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Simple PHP MYSQLi Class
class MySQL {
private $link = null;
private $info = array(
'last_query' => null,
'num_rows' => null,
'insert_id' => null
private $connection_info = array();
private $where;
private $limit;
private $join;
private $order;
function __construct($host, $user, $pass, $db){
$this->connection_info = array('host' => $host, 'user' => $user, 'pass' => $pass, 'db' => $db);
function __destruct(){
if($this->link instanceof mysqli_result) mysqli_close($this->link);
* Setter method
private function set($field, $value){
$this->info[$field] = $value;
* Getter methods
public function last_query(){
return $this->info['last_query'];
public function num_rows(){
return $this->info['num_rows'];
public function insert_id(){
return $this->info['insert_id'];
* Create or return a connection to the MySQL server.
private function connection(){
if(!is_resource($this->link) || empty($this->link)){
if(($link = mysqli_connect($this->connection_info['host'], $this->connection_info['user'], $this->connection_info['pass'])) && mysqli_select_db($link, $this->connection_info['db'])){
$this->link = $link;
mysqli_set_charset($link, 'utf8');
throw new Exception('Could not connect to MySQL database.');
return $this->link;
* MySQL Where methods
private function __where($info, $type = 'AND'){
$link =& self::connection();
$where = $this->where;
foreach($info as $row => $value){
$where = sprintf("WHERE `%s`='%s'", $row, mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $value));
$where .= sprintf(" %s `%s`='%s'", $type, $row, mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $value));
$this->where = $where;
private function __join($table, $condition, $type = 'INNER') {
$join = $this->join;
$join .= " {$type} JOIN {$table} ON ";
if(is_array($condition)) {
foreach ($condition as $key => $cond) {
if($key > 0) {
$join .= " AND ";
$join .= $cond;
} else {
$join .= $condition;
$this->join = $join;
public function join($table, $condition) {
self::__join($table, $condition);
return $this;
public function leftJoin($table, $condition) {
self::__join($table, $condition, 'LEFT');
return $this;
public function rightJoin($table, $condition) {
self::__join($table, $condition, 'RIGHT');
return $this;
public function crossJoin($table, $condition) {
self::__join($table, $condition, 'CROSS');
return $this;
public function where($field, $equal = null){
self::__where(array($field => $equal));
return $this;
public function and_where($field, $equal = null){
return $this->where($field, $equal);
public function or_where($field, $equal = null){
self::__where($field, 'OR');
self::__where(array($field => $equal), 'OR');
return $this;
* MySQL limit method
public function limit($limit){
$this->limit = 'LIMIT '.$limit;
return $this;
* MySQL Order By method
public function order_by($by, $order_type = 'DESC'){
$order = $this->order;
foreach($by as $field => $type){
if(is_int($field) && !preg_match('/(DESC|desc|ASC|asc)/', $type)){
$field = $type;
$type = $order_type;
$order = sprintf("ORDER BY `%s` %s", $field, $type);
$order .= sprintf(", `%s` %s", $field, $type);
$order = sprintf("ORDER BY `%s` %s", $by, $order_type);
$order .= sprintf(", `%s` %s", $by, $order_type);
$this->order = $order;
return $this;
* MySQL query helper
private function extra(){
$extra = '';
if(!empty($this->where)) $extra .= ' '.$this->where;
if(!empty($this->join)) $extra .= ' '.$this->join;
if(!empty($this->order)) $extra .= ' '.$this->order;
if(!empty($this->limit)) $extra .= ' '.$this->limit;
// cleanup
$this->where = null;
$this->join = null;
$this->order = null;
$this->limit = null;
return $extra;
* MySQL Query methods
public function query($qry, $return = false){
$link =& self::connection();
self::set('last_query', $qry);
$result = mysqli_query($link, $qry);
if($result instanceof mysqli_result){
self::set('num_rows', mysqli_num_rows($result));
if(preg_match('/LIMIT 1/', $qry)){
$data = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
return $data;
$data = array();
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){
$data[] = $row;
return $data;
return true;
public function get($table, $select = '*'){
$link =& self::connection();
$cols = '';
foreach($select as $col){
$cols .= "{$col},";
$select = substr($cols, 0, -1);
$sql = sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %s%s", $select, $table, self::extra());
self::set('last_query', $sql);
if(!($result = mysqli_query($link,$sql))){
throw new Exception('Error executing MySQL query: '.$sql.'. MySQL error '.mysqli_errno($link).': '.mysqli_error($link));
$data = false;
}elseif($result instanceof mysqli_result){
$num_rows = mysqli_num_rows($result);
self::set('num_rows', $num_rows);
if($num_rows === 0){
$data = false;
}elseif(preg_match('/LIMIT 1/', $sql)){
$data = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
$data = array();
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){
$data[] = $row;
$data = false;
return $data;
public function insert($table, $data){
$link =& self::connection();
$fields = '';
$values = '';
foreach($data as $col => $value){
$fields .= sprintf("`%s`,", $col);
$values .= sprintf("'%s',", mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $value));
$fields = substr($fields, 0, -1);
$values = substr($values, 0, -1);
$sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)", $table, $fields, $values);
self::set('last_query', $sql);
throw new Exception('Error executing MySQL query: '.$sql.'. MySQL error '.mysqli_errno($link).': '.mysqli_error($link));
self::set('insert_id', mysqli_insert_id($link));
return true;
public function update($table, $info){
throw new Exception("Where is not set. Can't update whole table.");
$link =& self::connection();
$update = '';
foreach($info as $col => $value){
$update .= sprintf("`%s`='%s', ", $col, mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $value));
$update = substr($update, 0, -2);
$sql = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET %s%s", $table, $update, self::extra());
self::set('last_query', $sql);
throw new Exception('Error executing MySQL query: '.$sql.'. MySQL error '.mysqli_errno($link).': '.mysqli_error($link));
return true;
public function delete($table){
throw new Exception("Where is not set. Can't delete whole table.");
$link =& self::connection();
$sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM %s%s", $table, self::extra());
self::set('last_query', $sql);
throw new Exception('Error executing MySQL query: '.$sql.'. MySQL error '.mysqli_errno($link).': '.mysqli_error($link));
return true;
$mysql = new MySQL('host', 'user', 'password', 'database');
// get all posts
$posts = $mysql->get('posts');
echo $mysql->num_rows(); // number of rows returned
}catch(Exception $e){
echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage();
// get all post titles and authors
$posts = $mysql->get('posts', array('title', 'author');
// or
$posts = $mysql->get('posts', 'title,author');
echo $mysql->last_query(); // the raw query that was ran
}catch(Exception $e){
echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage();
// get one post
$post = $mysql->limit(1)->get('posts');
}catch(Exception $e){
echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage();
// get post with an id of 1
$post = $mysql->where('id', 1)->get('posts');
// or
$post = $mysql->where(array('id', 1))->get('posts');
}catch(Exception $e){
echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage();
// get all posts by the author of "John Doe"
$posts = $mysql->where(array('author' => 'John Doe'))->get('posts');
}catch(Exception $e){
echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage();
// get all posts by the author of "John Doe" and author name
// available join methods 'join' (inner join), 'leftJoin', 'rightJoin', 'crossJoin'
$posts = $mysql->where(array('author' => 'John Doe'))->join('authors')->get('posts', ['posts.*', '']);
}catch(Exception $e){
echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage();
// insert post
$mysql->insert('posts', array('title' => 'New Title', 'content' => 'post content', 'author' => 'Matthew Loberg'));
echo $mysql->insert_id(); // id of newly inserted post
}catch(Exception $e){
echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage();
// update post 1
$mysql->where('id', 1)->update('posts', array('title' => 'New Title'));
}catch(Exception $e){
echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage();
// delete post 1
$mysql->where('id', 1)->delete('posts');
}catch(Exception $e){
echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage();
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JoeRiker commented Nov 6, 2019

Hi great work in general i find it very useful, can it be used with a query like this:

SELECT * FROM lists WHERE id IN (SELECT idlist FROM subscribers GROUP BY idlist HAVING COUNT(idlist) > 0);

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JoeRiker commented Nov 7, 2019

Hi great work in general i find it very useful, can it be used with a query like this:

SELECT * FROM lists WHERE id IN (SELECT idlist FROM subscribers GROUP BY idlist HAVING COUNT(idlist) > 0);

ok i worked it around looking at the code, non simple TSQL query or any raw query can be actually run with :

$mysql_status = $mysql->query('show status;', true);


$mysql_list = $mysql->query('SELECT * FROM lists WHERE id IN (SELECT idlist FROM subscribers GROUP BY idlist HAVING COUNT(idlist) > 0);', true);

The "query()" method wasn't shown in the example usage page so took me a while to read the class entirely to figure it out :)

AGAIN.... Awesome job

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Great Job, some fixes and add offset method and fix some method like mysqli_errno() to mysqli_errno($link);
visit new: update with new and some fixes

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I have a problem with LIMIT. when I write more than number 9, e.g.:
"LIMIT 15, 5" -> Start from 15, show 5.
Then limit function doesn't work.

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