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Last active February 20, 2023 16:11
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  • Save shamansir/6294f8cfdd555a9d1b9e182007dd0c2f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save shamansir/6294f8cfdd555a9d1b9e182007dd0c2f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
draw SVG path on canvas
// take SVG commands and draw this path to HTML5 canvas
// commandList should look like that: [ { marker: "M", values: [ 10, 10 ] },
// { marker: "l", values: [ 5, 7 ] },
// { marker: "C", values: [ -5, 7.2, .3, -16, 24, 10 ] },
// . . .
// { marker: "z", values: [ ] } ]
// there's another gist which has the code to parse SVG paths:
// var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// [ 'M10,10 l 5,7 C-5,7.2,.3-16,24,10 z', ... ].map(svgPathToCommands)
// .forEach(function(commandList) { drawSvgPath(ctx, commandList); });
function drawSvgPath(ctx, commandList) {;
var lastPos = [ 0, 0 ]; var pointOne, pointTwo;
commandList.forEach(function(command) {
if ((command.marker === 'z') || (command.marker === 'Z')) {
lastPos = [ 0, 0 ];
} else if (command.marker === 'm') {
lastPos = [ lastPos[0] + command.values[0], lastPos[1] + command.values[1] ];
ctx.moveTo(lastPos[0], lastPos[1]);
} else if (command.marker === 'l') {
lastPos = [ lastPos[0] + command.values[0], lastPos[1] + command.values[1] ];
ctx.lineTo(lastPos[0], lastPos[1]);
} else if (command.marker === 'h') {
lastPos = [ lastPos[0] + command.values[0], lastPos[1] ];
ctx.lineTo(lastPos[0], lastPos[1]);
} else if (command.marker === 'v') {
lastPos = [ lastPos[0], lastPos[1] + command.values[0] ];
ctx.lineTo(lastPos[0], lastPos[1]);
} else if (command.marker === 'c') {
pointOne = [ lastPos[0] + command.values[0],
lastPos[1] + command.values[1] ];
pointTwo = [ lastPos[0] + command.values[2],
lastPos[1] + command.values[3] ];
lastPos = [ lastPos[0] + command.values[4],
lastPos[1] + command.values[5] ];
pointOne[0], pointOne[1],
pointTwo[0], pointTwo[1],
lastPos[0], lastPos[1]);
} else if (command.marker === 'M') {
lastPos = [ command.values[0], command.values[1] ];
ctx.moveTo(lastPos[0], lastPos[1]);
} else if (command.marker === 'L') {
lastPos = [ command.values[0], lastPos[1] ];
ctx.lineTo(lastPos[0], lastPos[1]);
} else if (command.marker === 'H') {
lastPos = [ command.values[0], lastPos[1] ];
ctx.lineTo(lastPos[0], lastPos[1]);
} else if (command.marker === 'V') {
lastPos = [ lastPos[0], command.values[0] ];
ctx.lineTo(lastPos[0], lastPos[1]);
} else if (command.marker === 'C') {
pointOne = [ command.values[0],
command.values[1] ];
pointTwo = [ command.values[2],
command.values[3] ];
lastPos = [ command.values[4],
command.values[5] ];
pointOne[0], pointOne[1],
pointTwo[0], pointTwo[1],
lastPos[0], lastPos[1]);
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if (command.marker === 'L') {
lastPos = [ command.values[0], lastPos[1] ]; => lastPos[1] ? => it should be: command.values[0]
ctx.lineTo(lastPos[0], lastPos[1]);

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