < node->key) {
node->left = insert(node->left, n);
// or recurse right if value is more than root's key
} else if(n > node->key) {
node->right = insert(node->right, n);
return node;
Node *search(Node *node, T n) {
// if root = NULL (empty tree)
// or root = what we want to find for
// then return root itself
if(node == NULL || node->key == n) {
return node;
// if key is less than root's key, then go find in left-subtree
} else if(n < node->key) {
return search(node->left, n);
// if key is more than root's key, then go find in right-subtree
} else if(n > node->key) {
return search(node->right, n);
Node *deleteNode(Node *node, T n) {
if(node == NULL)
return NULL;
else if(n < node->key)
node->left = deleteNode(node->left, n);
else if(n > node->key)
node->right = deleteNode(node->right, n);
else { // if found node that we want to delete
Node *current, *tmp;
// if only have right child node
if(node->left == NULL) {
tmp = node->right;
delete node;
return tmp;
// if only have left child node
} else if(node->right == NULL) {
tmp = node->left;
delete node;
return tmp;
// if have both childs
} else {
for(current = node->right;
current != NULL;
current = current->left) {} // lowest below in right subtree
node->key = current->key;
deleteNode(current, current->key);
return node;
BSTree() {
root = NULL;
~BSTree() {
inOrder([](Node *node) {
delete node;
void insert(T n) {
root = insert(root, n);
bool search(T n) {
Node *get = search(root, n);
return get != NULL;
void deleteNode(T n) {
root = deleteNode(root, n);
template<typename Func>
void inOrder(Func f) {
inOrder(root, f);
void inOrder_print() {
cout << "Element inside BSTree : ";
inOrder([](Node *node) {
cout << node->key << ' ';
cout << endl;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
BSTree<int> bt;
// insert some dummy value
// delete some node
// search some node
cout << "54 was " << ( ? "found" : "not found") << " inside BSTree" << endl;
return 0;
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