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Last active December 29, 2015 17:28
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<div id="stage"></div>
<!-- -->
<script src="../bs/bs5.js"></script>
bs.css("body").$("background", "#000", "overflow", "hidden", "margin", 0, "padding", 0);
bs.ANI.fps( bs.dom('<div></div>' ).$( 'id', 'fps', 'position','absolute', 'font-size', 11, 'color', '#fff', '<', 'body', 'this' )[0] );
var game = {
w:0, h:0,
numBalls:(bs.DETECT.device == "mobile") ? 5 : (bs.DETECT.device == "tablet") ? 15 : 20,
init:function(w, h) {
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
if ( this.started == false) {
this.started = true;
var i, r, x, y, vx, vy;
for (i = 0; i < this.numBalls; i++) {
r = bs.$ex(20, "~", 40);
x = bs.$ex(r, "~", w - r * 2);
y = bs.$ex(r, "~", h - r * 2);
vx = bs.$ex(-5, "~", 5);
vy = bs.$ex(-5, "~", 5);
"id", "ball" + i,
"position", "absolute",
"background", (i == 0) ? "#FF0000" : "#FFF",
"width", r * 2, "height", r * 2,
"border-radius", r,
"left", x,
"top", y,
"margin-left", -r,
"margin-top", -r,
"<", "#stage"
this.balls[i] = {
rotate:function(x, y, s, c, r) {
if (r) {
return {
x:x * c + y * s,
y:y * c - x * s
else {
return {
x:x * c - y * s,
y:y * c + x * s
ANI:function() {
var i, j, b0, b1, dx, dy, a, s, c, p0, p1, v0, v1, vxt,
va, ol, pf0, pf1, vf0, vf1;
for (i = 0; i < this.numBalls; i++) {
b0 = this.balls[i];
b0.x = b0.x + b0.vx;
b0.y = b0.y + b0.vy;
bs.dom("#ball" + i).$("left", b0.x, "top", b0.y);
if (b0.x + b0.r > this.w) {
b0.x = this.w - b0.r;
b0.vx = b0.vx * -1;
else if (b0.x - b0.r < 0) {
b0.x = b0.r;
b0.vx = b0.vx * -1;
if (b0.y + b0.r > this.h) {
b0.y = this.h - b0.r;
b0.vy = b0.vy * -1;
else if (b0.y - b0.r < 0) {
b0.y = b0.r;
b0.vy = b0.vy * -1;
for (j = i + 1; j < this.numBalls; j++) {
b1 = this.balls[j];
dx = b1.x - b0.x;
dy = b1.y - b0.y;
if (Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) < b0.r + b1.r) {
a = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
s = Math.sin(a);
c = Math.cos(a);
p0 = {x:0, y:0};
p1 = this.rotate(dx, dy, s, c, true);
v0 = this.rotate(b0.vx, b0.vy, s, c, true);
v1 = this.rotate(b1.vx, b1.vy, s, c, true);
vxt = v0.x - v1.x;
v0.x = ((b0.m - b1.m) * v0.x + 2 * b1.m * v1.x) / (b0.m + b1.m);
v1.x = vxt + v0.x;
av = Math.abs(v0.x) + Math.abs(v1.x);
ol = (b0.r + b1.r) - Math.abs(p0.x - p1.x);
p0.x = p0.x + v0.x / av * ol;
p1.x = p1.x + v1.x / av * ol;
pf0 = this.rotate(p0.x, p0.y, s, c, false);
pf1 = this.rotate(p1.x, p1.y, s, c, false);
b1.x = b0.x + pf1.x;
b1.y = b0.y + pf1.y;
b0.x = b0.x + pf0.x;
b0.y = b0.y + pf0.y;
vf0 = this.rotate(v0.x, v0.y, s, c, false);
vf1 = this.rotate(v1.x, v1.y, s, c, false);
b0.vx = vf0.x;
b0.vy = vf0.y;
b1.vx = vf1.x;
b1.vy = vf1.y;
bs.WIN.sizer(function(w, h) {
game.init(w, h);
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