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Last active May 17, 2019 04:30
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Current Method
# This my current application code (Booking system have not been implemented)
# The Current Flow of this version:
# 1. The user selects the food/drinks.
# 2. The user enters his table number.
# 3. The user makes payment
# 4. The kiosk process the order. (POST to ORDER then POST to ORDERDETAIL).
# If Failed (The QTY is not sufficient), the KIOSK return the user's money.
# If success then continue to the next step.
# 5. Order is done. The kiosk print the receipt.
# You can see that there is an non-normal process, the KIOSK return the user's money.
# So I would like to change that, since it is not real and does not make sense.
# Imagine your card has been debt then the machine return back the debt when the qty of your order is not sufficient. -_-
#1 Make POST request to ORDER (CLIENT do this)
data = 'cardID=123456&amount=1200000'
#2 Response From Server
{'id': 40, 'cardID': 123456, 'amount': 500000, 'time': '2019-05-17T11:11:38.384667+07:00'} # I use the ID as the orderID
#3 Make POST request to ORDERDETAIL (CLIENT do this)
data = '[{"menuID": 3, "price": 100000, "qty": 4, "sellerID": 1, "tableNumber": 56, "orderID": "40"},
{"menuID": 2, "price": 50000, "qty": 2, "sellerID": 2, "tableNumber": 56, "orderID": "40"}]'
#4 Checking the QTY in the SERVER (Kindly check the full code of the server at my github)
# Filename:
# Enable Post of List
# Accessed on March 9, 2019
def create(self, request, pk=None, company_pk=None, project_pk=None):
is_many = True if isinstance(, list) else False
serializer = self.get_serializer(, many=is_many)
headers = self.get_success_headers(
return Response(, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, headers=headers)
# Filename:
def save(self, force_insert=False, force_update=False, using=None, update_fields=None):
if self.done:
self.finishTime =
menuID =
menuObject = Menu.objects.get(id=menuID)
tempQty = menuObject.qty - self.qty
if tempQty>=0:
menuObject.qty = tempQty
# return serializers.ValidationError()
raise serializers.ValidationError( + ": STOCK IS NOT SUFFICIENT")
super().save(force_insert, force_update, using, update_fields)
#5 Response From Serverif success
[{'id': 41, 'orderID': 40, 'sellerID': 1, 'menuID': 3, 'menuName': 'Nasi Goreng',
'image': '', 'price': 100000, 'qty': 4,
'tableNumber': 56, 'done': False, 'orderTime': '2019-05-17T11:11:38.384667+07:00', 'finishTime': None},
{'id': 42, 'orderID': 40, 'sellerID': 2, 'menuID': 2, 'menuName': 'Soju',
'image': '', 'price': 50000, 'qty': 2,
'tableNumber': 56, 'done': False, 'orderTime': '2019-05-17T11:11:38.384667+07:00', 'finishTime': None}]
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