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Created September 18, 2012 14:29
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user similarities map reduce job. implementing smaller cartesian product optimization.
from mrjob.job import MRJob
from math import sqrt
from itertools import combinations
except ImportError:
def combinations(iterable, r):
Implementation of itertools combinations method.
Re-implemented here because of import issues
in Amazon Elastic MapReduce. Just easier to do this than bootstrap.
More info here:
combinations('ABCD', 2) --> AB AC AD BC BD CD
combinations(range(4), 3) --> 012 013 023 123
pool = tuple(iterable)
n = len(pool)
if r > n:
indices = range(r)
yield tuple(pool[i] for i in indices)
while True:
for i in reversed(range(r)):
if indices[i] != i + n - r:
indices[i] += 1
for j in range(i + 1, r):
indices[j] = indices[j - 1] + 1
yield tuple(pool[i] for i in indices)
from itertools import product
except ImportError:
def product(*args, **kwds):
# product('ABCD', 'xy') --> Ax Ay Bx By Cx Cy Dx Dy
# product(range(2), repeat=3) --> 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
pools = map(tuple, args) * kwds.get('repeat', 1)
result = [[]]
for pool in pools:
result = [x+[y] for x in result for y in pool]
for prod in result:
yield tuple(prod)
#Parameters to regularize correlation
#FILTERS to speed up computation and reduce noise
#Subclasses should probably override these, based on actual data.
class SemicolonValueProtocol(object):
# don't need to implement read() since we aren't using it
def write(self, key, values):
return ';'.join(str(v) for v in values)
class VectorSimilarities(MRJob):
OUTPUT_PROTOCOL = SemicolonValueProtocol
def steps(self):
return [, reducer=self.group_by_topic_postCount),,,
def configure_options(self):
super(VectorSimilarities, self).configure_options()
'--priorcount', dest='prior_count', default=10, type='int',
help='PRIOR_COUNT: Parameter to regularize correlation')
'--priorcorrelation', dest='prior_correlation', default=0,
help='PRIOR_CORRELATION: Parameter to regularize correlation')
'--mintopics', dest='min_num_topics', default=20, type='int',
help='the minimum number of topics')
'--minintersec', dest='min_intersection', default=20, type='int',
help='the minimum intersection')
def input(self, key, line):
Subclasses should override this to define their own input
raise NotImplementedError('Implement this in the subclass')
def group_by_topic_postCount(self, key, values):
Emit the topic_id and group by their postCounts (user and postCount)
17 70,3
35 21,1
49 19,2
49 21,1
49 70,4
87 19,1
87 21,2
98 19,2
total_topics = 0
final = []
for topic_id, postCount in values:
total_topics += 1
final.append((topic_id, postCount))
if total_topics >= self.options.min_num_topics:
for topic_id, postCount in final:
yield topic_id, (key, float(postCount), total_topics)
def count_postCounts_users_freq(self, topic_id, values):
For each topic, emit a row containing their "postings"
(user,postCount pairs)
Also emit topic postCount sum and count for use later steps.
17 1,3,(70,3)
35 1,1,(21,1)
49 3,7,(19,2 21,1 70,4)
87 2,3,(19,1 21,2)
98 1,2,(19,2)
user_count = 0
user_sum = 0
final = []
for user_id, postCount, total_topics in values:
user_count += 1
user_sum += postCount
final.append((user_id, postCount, total_topics))
yield topic_id, (user_count, user_sum, final)
def pairwise_items(self, topic_id, values):
The output drops the topic from the key entirely, instead it emits
the pair of users as the key:
userID1,userID2 postCount1,postCount2,totalTopics1,totalTopics2
19,21 2,1
19,70 2,4
21,70 1,4
19,21 1,2
This mapper is the main performance bottleneck. One improvement
would be to create a java Combiner to aggregate the
outputs by key before writing to hdfs, another would be to use
a vector format and SequenceFiles instead of streaming text
for the matrix data.
user_count, user_sum, postCounts = values
# populate zero values for each user not already represented in postCounts.
present_ids = dict([(entry[0], entry[2]) for entry in postCounts])
additionalCounts = [(user_id, 0, self.user_ids[user_id]) for user_id in self.user_ids if user_id not in present_ids]
# instead of generating all combinations of pairs of users, we'll just generate the relevant ones
# pairs between users guaranteed to not be zero first.
for item1, item2 in combinations(postCounts, 2):
if item1[0] < item2[0]:
yield (item1[0], item2[0]), (item1[1], item2[1], item1[2], item2[2])
elif item1[0] > item2[0]:
yield (item2[0], item1[0]), (item2[1], item1[1], item2[2], item1[2])
# pairs between non-zero and zero users.
for item1, item2 in product(postCounts, additionalCounts):
if item1[0] < item2[0]:
yield (item1[0], item2[0]), (item1[1], item2[1], item1[2], item2[2])
yield (item2[0], item1[0]), (item2[1], item1[1], item2[2], item1[2])
def calculate_similarity(self, pair_key, lines):
Sum components of each copostCount pair across all users who rated both
item x and item y, then calculate pairwise pearson similarity and
copostCount counts. The similarities are normalized to the [0,1] scale
because we do a numerical sort.
19,21 0.4,2
21,19 0.4,2
19,70 0.6,1
70,19 0.6,1
21,70 0.1,1
70,21 0.1,1
sum_xx, sum_xy, sum_yy, sum_x, sum_y, n, intersection = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0)
n_x, n_y = 0, 0
user_pair, co_postCounts = pair_key, lines
user_xname, user_yname = user_pair
for user_x, user_y, nx_count, ny_count in lines:
sum_xx += user_x * user_x
sum_yy += user_y * user_y
sum_xy += user_x * user_y
sum_y += user_y
sum_x += user_x
n += 1
if user_x != 0 and user_y != 0:
intersection += 1
n_x = int(nx_count)
n_y = int(ny_count)
if intersection >= self.options.min_intersection:
corr_sim = correlation(n, sum_xy, sum_x, \
sum_y, sum_xx, sum_yy)
reg_corr_sim = regularized_correlation(n, sum_xy, sum_x, sum_y, sum_xx, sum_yy, self.options.prior_count, self.options.prior_correlation)
cos_sim = cosine(sum_xy, sqrt(sum_xx), sqrt(sum_yy))
jaccard_sim = jaccard(intersection, n_x, n_y)
yield (user_xname, user_yname), (corr_sim, cos_sim, reg_corr_sim, jaccard_sim, intersection)
def correlation(size, dot_product, postCount_sum, \
postCount2sum, postCount_norm_squared, postCount2_norm_squared):
The correlation between two vectors A, B is
[n * dotProduct(A, B) - sum(A) * sum(B)] /
sqrt{ [n * norm(A)^2 - sum(A)^2] [n * norm(B)^2 - sum(B)^2] }
numerator = size * dot_product - postCount_sum * postCount2sum
denominator = sqrt(size * postCount_norm_squared - postCount_sum * postCount_sum) * \
sqrt(size * postCount2_norm_squared - postCount2sum * postCount2sum)
return (numerator / (float(denominator))) if denominator else 0.0
def jaccard(users_in_common, total_users1, total_users2):
The Jaccard Similarity between 2 two vectors
|Intersection(A, B)| / |Union(A, B)|
union = total_users1 + total_users2 - users_in_common
return (users_in_common / (float(union))) if union else 0.0
def normalized_correlation(size, dot_product, postCount_sum, \
postCount2sum, postCount_norm_squared, postCount2_norm_squared):
The correlation between two vectors A, B is
cov(A, B) / (stdDev(A) * stdDev(B))
The normalization is to give the scale between [0,1].
similarity = correlation(size, dot_product, postCount_sum, \
postCount2sum, postCount_norm_squared, postCount2_norm_squared)
return (similarity + 1.0) / 2.0
def cosine(dot_product, postCount_norm_squared, postCount2_norm_squared):
The cosine between two vectors A, B
dotProduct(A, B) / (norm(A) * norm(B))
numerator = dot_product
denominator = postCount_norm_squared * postCount2_norm_squared
return (numerator / (float(denominator))) if denominator else 0.0
def regularized_correlation(size, dot_product, postCount_sum, \
postCount2sum, postCount_norm_squared, postCount2_norm_squared,
virtual_cont, prior_correlation):
The Regularized Correlation between two vectors A, B
RegularizedCorrelation = w * ActualCorrelation + (1 - w) * PriorCorrelation
where w = # actualPairs / (# actualPairs + # virtualPairs).
unregularizedCorrelation = correlation(size, dot_product, postCount_sum, postCount2sum, postCount_norm_squared, postCount2_norm_squared)
w = size / float(size + virtual_cont)
return w * unregularizedCorrelation + (1.0 - w) * prior_correlation
class TabValueProtocol(object):
# don't need to implement read() since we aren't using it
def write(self, key, values):
if key is not None:
return '\t'.join(str(k) for k in key) + '\t' + '\t'.join(str(v) for v in values)
return ""
class UserSimilarities(VectorSimilarities):
OUTPUT_PROTOCOL = TabValueProtocol
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(UserSimilarities, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# make this a cli argument eventually.
userFileContents = open('etiPostCounts-2004-test.tsv_users.csv', 'r').read().strip()
self.user_ids = dict([(int(userID.split(":")[0]), int(userID.split(":")[1])) for userID in userFileContents.split(",")])
def input(self, key, line):
user_id, topic_id, postCount = line.split('\t')
yield int(user_id), (int(topic_id), int(postCount))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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