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Created May 28, 2015 19:56
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Jasmine Custom Matchers
// allows to check if the spy was called with specified arguments in exact order,
// like:
// ```
// var spy = createSpy('foo');
// spy('a', { prop: 'foo' });
// spy('b', { prop: 'bar' });
// spy('c', { prop: 'baz' });
// spy('d', { prop: 'fuz' });
// expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledInOrder() {[
// [ 'a', jasmine.objectContaining({ prop: 'foo' }) ],
// [ 'c', jasmine.anything() ],
// [ jasmine.anything(), jasmine.objectContaining({ prop: 'fuz' }) ]
// ]};
// ```
toHaveBeenCalledInOrder: function(util, customEqualityTesters) {
return {
compare: function(actual, expected) {
var result = { pass: false };
var actual_count = actual.calls.count();
if (expected.length > actual_count) {
result.message = 'Expected spy ' + actual.and.identity() +
' to have been called at least ' + expected.length + ' times,' +
' but it was called only ' + actual.calls.count() + ' times';
return result;
var expected_clone = [].concat(expected);
for (var i = 0, ei = 0; i < actual_count; i++) {
if (util.equals(actual.calls.argsFor(i), expected[ei], customEqualityTesters)) {
expected_clone.pop(); ei++;
if (expected_clone.length > 0) {
result.message = 'Expected spy ' + actual.and.identity() +
' to have been called with ' + expected_clone.pop() + ', but it was not.';
return result;
result.pass = true;
return result;
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