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Last active May 3, 2021 20:07
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Color from Hex in Elm
module FromHex exposing (..)
import Color exposing (Color)
hexToColor : String -> Result String Color
hexToColor str =
digitToInt digit =
case digit of
'A' -> 10
'B' -> 11
'C' -> 12
'D' -> 13
'E' -> 14
'F' -> 15
'a' -> 10
'b' -> 11
'c' -> 12
'd' -> 13
'e' -> 14
'f' -> 15
_ -> digit
|> String.fromChar
|> String.toInt
|> Maybe.withDefault -256
digitValues =
|> String.toList
|> List.drop 1
|> digitToInt
values =
if List.length digitValues == 6 then
|> groupByTwo
(\pair ->
case pair of
v1::v2::_ -> v1 * 16 + v2
_ -> -1
else if List.length digitValues == 3 then
|> (\v -> v * 16 + v)
else []
if (values |> List.filter ((>) 0) |> List.length) > 0 then
Err str
else case values of
r::g::b::_ ->
Ok <| Color.rgb255 r g b
_ -> Err str
groupByTwo : List a -> List (List a) -- (a, a)
groupByTwo =
List.indexedMap Tuple.pair
>> List.foldr
(\( index, val ) vals ->
if remainderBy 2 index == 0 then
case vals of
[x]::xs ->
[ val, x ] :: xs
_ -> vals
[ val ] :: vals
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