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Last active November 12, 2021 10:21
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How I setup Windows 10

Setup Windows 10

Use scoop to install all of the UNIX command line tools and most of my needed software tools.

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')
scoop bucket add versions
scoop install curl
scoop install openssh
[environment]::setenvironmentvariable('GIT_SSH', (resolve-path (scoop which ssh)), 'USER')
scoop install git
scoop install grep
scoop install concfg
concfg import solarized-dark
scoop install pshazz
# Opening PowerShell as Admin & running Set-Service ssh-agent -StartupType Manual
scoop install msys2
	pacman -Syu
scoop install coreutils diffutils findutils tar zip unzip wget which less dd file sudo shim
scoop install graphviz
scoop install vim vimtutor
# Default vimrc created in ~/_vimrc
scoop install go
mkdir ~/go
scoop install sqlite
scoop install rust
scoop install python
scoop install nodejs
scoop install dart
scoop install ninja
scoop install gcc gdb llvm cscope cmake cppcheck
scoop install bazel
scoop install julia
scoop install qemu
scoop install haskell
scoop install chromedriver
scoop install docker
scoop install ghostscript
scoop bucket add java
scoop install oraclejdk8
scoop bucket add extras
scoop install idea
scoop install R rstudio
scoop install wireshark
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shakeel commented Jan 10, 2019

I prefer to use OpenSSH installed by scoop instead of the default OpenSSH installed by Microsoft. You have to remove the Microsoft installed OpenSSH from PATH before following the above steps.

Whenever a new version of Windows 10 is released, it automatically adds OpenSSH to the PATH, so after every major upgrade, you have to remember to remove it from the PATH.

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