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Forked from Araxeus/zip.ps1
Created January 29, 2024 07:34
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Powershell script to zip files while preserving folder structure - includes lots of optional parameters like: file sync, exclude files, zip overwrite, custom FilterScript, automatic zip name from json, and more
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
#Requires -Version 7
# Specifying no parameter will result in current working directory ($pwd) being archived into $pwd\$
param (
# The following paths can be relative or absolute:
# path to folder/s containing the files to be archived
[Alias("i","input","from")][string[]][ValidateScript({ Test-Path -LiteralPath $_ })] $FolderPaths = @($PWD),
# path to zipfile / zipFolder if $ZipNameFromJson is specified (will be created if it doesn't exist)
[Alias("t","to","output")][string] $ZipPath = "", # defaults to $
# set $ZipPath to end with .zip or set this to an empty string to disable this feature
[Alias("j","json")][string][ValidatePattern('.json$')] $ZipNameFromJson = "", # set to a json file containing name and version, output will be $name_v$
# update scss->css in the directories, leave empty to disable
[Alias("scss")][string[]][ValidateScript({ Test-Path -LiteralPath $_ })] $ScssPaths = @(),
# ie "*.*" to only include files that have a .extension
[Alias("f")][string] $Filter = "",
# filterScript has more options than eclude
[Alias("e")][string[]] $Exclude = @(),
# { ($_.FullName -notlike "*\node_modules\*") -and ($_.Name -notlike "*.scss")}, # ignore .scss and nodeModules folder
[Alias("fs","script")][ScriptBlock] $FilterScript = { $_ },
# overwrite zip (if there is a zip with the same name, delete it creating a new one)
[Alias("o","overwrite")][switch] $OverwriteZip,
# keep sync between folder and zip (doesn"t do anything if OverwriteZip=true) - delete surplus files from zip
[Alias("s")][switch] $Sync,
# pause script when done to allow reading output
[Alias("p","pause")][switch] $PauseOnDone,
# verbose output
[Alias("v")][switch] $Verbose,
# show all parameter and exit
[Alias("h")][switch] $Help,
# default settings for youtube-volume-scroll, applied by default if current folder = 'Youtube-Volume-Scroll'
[Alias("d")][switch] $Default = (Split-Path -Path $PWD -Leaf) -eq 'Youtube-Volume-Scroll'
if ($Help) {
# $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source -eq $PSCommandPath
"Available flags:`n" | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow
(Get-Help $PSCommandPath).TrimStart($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name+' ').replace('] [', '], [').split(', ') | ForEach-Object { "`t$($_)" } | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan
if ($Default) {
$FolderPaths = @("unpacked")
$ZipNameFromJson = "unpacked\manifest.json"
$Exclude = @("*.scss", "_*")
$Sync = $true
$PauseOnDone = $true
$ScssPaths = @("unpacked/popup")
$Verbose = $true
$VerbosePreference = $Verbose ? "Continue" : "SilentlyContinue"
if ($ScssPaths.Length -gt 0) {
try { # transform scss to css
sass --update $ScssPaths
} catch {
Write-Error "`n Error when calling sass:`n $($_.Exception.Message)"
if ($ZipNameFromJson -and !$ZipPath.EndsWith('.zip')) {
$jsonFile = Get-Content $ZipNameFromJson
$jsonObj = $jsonFile | ConvertFrom-Json
$ZipName = "$($' ', '-'))_v$($jsonObj.version.Trim()).zip"
if ($ZipPath) {
try {
[System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($ZipPath) | Out-Null
$ZipPath = [IO.Path]::Combine($ZipPath, $ZipName)
} catch {
Write-Error("`n Error creating ZipPath:`n $($_.Exception.Message)")
$ZipPath = $ZipName
} else {
$ZipPath = $ZipName
} elseif (!$ZipPath) {
$ZipPath = [IO.Path]::Combine($PWD, "$(Split-Path -Path $PWD -Leaf).zip")
if ($OverwriteZip) {
Remove-item -literalpath $ZipPath -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$AllFiles = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
$ChangesCount = 0;
try {
$ZipArchive = [IO.Compression.ZipFile]::Open( $ZipPath, "Update" )
foreach ($FolderPath in $FolderPaths) {
$FileList = (Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $FolderPath -Filter $Filter -Exclude $Exclude -File -Recurse | Where-Object $FilterScript) #use the -File argument because empty folders can"t be stored
foreach ($File in $FileList) {
if ($File.FullName.endsWith($ZipPath)) { continue }
# get relative path and trim leading .\ from it
$File | Add-Member RelativePath ([System.IO.Path]::GetRelativePath($FolderPath, $File.FullName) -replace "^.\\")
try { # zip will store multiple copies of the exact same file - prevent this by checking if already archived.
if (!$OverwriteZip) {
$AlreadyArchivedFile = $ZipArchive.GetEntry($File.RelativePath)
# $AlreadyArchivedFile = ($ZipArchive.Entries | Where-Object { $_.FullName -eq $File.RelativePath })
if ($AlreadyArchivedFile) {
if (($AlreadyArchivedFile.Length -eq $File.Length) -and
#ZipFileExtensions timestamps are only precise within 2 seconds.
([math]::Abs(($AlreadyArchivedFile.LastWriteTime.UtcDateTime - $File.LastWriteTimeUtc).Seconds) -le 2)) {
$ZipArchiveEntry = [IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions]::CreateEntryFromFile($ZipArchive, $File.FullName, $File.RelativePath, 'Optimal')
Write-Verbose "Archived \$($ZipArchiveEntry.FullName)"
} catch { # single file failed - usually inaccessible or in use
Write-Warning "`n $($File.FullName) could not be archived.`n $($_.Exception.Message)"
if ($Sync -and !$OverwriteZip) {
$UnsyncedFiles = $ZipArchive.Entries | Where-Object -Property FullName -NotIn ($AllFiles | ForEach-Object { $_.RelativePath })
foreach ($File in $UnsyncedFiles) {
try {
Write-Verbose "Deleted $($ZipPath)\$($File.FullName)"
} catch {
Write-Warning "$($ZipPath)\$($File.FullName) is not in sync but couldn't be deleted"
} catch { # failure to open the zip file
Write-Error $_.Exception
} finally { # always close the zip file so it can be read later
Write-Host "$(Resolve-Path $ZipPath) was succesfully updated ($($ChangesCount) files changed)" -ForegroundColor Green
if ($PauseOnDone) {
cmd /c "pause"
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