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168661: enqueue_work_already_locked top level job <nullptr> with min_threads 0 work_queue.threads_created 3 work_queue.threads_reserved 0
168661: Dumping job state, jobs in queue:
168661: <no name>[0x7ffd569e3710] serial: 0 active_workers: 0 min: 0 extent: 6250 siblings: 0x7ffd569e3710 sibling count: 1 min_threads 0 next_sempaphore: 0 threads_reserved: 0 parent_job: <no parent job>[0x0]
168661: Done dumping job state.
168661: Considering job <no name>[0x7ffd569e3710] serial: 0 active_workers: 0 min: 0 extent: 6250 siblings: 0x7ffd569e3710 sibling count: 1 min_threads 0 next_sempaphore: 0 threads_reserved: 0 parent_job: <no parent job>[0x0]
168661: Working on job <nullptr>
168661: Reserved 0 on work queue for <nullptr> giving 0 of 4
168661: Returned 0 to work queue for <nullptr> giving 0 of 4
168661: Done working on job <nullptr>
168661: Dumping job state, jobs in queue:
[ 7%] Building CXX object libs/core/version/CMakeFiles/hpx_version.dir/src/version.cpp.o
In file included from /home/shahrzad/src/hpx/libs/core/version/src/version.cpp:10:
In file included from /home/shahrzad/src/hpx/libs/core/config/include/hpx/config.hpp:26:
/home/shahrzad/src/hpx/libs/core/config/include/hpx/config/attributes.hpp:66:35: error: invalid token at start of a preprocessor expression
[ 62%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/hpx_full.dir/runtime/set_parcel_write_handler.cpp.o
In file included from /home/shahrzad/src/hpx/libs/core/threading_base/include/hpx/threading_base/print.hpp:10,
from /home/shahrzad/src/hpx/cmake-build-release/libs/core/threading_base/include/hpx/modules/threading_base.hpp:21,
void measure_for_loop(uint64_t count, bool csv,
uint64_t chunk_size, uint64_t iter_length)
hpx::util::high_resolution_timer walltime;
using for_loop = hpx::parallel::for_loop;
using ex = hpx::parallel::execution;
using dcs = dynamic_chunk_size;
for_loop(ex::par.with(ex::dcs( chunk_size )), 0, count,
srun: job 37612 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 37612 has been allocated resources
[OTF2] src/otf2_archive_int.c:3945: error: File does already exist: Could not create archive trace directory!
[OTF2] src/otf2_archive_int.c:1108: error: File does already exist: Couldn't create directories on root.
[OTF2] src/otf2_archive_int.c:3945: error: File does already exist: Could not create archive trace directory!
[OTF2] src/otf2_archive_int.c:1108: error: File does already exist: Couldn't create directories on root.
[OTF2] src/otf2_archive_int.c:3945: error: File does already exist: Could not create archive trace directory!
[OTF2] src/otf2_archive_int.c:1108: error: File does already exist: Couldn't create directories on root.
[OTF2] src/otf2_archive_int.c:3945: error: File does already exist: Could not create archive trace directory!
[OTF2] src/otf2_archive_int.c:1108: error: File does already exist: Couldn't create directories on root.
srun -p medusa -n 3 /home/sshirzad/src/flecsale/build/specializations/apps/make_mesh/make_mesh --partitions 1 1 3 --dimensions 82 246 410 --output-file /work/sshirzad/flecsi_runs/hpx_runs/Results/Meshes/82x246x410on3/82x246x410.g
Using provided partitioning
Total number of partitions does not match the total number of mpi ranks
Using provided partitioning
Total number of partitions does not match the total number of mpi ranks
Using provided partitioning
Total number of partitions does not match the total number of mpi ranks
srun: error: medusa05: tasks 0-2: Exited with exit code 255
srun -n 2 -c 2 --mpi=pmi2 /home/sshirzad/src/flecsale/build_debug/apps/hydro/3d/hydro_3d -m /work/sshirzad/flecsi_runs/hpx_runs/Results/Meshes/20x20x20on2/20x20x20.g.02 --hpx:attach-debugger
Thread 9 "hydro_3d" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0x7f959f71b700 (LWP 2027225)]
0x00007f95a911a46f in MPIDI_CH3I_Progress ()
from /home/sshirzad/src/spack/opt/spack/linux-centos8-skylake_avx512/gcc-10.2.0/mpich-3.2.1-7jczenmcndu3g5cv24iojuwextimm4lo/lib/
(gdb) bt
#0 0x00007f95a911a46f in MPIDI_CH3I_Progress ()
from /home/sshirzad/src/spack/opt/spack/linux-centos8-skylake_avx512/gcc-10.2.0/mpich-3.2.1-7jczenmcndu3g5cv24iojuwextimm4lo/lib/
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Jan 13 14:19:59 2020
@author: shahrzad
import pandas
import numpy as np
if [ $# -eq 2 ]
node_name=$(echo $(hostname)|cut -d'.' -f 1)
echo $node_name
module load gcc
module load boost
if [ $# -ne 1 ]
echo "node is not specified, marvin will be used by default"
module purge
module load cmake
if [ $# -eq 3 ]