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xcodebuild --help ExportOptions.plist organised in a more logical way
ExportOptions.plist - Options in a better order
Xcodebuild manfile says the following
> **Distributing Archives**
> The -exportArchive option specifies that xcodebuild should distribute the archive specified by -archivePath using the options specified by
> -exportOptionsPlist. xcodebuild -help can print the full set of available inputs to -exportOptionsPlist. The product can either be uploaded to Apple or
> exported locally. The exported product will be placed at the path specified by -exportPath.
The following is the list of settings (as of Xcode 10.1) output by `xcodebuild --help` but in a more logical order.
method : String
Describes how Xcode should export the archive. Available options: app-store, validation, ad-hoc, package, enterprise, development, developer-id, and mac-application. The list of options varies based on the type of archive. Defaults to development.
destination : String
Determines whether the app is exported locally or uploaded to Apple. Options are export or upload. The available options vary based on the selected distribution method. Defaults to export.
iCloudContainerEnvironment : String
If the app is using CloudKit, this configures the "" entitlement. Available options vary depending on the type of provisioning profile used, but may include: Development and Production.
signingStyle : String
The signing style to use when re-signing the app for distribution. Options are manual or automatic. Apps that were automatically signed when archived can be signed manually or automatically during distribution, and default to automatic. Apps that were manually signed when archived must be manually signed during distribtion, so the value of signingStyle is ignored.
stripSwiftSymbols : Bool
Should symbols be stripped from Swift libraries in your IPA? Defaults to YES.
teamID : String
The Developer Portal team to use for this export. Defaults to the team used to build the archive.
compileBitcode : Bool
For non-App Store exports, should Xcode re-compile the app from bitcode? Defaults to YES.
embedOnDemandResourcesAssetPacksInBundle : Bool
For non-App Store exports, if the app uses On Demand Resources and this is YES, asset packs are embedded in the app bundle so that the app can be tested without a server to host asset packs. Defaults to YES unless onDemandResourcesAssetPacksBaseURL is specified.
manifest : Dictionary
For non-App Store exports, users can download your app over the web by opening your distribution manifest file in a web browser. To generate a distribution manifest, the value of this key should be a dictionary with three sub-keys: appURL, displayImageURL, fullSizeImageURL. The additional sub-key assetPackManifestURL is required when using on-demand resources.
onDemandResourcesAssetPacksBaseURL : String
For non-App Store exports, if the app uses On Demand Resources and embedOnDemandResourcesAssetPacksInBundle isn't YES, this should be a base URL specifying where asset packs are going to be hosted. This configures the app to download asset packs from the specified URL.
thinning : String
For non-App Store exports, should Xcode thin the package for one or more device variants? Available options: <none> (Xcode produces a non-thinned universal app), <thin-for-all-variants> (Xcode produces a universal app and all available thinned variants), or a model identifier for a specific device (e.g. "iPhone7,1"). Defaults to <none>.
generateAppStoreInformation : Bool
For App Store exports, should Xcode generate App Store Information for uploading with iTMSTransporter? Defaults to NO.
[Only needed on Linux]
uploadBitcode : Bool
For App Store exports, should the package include bitcode? Defaults to YES.
uploadSymbols : Bool
For App Store exports, should the package include symbols? Defaults to YES.
installerSigningCertificate : String
For manual signing only. Provide a certificate name, SHA-1 hash, or automatic selector to use for signing. Automatic selectors allow Xcode to pick the newest installed certificate of a particular type. The available automatic selectors are "Mac Installer Distribution" and "Developer ID Installer". Defaults to an automatic certificate selector matching the current distribution method.
provisioningProfiles : Dictionary
For manual signing only. Specify the provisioning profile to use for each executable in your app. Keys in this dictionary are the bundle identifiers of executables; values are the provisioning profile name or UUID to use.
signingCertificate : String
For manual signing only. Provide a certificate name, SHA-1 hash, or automatic selector to use for signing. Automatic selectors allow Xcode to pick the newest installed certificate of a particular type. The available automatic selectors are "Mac App Distribution", "iOS Developer", "iOS Distribution", "Developer ID Application", and "Mac Developer". Defaults to an automatic certificate selector matching the current distribution method.
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