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Last active May 25, 2020 07:00
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module ComonadicUI.Component where
import Control.Comonad (Comonad(..))
import ComonadicUI.Pairing
import ComonadicUI.UI
type Component base w m a = w (UI base m a)
type Component' base w m a = w (UI' base m a)
module ComonadicUI.Target.Console where
import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Control.Comonad (Comonad(..))
import ComonadicUI.Pairing
import ComonadicUI.Component
import ComonadicUI.Space
data Console = Console { _text :: String, _action :: String -> IO () }
explore :: (Comonad w, Pairing m w) => Component IO w m Console -> IO ()
explore component = do
ref <- newIORef component -- initialize the reference with the initial space
forever $ do
space <- readIORef ref
-- send receives an action dispatched by the UI
-- and updates the state by moving around in the space
let send action = writeIORef ref (move space action)
-- extract the current interface
let Console text action = extract space send
putStrLn text
input <- getLine
action input
explore' :: (Comonad w, Pairing m w) => Component' IO w m Console -> IO ()
explore' component = do
ref <- newIORef component -- initialize the reference with the initial space
forever $ do
space <- readIORef ref
-- send receives an action dispatched by the UI
-- encapsulated in the base monad
-- and updates the state by moving around in the space
let send baseAction = do
action <- baseAction
writeIORef ref (move space action)
-- extract the current interface
let Console text action = extract space send
putStrLn text
input <- getLine
action input
module ComonadicUI.Component.Counter where
import ComonadicUI.Stream
import ComonadicUI.Sequence
import ComonadicUI.Component
import ComonadicUI.UI
import ComonadicUI.Target.Console
counter :: Component IO Stream Sequence Console
-- counter = render <$> stream
counter = unfold 0 (\state -> (render state, state + 1))
render :: Int -> UI IO Sequence Console
render state = \send ->
(show state)
(\input -> send (Next (End ())))
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module ComonadicUI.Component.Files where
import System.Directory
import ComonadicUI.Pairing
import ComonadicUI.Store
import ComonadicUI.State
import ComonadicUI.UI
import ComonadicUI.Component
import ComonadicUI.Target.Console
instance Pairing (State s) (Store s) where
pair f (State g) (Store get s) = f a (get s')
where (a, s') = g s
files :: Component' IO (Store [String]) (State [String]) Console
files = Store render []
render :: [String] -> UI' IO (State [String]) Console
render list = \send ->
("Files read: " ++ show list)
(send . tryReadFile)
tryReadFile :: String -> IO (State [String] ())
tryReadFile input = do
fileExists <- doesFileExist input
if fileExists
then do
contents <- readFile input
putStrLn (takeWhile (/= '\n') contents)
return (modify (++[input]))
else do
putStrLn "File not found"
return (put [])
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module ComonadicUI.Component.List where
import ComonadicUI.Pairing
import ComonadicUI.Store
import ComonadicUI.State
import ComonadicUI.UI
import ComonadicUI.Component
import ComonadicUI.Target.Console
instance Pairing (State s) (Store s) where
pair f (State g) (Store get s) = f a (get s')
where (a, s') = g s
list :: Component IO (Store [String]) (State [String]) Console
list = Store render []
render :: [String] -> UI IO (State [String]) Console
render list = \send ->
("I've received: " ++ show list)
(\input ->
send (if input == "" then put [] else modify (++[input])))
module ComonadicUI.Main where
import ComonadicUI.Component.Counter
import ComonadicUI.Component.List
import ComonadicUI.Target.Console
--main :: IO ()
--main = explore counter
main :: IO ()
main = explore list
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
module ComonadicUI.Pairing where
import Data.Functor.Identity
-- type Pairing f g = forall a b. f (a -> b) -> g a -> b
class Pairing f g | f -> g, g -> f where
pair :: (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> g b -> c
instance Pairing Identity Identity where
pair f (Identity a) (Identity b) = f a b
instance Pairing ((->) b) ((,) b) where
pair f g (a, b) = f (g a) b
uncurry' :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
uncurry' = pair ($)
uncurry' (+) (1, 2)
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module ComonadicUI.Sequence where
import ComonadicUI.Pairing
import ComonadicUI.Stream
import ComonadicUI.Space (move)
data Sequence a = End a | Next (Sequence a)
instance Functor Sequence where
fmap f (End v) = End (f v)
fmap f (Next x) = fmap f x
instance Applicative Sequence where
pure = End
(End f) <*> s = f <$> s
(Next x) <*> s = x <*> s
instance Monad Sequence where
return = End
(End a) >>= f = f a
(Next next) >>= f = Next (next >>= f)
instance Pairing Sequence Stream where
pair f (End a) (Cons b _) = f a b
pair f (Next next) (Cons _ stream) = pair f next stream
firstN 9 (move stream (Next (Next (End ()))))
firstN 9 (move stream' (Next (Next (End ()))))
firstN' 9 (move streams (Next (Next (End ()))))
module ComonadicUI.Space where
import Control.Comonad (Comonad(..), (=>>))
import ComonadicUI.Stream
import ComonadicUI.Pairing
move :: (Comonad w, Pairing m w) => w a -> m b -> w a
move space movement = pair (\_ newSpace -> newSpace) movement (duplicate space)
module ComonadicUI.State where
data State s a = State (s -> (a, s))
instance Functor (State s) where
fmap f (State g) = State $ \s ->
let (a, s') = g s in (f a, s')
instance Applicative (State s) where
pure a = State (\s -> (a, s))
-- (<*>) :: forall a b. State s (a -> b) -> State s a -> State s b
(State f) <*> (State g) = State $ \s ->
let (h, s') = f s
(a, s'') = g s'
in (h a, s'')
instance Monad (State s) where
return a = State (\s -> (a, s))
(State g) >>= f = State $ \s ->
let (a, s') = g s
State h = f a
in h s'
modify :: (s -> s) -> State s ()
modify transform = State (\state -> ((), transform state))
put :: s -> State s ()
put newState = State (\_ -> ((), newState))
module ComonadicUI.Store where
import Control.Comonad (Comonad(..))
data Store s a = Store (s -> a) s
instance Functor (Store s) where
fmap f (Store sf s) = Store (f . sf) s
instance Comonad (Store s) where
extract (Store f s) = f s
duplicate (Store f s) = Store (Store f) s
module ComonadicUI.Stream where
import Control.Comonad (Comonad(..), (=>>))
data Stream a = Cons a (Stream a)
instance Functor Stream where
fmap f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (fmap f xs)
instance Comonad Stream where
extract (Cons x _) = x
duplicate s@(Cons _ xs) = Cons s (duplicate xs)
sumWithNext :: Num a => Stream a -> a
sumWithNext (Cons a (Cons a' _)) = a + a
stream :: Stream Int
stream = convert [1..]
convert [] = error "no more values"
convert (x:xs) = Cons x (convert xs)
streams :: Stream (Stream Int)
streams = duplicate stream
stream' :: Stream Int
stream' = extend sumWithNext stream
walk :: Int -> (a -> IO ()) -> Stream a -> IO ()
walk 0 _ _ = return ()
walk n f (Cons x xs) =
f x >>= \_ -> walk (n - 1) f xs
next :: Stream a -> a
next (Cons _ (Cons n _)) = n
first3 :: Stream a -> [a]
first3 s =
s2 = s =>> next
s3 = s2 =>> next
in [ extract s, extract s2, extract s3 ]
firstN :: Int -> Stream a -> [a]
firstN 0 _ = []
firstN n (Cons x xs) = x : firstN (n - 1) xs
firstN' :: Int -> Stream (Stream a) -> [[a]]
firstN' n ss = firstN n <$> firstN n ss
unfold :: s -> (s -> (a, s)) -> Stream a
unfold initialState next =
Cons a (unfold nextState next)
where (a, nextState) = next initialState
-- walk 5 print stream
-- walk 5 print stream'
firstN 5 stream
firstN 5 stream'
firstN' 5 streams
first3 stream
first3 stream'
module ComonadicUI.UI where
type UI base m a = (m () -> base ()) -> a
type UI' base m a = (base (m ()) -> base ()) -> a
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