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Last active February 16, 2019 18:23
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This is an example for using a "Base Controller" in an AngularJS application, to get done some basic tasks like destroying $rootscope listeners, or any third-party component.
* @title: `setting up BaseCtrl` in AngularJS 1.3.x
* @author: Shahzad Nawaz
* @dated: 2/28/2015.
(function () {
'use strict';
/*Base Controller starts*/
.controller('BaseCtrl', BaseCtrl );
BaseCtrl.$inject = ['$scope'];
function BaseCtrl( $scope ) {
Angular destroys all listeners on scope, by itself, before destroying any scope of a controller, and
after triggering $destroy event on that scope.
$scope.$on('$destroy', scopeDestroyListener );
//listener for '$destroy' event on scope.
function scopeDestroyListener() {
//invokes $scope.onDestroy method ( if defined in child controller ).
This is specifically used to destroy any third-party component, that was intergrated in any dedicated view of application
for example: d3 graphs, Google Maps, Jquery's Carousel etc.
$rootscope listeners could be destroyed here, as well.
$scope.onDestroy && $scope.onDestroy();
//logging for development purpose
console.log('released $scope.');
/*Base Controller ends*/
/*test1 Controller starts*/
.controller('test1Ctrl', test1Ctrl );
test1Ctrl.$inject = ['$scope', '$controller', 'fooService', 'barService'];
function test1Ctrl( $scope, $controller, fooService, barService ) {
//Extends BaseCtrl's scope
$controller('BaseCtrl', {$scope: $scope});
//some object inside $scope
$scope.testObj = {
x: 'xoxo',
y: 'yoyo'
//method from fooService
$scope.fooFunc = fooService.fooFunc;
//method from barService
$scope.barFunc = barService.barFunc;
//method to be invoked before BaseCtrl destroys $scope.
$scope.onDestroy = function() {
//release (off) any events, which controller was listening to.
/*test1 Controller ends*/
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