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Created August 19, 2016 07:01
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#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
#define root 0
#define N 10100
#define LN 14
vector <int> adj[N], costs[N], indexx[N];
int baseArray[N], ptr;
int chainNo, chainInd[N], chainHead[N], posInBase[N];
int depth[N], pa[LN][N], otherEnd[N], subsize[N];
int st[N*6], qt[N*6];
* make_tree:
* Used to construct the segment tree. It uses the baseArray for construction
void make_tree(int cur, int s, int e) {
if(s == e-1) {
st[cur] = baseArray[s];
int c1 = (cur<<1), c2 = c1 | 1, m = (s+e)>>1;
make_tree(c1, s, m);
make_tree(c2, m, e);
st[cur] = st[c1] > st[c2] ? st[c1] : st[c2];
* update_tree:
* Point update. Update a single element of the segment tree.
void update_tree(int cur, int s, int e, int x, int val) {
if(s > x || e <= x) return;
if(s == x && s == e-1) {
st[cur] = val;
int c1 = (cur<<1), c2 = c1 | 1, m = (s+e)>>1;
update_tree(c1, s, m, x, val);
update_tree(c2, m, e, x, val);
st[cur] = st[c1] > st[c2] ? st[c1] : st[c2];
* query_tree:
* Given S and E, it will return the maximum value in the range [S,E)
void query_tree(int cur, int s, int e, int S, int E) {
if(s >= E || e <= S) {
qt[cur] = -1;
if(s >= S && e <= E) {
qt[cur] = st[cur];
int c1 = (cur<<1), c2 = c1 | 1, m = (s+e)>>1;
query_tree(c1, s, m, S, E);
query_tree(c2, m, e, S, E);
qt[cur] = qt[c1] > qt[c2] ? qt[c1] : qt[c2];
* query_up:
* It takes two nodes u and v, condition is that v is an ancestor of u
* We query the chain in which u is present till chain head, then move to next chain up
* We do that way till u and v are in the same chain, we query for that part of chain and break
int query_up(int u, int v) {
if(u == v) return 0; // Trivial
int uchain, vchain = chainInd[v], ans = -1;
// uchain and vchain are chain numbers of u and v
while(1) {
uchain = chainInd[u];
if(uchain == vchain) {
// Both u and v are in the same chain, so we need to query from u to v, update answer and break.
// We break because we came from u up till v, we are done
if(u==v) break;
query_tree(1, 0, ptr, posInBase[v]+1, posInBase[u]+1);
// Above is call to segment tree query function
if(qt[1] > ans) ans = qt[1]; // Update answer
query_tree(1, 0, ptr, posInBase[chainHead[uchain]], posInBase[u]+1);
// Above is call to segment tree query function. We do from chainHead of u till u. That is the whole chain from
// start till head. We then update the answer
if(qt[1] > ans) ans = qt[1];
u = chainHead[uchain]; // move u to u's chainHead
u = pa[0][u]; //Then move to its parent, that means we changed chains
return ans;
* LCA:
* Takes two nodes u, v and returns Lowest Common Ancestor of u, v
int LCA(int u, int v) {
if(depth[u] < depth[v]) swap(u,v);
int diff = depth[u] - depth[v];
for(int i=0; i<LN; i++) if( (diff>>i)&1 ) u = pa[i][u];
if(u == v) return u;
for(int i=LN-1; i>=0; i--) if(pa[i][u] != pa[i][v]) {
u = pa[i][u];
v = pa[i][v];
return pa[0][u];
void query(int u, int v) {
* We have a query from u to v, we break it into two queries, u to LCA(u,v) and LCA(u,v) to v
int lca = LCA(u, v);
int ans = query_up(u, lca); // One part of path
int temp = query_up(v, lca); // another part of path
if(temp > ans) ans = temp; // take the maximum of both paths
printf("%d\n", ans);
* change:
* We just need to find its position in segment tree and update it
void change(int i, int val) {
int u = otherEnd[i];
update_tree(1, 0, ptr, posInBase[u], val);
* Actual HL-Decomposition part
* Initially all entries of chainHead[] are set to -1.
* So when ever a new chain is started, chain head is correctly assigned.
* As we add a new node to chain, we will note its position in the baseArray.
* In the first for loop we find the child node which has maximum sub-tree size.
* The following if condition is failed for leaf nodes.
* When the if condition passes, we expand the chain to special child.
* In the second for loop we recursively call the function on all normal nodes.
* chainNo++ ensures that we are creating a new chain for each normal child.
void HLD(int curNode, int cost, int prev) {
if(chainHead[chainNo] == -1) {
chainHead[chainNo] = curNode; // Assign chain head
chainInd[curNode] = chainNo;
posInBase[curNode] = ptr; // Position of this node in baseArray which we will use in Segtree
baseArray[ptr++] = cost;
int sc = -1, ncost;
// Loop to find special child
for(int i=0; i<adj[curNode].size(); i++) if(adj[curNode][i] != prev) {
if(sc == -1 || subsize[sc] < subsize[adj[curNode][i]]) {
sc = adj[curNode][i];
ncost = costs[curNode][i];
if(sc != -1) {
// Expand the chain
HLD(sc, ncost, curNode);
for(int i=0; i<adj[curNode].size(); i++) if(adj[curNode][i] != prev) {
if(sc != adj[curNode][i]) {
// New chains at each normal node
HLD(adj[curNode][i], costs[curNode][i], curNode);
* dfs used to set parent of a node, depth of a node, subtree size of a node
void dfs(int cur, int prev, int _depth=0) {
pa[0][cur] = prev;
depth[cur] = _depth;
subsize[cur] = 1;
for(int i=0; i<adj[cur].size(); i++)
if(adj[cur][i] != prev) {
otherEnd[indexx[cur][i]] = adj[cur][i];
dfs(adj[cur][i], cur, _depth+1);
subsize[cur] += subsize[adj[cur][i]];
int main() {
int t;
scanf("%d ", &t);
while(t--) {
ptr = 0;
int n;
scanf("%d", &n);
// Cleaning step, new test case
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
chainHead[i] = -1;
for(int j=0; j<LN; j++) pa[j][i] = -1;
for(int i=1; i<n; i++) {
int u, v, c;
scanf("%d %d %d", &u, &v, &c);
u--; v--;
chainNo = 0;
dfs(root, -1); // We set up subsize, depth and parent for each node
HLD(root, -1, -1); // We decomposed the tree and created baseArray
make_tree(1, 0, ptr); // We use baseArray and construct the needed segment tree
// Below Dynamic programming code is for LCA.
for(int i=1; i<LN; i++)
for(int j=0; j<n; j++)
if(pa[i-1][j] != -1)
pa[i][j] = pa[i-1][pa[i-1][j]];
while(1) {
char s[100];
scanf("%s", s);
if(s[0]=='D') {
int a, b;
scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
if(s[0]=='Q') {
query(a-1, b-1);
} else {
change(a-1, b);
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