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Last active February 8, 2016 18:33
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YNAB Locale EN
Ember.I18n.translations = {
"app.done": "Done",
"app.continue": "Continue",
"app.ok": "OK",
"app.okay": "Okay",
"": "Save",
"app.send": "Send",
"app.delete": "Delete",
"app.cancel": "Cancel",
"app.back": "Back",
"app.edit": "Edit",
"app.saveAndAddAnother": "Save and add another",
"app.saveCopy": "Save copy",
"app.rename": "Rename",
"app.didYouMean": "Did you mean {{word}}?",
"app.from": "From",
"": "To",
"app.move": "Move",
"": "Show",
"app.hide": "Hide",
"": "Search",
"app.yes": "Yes",
"": "No",
"app.close": "Close",
"app.account": "Account",
"": "Date",
"app.payee": "Payee",
"app.memo": "Memo",
"app.amount": "Amount",
"": "Next",
"app.complete": "Complete",
"app.why": "Why",
"app.for": "{{field}} for {{institution}}",
"app.recategorize": "Recategorize",
"app.refresh_now": "Refresh Now",
"app.nothing": "Nothing",
"app.noThanks": "No thanks",
"loading.loading": "Loading {{{item}}}",
"loading.reticulatingSplines": "Reticulating splines...",
"loading.countingMoney": "Counting money...",
"loading.watchingWhiteboardWednesday": "Watching Whiteboard Wednesday...",
"loading.cuttingJessesHair": "Cutting Jesse\"s hair...",
"loading.doing20Burpees": "Doing 20 Burpees...",
"loading.buildingAComplicatedSpreadsheet": "Building a complicated spreadsheet...",
"loading.kittenPics": "Looking at pictures of kittens...",
"loading.makingSammy": "Making a sandwich...",
"loading.hitchhiker": "Answering the ultimate question...",
"loading.yakShaving": "Shaving Yaks...",
"loading.upToEleven": "Turning it up to 11...",
"loading.backToFuture": "Accelerating to 88 MPH...",
"loading.mordor": "Destroying The One Ring...",
"loading.theDoctor": "Locking up the TARDIS...",
"loading.renderingTransactions": "Rendering transactions...",
"loading.coloringBalances": "Coloring category balances...",
"loading.hackTubes": "Hacking the tubes...",
"loading.kraken": "Unleashing Krakens...",
"loading.injectingTooltips": "Injecting witty tooltips...",
"loading.ladenSwallows": "Calculating velocity of unladen Swallows...",
"loading.hamsters": "Spinning up Hamster wheels...",
"loading.pixels": "Styling pixels...",
"loading.activatingActivity": "Activating activity...",
"loading.populatingBudget": "Populating budget...",
"months.Jan": "Jan",
"months.Feb": "Feb",
"months.Mar": "Mar",
"months.Apr": "Apr",
"months.May": "May",
"months.Jun": "Jun",
"months.Jul": "Jul",
"months.Aug": "Aug",
"months.Sep": "Sep",
"months.Oct": "Oct",
"months.Nov": "Nov",
"months.Dec": "Dec",
"months.January": "January",
"months.February": "February",
"months.March": "March",
"months.April": "April",
"months.May": "May",
"months.June": "June",
"months.July": "July",
"months.August": "August",
"months.September": "September",
"months.October": "October",
"months.November": "November",
"months.December": "December",
"error.unknown": "An unknown error has occurred.",
"error.user_password_invalid": "Incorrect password.",
"error.user_not_found": "We couldn\"t find an account with that email. If you\"re a YNAB 4 user, <a href=\"/launch\">you\"ll need to sign up for a new account.</a>",
"error.password_does_not_match": "Password confirmation does not match.",
"error.alreadyVerified": "That email has already been verified.",
"error.couldNotVerify": "Could not verify your account. Please try again.",
"error.resetTokenInvalid": "Your reset password token is invalid.",
"error.invalidEmail": "Enter a valid email address.",
"error.invalidPassword": "Enter your password.",
"error.shortPassword": "Enter a longer password.",
"modal.categories": "Budget Categories",
"modal.noCategoriesFound": "No categories found.",
"modal.payees": "Payees",
"modal.editPayees": "Edit Payees",
"modal.addCategory": "Add Category",
"modal.split": "Split (Multiple Categories)",
"modal.accounts": "Accounts",
"modal.noAccountsFound": "No accounts found.",
"modal.editAccount": "Edit Account",
"modal.deleteAccount": "Delete Account",
"modal.delete": "Delete",
"modal.closeAccount": "Close Account",
"modal.reopenAccount": "Re-open",
"modal.createANewAccount": "Add a New Account",
"modal.selectAnAccountType": "Select an Account Type...",
"modal.directConnectInfo": "Importing in YNAB is <em>always</em> optional whether you use direct connect or not. If you prefer to not use direct connect, you can still download and import OFX, QFX, and CSV files from your bank.",
"modal.managePayees": "Manage payees",
"modal.noMemorizedPayeesFound": "No memorized payees found.",
"modal.budgetSettings": "Budget Settings",
"modal.createANewBudget": "Create a new budget",
"modal.creatingBudget": "Creating budget...",
"modal.openABudget": "Open a budget",
"modal.saveACopy": "Save a copy",
"modal.makeAFreshStart": "Make a fresh start",
"modal.makeAFreshStartInfo": "Starting fresh will let you start budgeting from today without having to set up a brand new budget. Transactions and any data you\"ve entered in your budget will be deleted, but accounts, scheduled transactions, and budget categories will be saved.",
"modal.makeAFreshStartDisclaimer": "A copy of this budget will be saved in case you\"re not happy with the changes. Fear not!",
"modal.startingFresh": "Starting Fresh...",
"modal.exportBudgetData": "Export budget data",
"modal.exportMessage": "Your data is just that, yours! All your budget data and transaction data will be exported as CSV files so that you can open them easily in other applications.",
"modal.dontRemindMe": "Don\"t remind me",
"modal.preferences": "Preferences",
"modal.yourAccount": "Your account",
"modal.reportAnIssue": "Get Help",
"modal.reportAnIssuePrompt": "Found a bug? Have some feedback or a question? Fire away!",
"": "Help!",
"modal.ynabApps": "YNAB Apps",
"modal.signOut": "Sign Out",
"modal.openABudget": "Open a budget",
"modal.createBudgetBtn": "Create Budget",
"modal.createAccountBtn": "Add Account",
"modal.saveBudgetSettingsBtn": "Apply Settings",
"modal.liveClasses": "Live classes",
"modal.filterTransactions": "Filter Transactions",
"modal.coverThisOverSpendingWith": "Cover this overspending with",
"modal.coverThisOverBudgetingWith": "Cover this overbudgeting with",
"modal.approveTransaction": "Approve Transaction",
"modal.rejectTransaction": "Reject Transaction",
"modal.deleteCategory": "Delete Category",
"modal.recategorizeTransactionAs": "Recategorize Transactions as:",
"": "Before you can delete this category, you\"ll need to reassign the {{count}} transaction that is currently assigned to it. Select a new category below.",
"modal.beforeYouCanDeleteThisCategory.other": "Before you can delete this category, you\"ll need to reassign the {{count}} transactions that are currently assigned to it. Select a new category below.",
"modal.transactionsHaveBeenRecategorizedAs": "{{count}} transactions have been recategorized as {{category}}.",
"modal.finishDeletingCategory": "Finish deleting category",
"modal.whoaThere": "Whoa there!",
"modal.continueEditing": "Continue editing",
"modal.areYouSure": "Are You Sure?",
"modal.deleteReconciledTransaction": "Deleting a reconciled transaction will bring the reconcilliation out of balance.",
"modal.deleteTransaction": "Delete Transaction",
"modal.userGuides": "User Guides",
"modal.disconnected.header": "Uh-oh!",
"modal.disconnected.message": "You\"re either offline, or our server isn\"t responding. We\"ll try to reconnect automatically in a few seconds.",
"modal.disconnected.retryBtn": "Retry Now",
"modal.disconnected.reconnectingBtn": "Reconnecting...",
"modal.matchedTransaction.title": "Matched Transaction",
"": "Date",
"modal.matchedTransaction.payee": "Payee",
"modal.matchedTransaction.category": "Category",
"modal.matchedTransaction.memo": "Memo",
"modal.matchedTransaction.approveBtn": "Approve Transaction",
"modal.matchedTransaction.rejectBtn": "Reject Transaction",
"modal.matchedTransaction.unMatchBtn": "Unmatch Transaction",
"modal.matchedTransaction.unMatchBtnTitle": "Unmatching will create two separate transactions for your manual entry and the imported entry.",
"modal.hiddenCategories.clickACategoryToShowIt": "Click a category to show it",
"modal.hiddenCategories.showAllHiddenCategories": "Show all hidden categories",
"modal.hiddenCategories.noHiddenCategories": "No hidden categories",
"modal.addAccount.budget": "Budget",
"modal.addAccount.tracking": "Tracking",
"modal.addAccount.newAccount": "New Account",
"modal.addAccount.editAccount": "Authenticate {{account}}",
"modal.addAccount.txnImport": "Transaction Import",
"modal.addAccount.instSearch": "search for your bank’s name",
"modal.addAccount.popularOptions": "Popular Options",
"modal.addAccount.whoWeFound": "Here\"s who we found",
"modal.addAccount.noResults": "We couldn\"t find a bank named \"{{query}}\" that\"s available for direct connect. No worries. YNAB works like a champ with accounts that don\"t directly connect to banks.",
"modal.addAccount.noResultsAddManually": "Continue with a manual account",
"modal.addAccount.fetchingInstitutions": "Fetching the institutions list...",
"modal.addAccount.multipleAccounts": "There are multiple accounts available. Select the one you’d like to use",
"modal.addAccount.examples": "Examples",
"modal.addAccount.connectSecurely": "Connect Securely",
"modal.addAccount.authenticate": "Authenticate",
"modal.addAccount.connectingTo": "Connecting to {{name}}...",
"modal.addAccount.enterYour": "enter your {{value}}",
"modal.addAccount.gettingAuthForm": "Getting authentication form data.",
"modal.addAccount.alreadyConnected": "connected to another account",
"modal.addAccount.mightTake": "This might take a few seconds.",
"modal.addAccount.downloading": "Downloading Account Data...",
"modal.addAccount.banksRight": "This normally takes only a few seconds, but can take up to a few minutes to complete. Banks, right?",
"modal.addAccount.credsInfo": "Your login username and passwords are stored securely in a separate database using multi-layered hardware and software encryption.",
"modal.addAccount.discover_accounts_empty_error": "You\"ve successfully connected to this institution, but no accounts are available. This is typically due to picking the wrong institution for an account (Chase credit card accounts are available under \"Chase Credit Card\", not \"Chase\").",
"modal.addAccount.invalid_credentials_error": "We\"re having trouble connecting to your account with this username and password combination. Verify your username and password, then update the fields below.",
"modal.addAccount.invalid_character_error": "YNAB currently doesn\"t support pipe \"|\" and tilde \"~\" characters in account passwords. In order to use this account with YNAB, you\"ll first need to change the password on your financial institution\"s website. We\"re sorry to make you jump through this hoop.",
"modal.addAccount.mfa_answer_missing_error": "You\"ve supplied an incorrect answer. Please try again.",
"modal.addAccount.mfa_answer_incorrect_error": "You\"ve supplied an incorrect answer. Please try again.",
"modal.addAccount.mfa_session_timeout_error": "Your session has timed out. Please try again.",
"modal.addAccount.user_action_required_error": "You need to log in to your banking site to complete an action before you can continue.",
"modal.addAccount.user_password_change_required_error": "You need to change your password on your banking site before you can continue setting up this account.",
"modal.addAccount.retry_error": "Please try again in a few minutes.",
"modal.addAccount.service_unavailable_error": "The direct import service is unavailable at the moment. Please try again in a few minutes.",
"modal.addAccount.singleAccountAlreadyConnectedError": "This account is already connected to an account in YNAB.",
"modal.addAccount.somethingWrong": "Something went wrong.",
"modal.addAccount.somethingWrongDescription": "We\"re having trouble setting up this account. This error has already been reported to our development team, so there\"s nothing extra for you to do. Continue your budget journey in the meantime by setting up your account without direct import. You can then turn it on in a few days when we\"ve resolved this issue.",
"modal.addAccount.somethingWrongDescriptionDirectConnectEnabled": "We\"re having difficulty reconnecting to this account. This error has already been reported to our development team, so there\"s nothing extra for you to do. The issue should be resolved within 24 hours.",
"modal.addAccount.success": "Successfully Connected!",
"modal.addAccount.successDescription": "Transactions are typically available for import the day after they happen.",
"modal.reconcile.isYourCurrentAccountBalance": "Is your <strong>current</strong> account balance",
"modal.reconcile.howDoIFindMyAccountBalance": "How do I find my account balance?",
"modal.reconcile.accountReconciled": "Account Reconciled!",
"modal.reconcile.reconcilationDance": "Time for the reconciliation dance.",
"modal.reconcile.enterYourCurrentBalance": "Enter your <strong>current</strong> balance:",
"modal.reconcile.thereIsADifference": "There\"s a {{difference}} difference.",
"modal.reconcile.differenceExplanation": "Compare each unlocked transaction to your account website or statement. If the transaction in YNAB matches, clear it. If it doesn\"t, make any adjustments necessary and then clear it. Keep going until you eliminate the difference.<br/><br/>If you can\"t find the difference, make an adjustment transaction and move on.",
"modal.reconcile.skipThisExplanationInTheFuture": "Skip this explanation in the future",
"feedback.selectATopic": "Select a topic",
"feedback.whatCanWeHelpYouWith": "What can we help you with?",
"feedback.aTopicIsRequired": "A topic is required.",
"feedback.aMessageIsRequired": "A message is required.",
"feedback.beacon-di": "I\"m having trouble connecting to my bank",
"feedback.beacon-migration": "Migrating my budget from YNAB 4",
"feedback.beacon-switch": "Switching to the new YNAB, and pricing",
"feedback.beacon-uscan": "Connecting to a non-US bank",
"feedback.beacon-feedback": "Feedback or feature request",
"feedback.beacon-bug": "I think I found a bug",
"feedback.beacon-other": "Other",
"reconcile.thisAccountInYNABHasMore": "This account\"s cleared balance in YNAB is <strong>{{difference}}</strong> higher than your actual account.",
"reconcile.thisAccountInYNABHasLess": "This account\"s cleared balance in YNAB is <strong>{{difference}}</strong> lower than your actual account.",
"reconcile.thisAccountHasTheSame": "This account\"s cleared balance in YNAB has the same balance as your actual account.",
"reconcile.createAdjustmentAndFinish": "Create Adjustment &amp; Finish",
"reconcile.finishReconciliation": "Finish Reconciliation",
"accountSettings.accountNameLabel": "Account Name:",
"accountSettings.noteLabel": "Note:",
"accountSettings.accountTypeLabel": "Account Type:",
"accountSettings.accountBalanceLabel": "Today\"s Balance:",
"accountSettings.balanceAdjustmentInfo": "An adjustment transaction will be created automatically if you change this amount.",
"accountSettings.balanceAdjustmentNotice": "An adjustment transaction of {{adjustment}} will be created automatically for you.",
"accountSettings.balanceAdjustmentNegativeAsset": "You\"ve entered a negative value for an account type that normally has a positive balance. Is this right?",
"accountSettings.balancePlaceholderText": "What is the balance of this account right now?",
"accountTypes.Checking": "Checking",
"accountTypes.Savings": "Savings",
"accountTypes.CreditCard": "Credit Card",
"accountTypes.Cash": "Cash",
"accountTypes.LineOfCredit": "Line of Credit",
"accountTypes.PayPal": "PayPal",
"accountTypes.MerchantAccount": "Merchant Account",
"accountTypes.InvestmentAccount": "Investment Account",
"accountTypes.Mortgage": "Mortgage",
"accountTypes.OtherAsset": "Other Asset",
"accountTypes.OtherLiability": "Other Liability",
"closeAccount.positiveBalanceMessage": "Before you can close this account you\"ll need to transfer the remaining {{balance}} to another account. Select the account that you want to transfer the balance to below.",
"closeAccount.negativeBalanceMessage": "Before you can close this account you\"ll need to transfer the {{balance}} you owe from another account. Select the account that you want to transfer the balance from below.",
"closeAccount.adjustBalanceMessage": "Before you can close this account the balance will have to be zeroed. An adjustment transaction will be created for {{balance}}.",
"closeAccount.transferFunds": "Transfer Funds:",
"closeAccount.adjustBalanceBtn": "Adjust Balance",
"closeAccount.transferFundsBtn": "Transfer Funds",
"closeAccount.finishClosingBtn": "Finish Closing Account",
"": "To:",
"closeAccount.from": "From:",
"closeAccount.transferredFundsPositive": "{{balance}} has been transferred from {{thisAccount}} to {{thatAccount}}. {{thisAccount}} can now be closed. Huzzah for fewer accounts!",
"closeAccount.transferredFundsNegative": "{{balance}} has been transferred from {{thatAccount}} to {{thisAccount}}. {{thisAccount}} can now be closed. Huzzah for fewer accounts!",
"closeAccount.adjustedBalance": "An adjustment transaction has been created and {{thisAccount}} can now be closed.",
"closeAccount.transferMemo": "Closing account.",
"budgetSettings.budgetNameLabel": "Budget Name:",
"budgetSettings.currencyLabel": "Currency:",
"budgetSettings.currencyFormatLabel": "Number Format:",
"budgetSettings.currencySymbolPlacementLabel": "Currency Placement:",
"budgetSettings.currencySymbolPlacementBeforeLabel": "Before amount",
"budgetSettings.currencySymbolPlacementAfterLabel": "After amount",
"budgetSettings.currencySymbolPlacementNoneLabel": "Don\"t display symbol",
"budgetSettings.dateFormatLabel": "Date Format:",
"budgetCategory.categoryType": "Category Type:",
"budgetCategory.goalAmount": "Goal Amount:",
"budgetCategory.dueDate": "Due Date:",
"budgetCategory.overspending": "Overspending:",
"budgetCategory.enterBudgetName": "Enter budget name",
"budgetCategory.deductFromNextMonth": "Deduct from next month",
"budgetCategory.deductFromCategoryBalance": "Deduct from category balance",
"sidebar.budget": "Budget",
"sidebar.reports": "Reports",
"sidebar.accounts": "All Accounts",
"sidebar.onBudget": "BUDGET",
"sidebar.offBudget": "TRACKING",
"sidebar.closed": "CLOSED",
"sidebar.addAccount": "Add Account",
"onboarding.step100-sign-up-with-ynab": "Sign up with YNAB!",
"onboarding.seeThatWasEasy": "See, that was easy! You\"ve just completed the first, and dare we say most important, step in your journey toward mastering your money: signing up for YNAB.",
"onboarding.budget-your-money": "Budget Your Money",
"onboarding.make-manage-transactions": "Make and Manage Transactions",
"onboarding.readAGuide": "Read a guide",
"onboarding.checkTheHandbook": "Check the handbook",
"onboarding.watchAVideo": "Watch a video",
"onboarding.loadTheNextList": "Load the next list",
"onboarding.group100-get-started": "Get Started",
"onboarding.group200-budget-your-money": "Budget Your Money",
"onboarding.group300-stay-on-track": "Stay on Track",
"onboarding.createYourFirstBudgetCategories": "Create your first budget categories, set goals, and give every dollar a job.",
"onboarding.step200-add-primary-spending": "Add your primary spending account",
"onboarding.setUpYourCheckingOrTransactionAccount": "Set up your checking or transaction account to fund your budget.",
"onboarding.step300-personalize-your-categories": "Personalize your categories",
"onboarding.makeSureYourPrioritiesAreRepresented": "Make sure your priorities are represented in your budget!",
"onboarding.step400-set-a-goal": "Set a goal",
"onboarding.whatsMostImportantToYou": "What\"s most important to you?<br/>Plan for it.",
"onboarding.step500-schedule-a-transaction": "Schedule a transaction",
"onboarding.getReadyToPutYourBillsOnAutoPilot": "Get ready to put your bills on auto-pilot.",
"onboarding.congratulationsYouveNeverBeenMoreReadyToBudget": "You\"re off to a great start! Your budget is personalized, it\"s organized, and you have goals to shoot for. Oh, and your life just got simpler too. Nice.<br /><br />Now let\"s learn how to budget your hard-earned cash, add additional accounts (including credit cards), practice giving every dollar a job, and get moving with our snazzy mobile apps!",
"onboarding.bringOnTheBudgeting": "Bring on the budgeting!",
"onboarding.step100-add-your-savings-account": "Add your savings account",
"onboarding.yupSavingsIsPartOfYourBudgetToo": "Yup, savings is part of your budget too - add those accounts.",
"onboarding.wayToGoYouveGotABudgetFeelsGoodDoesntIt": "Good work, grasshopper, you\"ve got a budget! Your money now knows what\"s important to you and you\"re ready to let your budget guide your spending.<br /><br />One more checklist to reach budget mastery! You\"ll record all that spending you\"re set to do, react flexibly when changes are needed, and keep your accounts and budget accurate and up to date!",
"onboarding.imReadyForTheFinalStage": "I\"m ready for the final stage!",
"onboarding.step200-add-your-credit-card-accounts": "Add your credit card accounts",
"onboarding.theyreJustAnotherWayToSpendFromYourBudget": "They\"re just another way to spend from your budget-add \"em.",
"onboarding.step300-budget-to-zero": "Budget to zero",
"onboarding.givingEveryDollarAJobMeansBudgetingAllTheWayToZero": "Giving every dollar a job means budgeting all the way to zero.",
"onboarding.step400-sign-into-ynab-on-mobile": "Sign in to YNAB on your mobile device",
"onboarding.yourWholeBudgetInRealTimeOnTheGo": "Your whole budget. In real time. On the go.",
"onboarding.step100-record-spending": "Record spending",
"onboarding.onTheWebOrOnYourMobileRecordAndCategorizeRepeat": "On the web or on your mobile. Record and categorize. Repeat.",
"onboarding.step200-move-money": "Move money",
"onboarding.makeChangesWhenYouNeedToYesThatsABudget": "Make changes when you need to. Yes, that\"s a budget.",
"onboarding.step300-enter-new-income": "Enter new income",
"onboarding.whetherYouEarnedOrFoundItTellYourBudgetAboutNewMoney": "Whether you earned or found it, tell your budget about new money.",
"onboarding.step400-reconcile": "Reconcile",
"onboarding.keepUpToDateSoYouCanAlwaysTrustYourBudget": "Keep up to date so you can always trust your budget.",
"onboarding.step500-make-a-credit-card-payment": "Make a credit card payment",
"onboarding.withABudgetSuddenlyANoStressActivity": "With a budget? Suddenly a no-stress activity.",
"onboarding.thinkAboutYourCreditCardDebtReadAGuide": "Think about your credit card Debt? Read a guide",
"onboarding.step600-have-a-budget-meeting": "Have a Budget Meeting",
"onboarding.budgetingWithAPartnerTakeThisEssentialStep": "Budgeting with a Partner? Take this essential step.",
"onboarding.congratulationsYouveLearnedTheBasicsOfYNAB": "You made it! You know everything you need to be an expert. Stay focused on your priorities and go forth and budget!<br/><br/>From now on would you like YNAB to open your latest budget upon sign in? You can change this any time in account settings.",
"onboarding.tasksCompleted": "tasks completed!",
"dashboard.needSomeHelp": "Need some help?",
"dashboard.startAHelpSession": "Start a help session",
"dashboard.wantToLearnMore": "Want to learn more?",
"dashboard.viewAllUserGuides": "View all user guides",
"dashboard.signUpForAClass": "Sign up for a class",
"dashboard.readTheBlog": "Read the blog",
"login.signIn": "Sign In",
"login.signingIn": "Signing In...",
"": "Try again in 1 second",
"login.tryAgainIn.other": "Try again in {{count}} seconds",
"login.dontHaveAnAccount": "Don\"t have an account?",
"login.rememberMe": "Remember me on this computer",
"login.forgotMyPassword": "I forgot my password",
"login.forgotYourPassword": "Forgot your password?",
"login.forgotMessage": "No sweat. Enter the email address you signed up with and we\"ll send you instructions to reset your password.",
"login.sendResetInstructions": "Send reset instructions",
"login.passwordReset": "Your password has been reset.",
"login.saveNewPassword": "Save new password",
"login.returnToSignIn": "return to sign in",
"login.signUpToday": "Sign up today.",
"login.resetInstructionsHaveBeenSent": "Instructions to reset your password have been sent to <strong>{{username}}</strong>.",
"login.userCreated": "An account has been created. Please sign in.",
"login.passwordTip": "<strong>Password tip:</strong> Create a password using four random words. It\"s easy to remember, but hard to crack.",
"login.emailAddress": "Email address",
"login.emailAddressPlaceholder": "email address",
"login.enterNewPassword": "<strong>Enter a New Password</strong><em> - at least 8 characters</em>",
"login.password": "<strong>Password</strong><em> - at least 8 characters</em>",
"login.passwordPlaceholder": "correct horse battery staple",
"login.startMyFreeTrial": "Start my {{number_of_free_trial_days}}-day free trial",
"login.creatingYourAccount": "Creating your account...",
"login.thanksForChoosingYNAB": "Thanks for choosing YNAB!",
"login.userHasBeenVerified": "<strong>{{username}}</strong> has been verified.",
"login.verificationEmailSent": "Verification email has been sent to <strong>{{username}}</strong>.",
"login.couponTrialExtended": "Your trial has been extended as part of a special offer. Enjoy!",
"login.ynab4TrialExtended": "Welcome to the new YNAB! Because you\"re a recent YNAB 4 purchaser, your trial has been extended. Enjoy!",
"login.launchDiscount": "You\"ve locked in a 10% lifetime discount on the annual plan. Very cool.",
"signUp.invitationCode": "Invitation code",
"signUp.invitationCodePlaceholder": "invitation code",
"verify.verifyYourAccount": "Verify your account",
"verify.sendVerificationEmail": "Send verification email",
"budget.leftToBudget": "To be Budgeted",
"budget.ageOfMoney": "Age of Money",
"": "day",
"budget.ageOfMoneyDays.other": "days",
"budget.ageOfMoneyNotAvailable": "???",
"budget.categoryGroup": "Category Group",
"budget.addCategoryGroup": "Add Category Group",
"budget.quickBudget": "Quick Budget",
"budget.debtSnowball": "Debt Snowball",
"budget.category": "CATEGORY",
"budget.budgeted": "BUDGETED",
"budget.activity": "ACTIVITY",
"budget.available": "AVAILABLE",
"budget.uncategorizedTransactions": "Uncategorized Transactions",
"budget.setAsideForNextMonth": "Set Aside for Next Month",
"budget.hiddenCategories": "Hidden Categories",
"budget.fundsFor": "Funds for {{currentMonth}}",
"budget.overspentIn": "Overspent in {{previousMonth}}",
"budget.fundedIn": "Budgeted in {{currentMonth}}",
"budget.fundedInFuture": "Budgeted in Future",
"budget.enterANote": "Enter a note...",
"budget.unhideAll": "Unhide All",
"budget.ofTheActivitySpentThisMonthBudgetedWasBudgetedFor": "Of the <strong>{{allSpending}}</strong> of credit spending this month, <strong>{{budgetedSpending}}</strong> was budgeted for.",
"budget.newCategory": "New Category",
"budget.newCategoryGroup": "New Category Group",
"inspector.totalBudgeted": "TOTAL BUDGETED",
"inspector.totalIncome": "TOTAL INFLOWS",
"inspector.totalActivity": "TOTAL ACTIVITY",
"inspector.totalAvailable": "TOTAL AVAILABLE",
"inspector.ageOfMoneyProgress": "AGE OF MONEY PROGRESS",
"inspector.fundCategories": "QUICK BUDGET",
"inspector.fundSelectedCategories": "QUICK BUDGET SELECTED",
"inspector.categoriesSelected": "Categories Selected",
"inspector.quickBudget": "Quick Budget",
"inspector.upcoming": "Upcoming Transactions",
"inspector.goalTarget": "Goal Target",
"inspector.budgetedPreviousMonth": "Budgeted Last Month",
"inspector.spentPreviousMonth": "Spent Last Month",
"inspector.paidPreviousMonth": "Paid Last Month",
"inspector.budgetedAverage": "Average Budgeted",
"inspector.spentAverage": "Average Spent",
"inspector.paidAverage": "Average Paid",
"inspector.underfunded": "Underfunded",
"inspector.leftToBudget": "To be Budgeted",
"inspector.fundedLastMonth": "Funded Last Month",
"inspector.averageFunded": "Average Funded",
"inspector.cashLeftOver": "Cash Left Over From",
"inspector.budgetedThisMonth": "Budgeted This Month",
"inspector.activityThisMonth": "Activity This Month",
"inspector.cashSpending": "Cash Spending",
"inspector.creditSpending": "Credit Spending",
"inspector.available": "Available",
"inspector.payment": "Payment",
"inspector.ccNoBalance": "Debt free is a beautiful thing!",
"inspector.ccYouShouldPay": "You should pay",
"inspector.ccMostYouCanPay": "The most you can pay",
"inspector.ccAccountMinimum": "the account minimum",
"inspector.nothingToPay": "Nothing to pay.",
"inspector.ccDebtFree": "Debt Free is a beautiful thing.",
"inspector.payment.ifYouPay": "If you pay <strong>{{{pay}}}</strong>, your account balance will be <strong>{{{willBe}}}</strong>.",
"inspector.payment.ifYouPayIncrease": "If you pay <strong>{{{pay}}}</strong>, your account balance will be <strong>{{{willBe}}}</strong> and you\"ll increase your debt by <strong>{{{debtBy}}}</strong>.",
"inspector.payment.ifYouPayDecrease": "If you pay <strong>{{{pay}}}</strong>, your account balance will be <strong>{{{willBe}}}</strong> and you\"ll decrease your debt by <strong>{{{debtBy}}}</strong>.",
"inspector.payment.spendSinceLastPayment": "<strong>{{amount}}</strong> credit spending since last payment",
"inspector.payment.availableForPayment": "<strong>{{amount}}</strong> available for payment",
"inspector.debtPaid": "Paid {{amount}} on {{date}}",
"inspector.debtPayHeaderMinimum": "You don\"t have any money set aside for payment, but you likely have a minimum payment to make since the account has a balance.",
"inspector.debtPayHeaderRec": "You should pay <strong>{{rec}}</strong>. <strong>{{avail}}</strong> available in this category plus <strong>{{budgetedSpending}}*</strong> from budgeted credit spending.",
"inspector.debtPayHeaderRecNoBudgetedSpending": "You should pay <strong>{{rec}}</strong> since that\"s what you have available in this category for payment.",
"inspector.debtPayHeaderRecNoBudgetedSpendingExtraBudgeted": "You should pay <strong>{{rec}}</strong>. That\"s the total amount you owe and you have more than <strong>{{rec}}</strong> available in this category.",
"inspector.debtPayWhyRec": "*Why {{amount}}? Here\"s how YNAB recommends your budgeted credit spending be allocated for payment.",
"inspector.debtPayFooterRec": "If you have credit overspending, accounts with low balances or goals assigned are given priority in preventing new debt.",
"inspector.debtPayHeaderMax": "You can pay up to <strong>{{max}}</strong>. <strong>{{avail}}</strong> from the amount available in this category and <strong>{{budgetedSpending}}*</strong> from from budgeted credit spending.",
"inspector.debtPayWhyMax": "*Why {{amount}}? Your total budgeted credit spending this month is {{amount}}. All {{amount}} could go toward this card.",
"inspector.goals.title": "Goals",
"inspector.goals.payOffByDate": "Pay Off Balance by Date",
"inspector.goals.paySpecificAmount": "Pay Specific Amount Each Month",
"inspector.goals.debtOffTrack": "Budget {{toGo}} more to stay on track towards paying off your card balance by {{month}} of {{year}}.",
"inspector.goals.debtOnTrack": "You\"re on track to pay off your card balance by {{month}} of {{year}}.",
"inspector.goals.payOffDue": "Budget {{amount}} more to reach your goal of paying off your card this month.",
"inspector.goals.debtFree": "Being debt-free is a beautiful thing!",
"inspector.createGoal": "Create a goal",
"inspector.targetBalance": "Target Balance",
"inspector.targetDate": "Target Month & Year",
"inspector.monthlyAmount": "Target Budgeted Amount",
"inspector.targetBalanceGoal": "Target Category Balance",
"inspector.targetBalanceByDateGoal": "Target Category Balance by Date",
"inspector.monthlyFundingGoal": "Monthly Funding Goal",
"inspector.budgeted": "Budgeted",
"inspector.toGo": "To go",
"inspector.goalMFWarning": "You\"re {{toGo}} short of your goal for the month. Budget another {{toGo}} to keep on track.",
"inspector.goalMFMessage": "Budget {{toGo}} more to reach your {{goalTarget}} monthly goal.",
"inspector.goalMFSuccessMessage": "You\"ve reached your {{goalTarget}} goal for the month!",
"inspector.goalTBMessage": "If you budget {{budgeted}} each month, you will reach your {{goalTarget}} goal in {{months}} months.",
"inspector.goalTBDOffPace": "You\"re {{amount}} short of your goal for the month. Budget another {{amount}} to keep on track.",
"inspector.goalTBDMessage": "Budget {{toGo}} more to stay on track towards reaching your {{goalTarget}} goal.",
"inspector.goalTBDOnTrackMessage": "You\"re on track to reach your {{goalTarget}} goal by {{month}} of {{year}}.",
"inspector.goalTBDOverdue": "Your {{targetBalance}} goal is due this month, and you’re short by {{toGo}}. Budget another {{toGo}} to reach your goal target.",
"inspector.goalTBSuccessMessage": "You\"ve reached your {{goalTarget}} goal!",
"inspector.notes": "Notes",
"inspector.notesPlaceholder": "Enter a note...",
"inspector.uncategorizedMsg": "You have <strong>{{amount}}</strong> worth of uncategorized transactions. If left uncategorized, this amount will be deducted from the amount you have available to budget next month.",
"inspector.cashOverSpending": "You\"ve overspent this category by <strong>{{overSpentAmount}}</strong>. Cover the overspending from other categories or you can’t trust your budget balances!",
"inspector.creditOverSpending": "You\"ve overspent this category by <strong>{{overSpentAmount}}</strong> with credit. Cover the overspending from other categories to prevent creating debt!",
"inspector.combinedOverSpending": "You\"ve overspent this category by <strong>{{overSpentAmount}}</strong> with cash and credit. Add at least <strong>{{overSpentCashAmount}}</strong> to this category or you can’t trust your budget balances!",
"inspector.upcomingTxnsNotEnough": "You haven\"t budgeted enough for the <strong>{{upcomingAmount}}</strong> in upcoming bills.",
"inspector.andXMoreTransactions": "And {{remainingTransactionCount}} more transactions:",
"inspector.noPayee": "no payee",
"accounts.allAccounts": "All Accounts",
"accounts.clearedBalance": "Cleared Balance",
"accounts.unclearedBalance": "Uncleared Balance",
"accounts.workingBalance": "Working Balance",
"accounts.importTransactions": "Import",
"accounts.reconcileAccount": "Reconcile Account",
"accounts.addTransaction": "Add a transaction",
"accounts.cantAddTransaction": "You must have an active tracking or budget account to add a transaction",
"accounts.allDates": "All Dates",
"accounts.account": "ACCOUNT",
"": "DATE",
"accounts.payee": "PAYEE",
"accounts.category": "CATEGORY",
"accounts.memo": "MEMO",
"accounts.outflow": "OUTFLOW",
"accounts.inflow": "INFLOW",
"accounts.markAsCleared": "Mark as Cleared",
"accounts.markAsUncleared": "Mark as Uncleared",
"accounts.approve": "Approve",
"accounts.categorizeAs": "Categorize As",
"accounts.reject": "Reject",
"accounts.renameLikePayees": "Rename like payees",
"accounts.payeeSettings": "Payee settings",
"accounts.makeRecurring": "Make Recurring",
"accounts.moveToScheduler": "Move to scheduler",
"accounts.moveToAccount": "Move to account",
"accounts.match": "Match",
"accounts.unmatch": "Unmatch",
"accounts.delete": "Delete",
"accounts.addAnotherSplit": "Add another split",
"accounts.amountRemainingToAssign": "Amount remaining to assign",
"accounts.filter": "Filter",
"accounts.thismonth": "This Month",
"accounts.latest3months": "Latest 3 Months",
"accounts.thisyear": "This Year",
"accounts.lastyear": "Last Year",
"accounts.alldates": "All Dates",
"accounts.reconciledTransactions": "Reconciled Transactions",
"accounts.scheduledTransactions": "Scheduled Transactions",
"": "Search {{accountName}}",
"accounts.c": "C",
"accounts.repeat": "Repeat",
"": "1 transaction hidden by filters.",
"accounts.hiddenTxnsMsg.other": "{{count}} transactions hidden by filters.",
"accounts.hiddenTxnsButtonText": "Show hidden transactions.",
"accounts.needsACategory": "This needs a category",
"accounts.enterANote": "Enter a note (not your account number)...",
"accounts.useBankLogin": "Use your bank login to import transactions",
"accounts.transferDisabledPlaceholder": "disabled for budget transfers",
"accounts.inflowPlaceholder": "inflow",
"accounts.outflowPlaceholder": "outflow",
"accounts.trackingAccountDisabledPlaceholder": "disabled for tracking accounts",
"accounts.frequency.Never": "Never",
"accounts.frequency.Daily": "Daily",
"accounts.frequency.Weekly": "Weekly",
"accounts.frequency.EveryOtherWeek": "Every other week",
"accounts.frequency.TwiceAMonth": "Twice a month",
"accounts.frequency.Every4Weeks": "Every 4 weeks",
"accounts.frequency.Monthly": "Monthly",
"accounts.frequency.EveryOtherMonth": "Every other month",
"accounts.frequency.Every3Months": "Every 3 months",
"accounts.frequency.Every4Months": "Every 4 months",
"accounts.frequency.TwiceAYear": "Twice a year",
"accounts.frequency.Yearly": "Yearly",
"accounts.frequency.EveryOtherYear": "Every other year",
"": "{{{count}}} transaction",
"accounts.notification.transactionsCount.other": "{{{count}}} transactions",
"": "{{{approveCount}}} needs to be approved.",
"accounts.notification.needToBeApproved.other": "{{{approveCount}}} need to be approved.",
"": "{{{categoryCount}}} needs a category.",
"accounts.notification.needACategory.other": "{{{categoryCount}}} need a category.",
"": "{{{error}}} has an error.",
"accounts.notification.haveAnError.other": "{{{error}}} have an error.",
"accounts.notification.needApproveMultipleCategorizeMultiple": "{{{approveCount}}} need to be approved and {{{categoryCount}}} need a category.",
"accounts.notification.needApproveOneCategorizeOne": "{{{approveCount}}} needs to be approved and {{{categoryCount}}} needs a category.",
"accounts.notification.needApproveMultipleCategorizeOne": "{{{approveCount}}} need to be approved and {{{categoryCount}}} needs a category.",
"accounts.notification.needApproveOneCategorizeMultiple": "{{{approveCount}}} needs to be approved and {{{categoryCount}}} need a category.",
"accounts.notification.noTransactionsToImport": "There are no transactions to import.",
"accountsHideColumns.cleared": "Cleared",
"accountsHideColumns.flag": "Flag",
"accountsHideColumns.memo": "Memo",
"device.tryManagingYourBudget": "Try managing your budget with your ",
"welcome.thanksForChoosingYNAB": "Thank you for choosing YNAB!",
"welcome.thanksMessage": "You have taken the first step toward total control of your money. We\"ll send some handy information for getting started to {{email}}, so make sure that address is correct. Of course, reach out if you get stuck. We\"re here to help you succeed!",
"welcome.letsGetStarted": "Let\"s get started!",
"welcome.rulesHeading": "You\"ve never budgeted like this.",
"welcome.rulesMessage": "What is most important to you? A budget isn\"t complex or mysterious. It\"s a plan for your money, based on your priorities and goals.",
"welcome.gotIt": "Got it",
"welcome.divideHeading": "Split your money into categories.",
"welcome.divideMessage": "Your budget categories represent your priorities. Divide your money - <strong>only the money you have right now</strong> - between those categories to make your budget.",
"welcome.okayDivideTheMoneyThenWhat": "Okay divide the money, then what?",
"welcome.phoneHeading": "Spend from those categories.",
"welcome.phoneMessage": "Use the budget to guide your spending decisions. No more second-guessing. You have a plan.",
"welcome.makesSense": "Makes sense",
"welcome.journeyHeading": "Remember, it\"s a journey.",
"welcome.journeyMessage": "Prioritize money as you receive it. Change your budget when the unexpected happens or when your priorities change. Expect triumphs, blips, and a helping hand from YNAB every step of the way.",
"welcome.letsDoThis": "Let\"s do this!",
"users.budgets.myBudgets": "My Budgets",
"users.budgets.lastModifiedOn": "Last modified {{daysAgo}}",
"users.budgets.areYouSure": "Are you sure you want to delete this budget?",
"users.budgets.createNewBudget": "Create New Budget",
"tooltip.budget.ageOfMoney": "Keep Age of Money above 30 and congrats, you\"re following Rule Four!",
"tooltip.budget.ageOfMoneyNotAvailable": "Your Age of Money is being calculated. There needs to be at least 10 outflow transactions before we can provide an accurate age.",
"tooltip.budget.budgetedTooMuch": "You\"ve budgeted money you don\"t have. Don\"t we all wish! Fix this by budgeting less in some categories.",
"tooltip.budget.budgetedWithLeftover": "Make sure you give every dollar a job. Do any categories needs this money?",
"tooltip.budget.budgetedToZero": "You, my friend, are awesome. You\"ve given every dollar a job.",
"tooltip.budget.importFromBank": "Securely and directly import transactions from your bank into YNAB.",
"tooltip.budget.budgetedColumn": "Add money to each category in this column. This is the fun part. Until the money runs out.",
"tooltip.budget.activityColumn": "It\"s the \"We spent how much on WHAT?!\" column.",
"tooltip.budget.availableColumn": "Do I have enough to buy that handmade didgeridoo? With this column, now you know.",
"tooltip.budget.activityCell": "({{amount}}) View this category\"s monthly activity. Splendid.",
"tooltip.budget.moveMoney": "Move money from here to another category. Like money laundering, but legal.",
"tooltip.budget.quickBudgetAverageBudgeted": "Feeling average? Fund all of your categories with your historical average budgeted.",
"tooltip.budget.quickBudgetAverageSpent": "Fund any unbudgeted categories with your historical average spent. Though you\"re above average in my book.",
"tooltip.budget.quickBudgetAveragePayment": "Fund any credit card payment categories with your historical average payment. Though you\"re above average in my book.",
"tooltip.budget.toBudget.funds": "{{currentMonth}}\"s inflows categorized \"to be budgeted\"",
"tooltip.budget.toBudget.overspent": "Total category overspending from {{previousMonth}}.",
"tooltip.budget.toBudget.funded": "Total budgeted in {{currentMonth}}",
"tooltip.budget.toBudget.fundedInFuture": "Total budgeted in all future months. Your future self will thank you!",
"tooltip.budget.negativeBalance": "({{available}}) A green category is a happy category. Make this category happy by adding funds from surplus categories.",
"tooltip.budget.positiveBalance": "({{available}}) Move money from here to another category. Like money laundering, but legal.",
"tooltip.budget.activityThisMonth": "This is the total of budgeted spending this month, minus any payments.",
"tooltip.budget.nextMonthDisabled": "Before you can move to next month, you need to budget this month.",
"tooltip.accounts.approveNonMatchedTransaction": "Give this transaction a good once-over. Categorized correctly? Approve it.",
"tooltip.accounts.approveMatchedTransaction": "The transaction you entered, plus the bank\"s transaction, have formed a match. Pretty cute.",
"tooltip.accounts.matchMatchedTransaction": "We\"re gathered here together today to bring together two transactions and make them one.",
"tooltip.accounts.rejectMatchedTransaction": "For never was a story of more woe than that time you unmatched two transactions.",
"tooltip.accounts.needsCategory": "This transaction needs to be categorized. Right now it just doesn\"t feel like it belongs anywhere.",
"tooltip.accounts.import": "Connect to your bank account to pull in the latest transactions.",
"tooltip.accounts.importError": "This account needs to be reauthorized.",
"tooltip.accounts.filter": "Filter your transactions by date or reconciliation status. Pro tip: Hide reconciled transactions.",
"tooltip.accounts.cleared": "The bank knows about this transaction, so it\"s cleared. It also knows about that other thing.",
"tooltip.accounts.uncleared": "Gleefully mark this transaction as cleared.",
"tooltip.accounts.workingBalance": "This account\"s cleared balance plus any uncleared transactions.",
"tooltip.accounts.clearedColumn": "Marking a transaction as \"cleared\" means it has posted to your bank account.",
"tooltip.accounts.closeAccount": "If you want to delete this account, first delete all of the transactions in it. Be cautious, as this will potentially change your budget values.",
"tooltip.undo": "Undo the last thing you did (in YNAB, not in life).",
"tooltip.redo": "Redo that thing you just undid. Practice decisiveness."
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