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Created July 28, 2010 17:28
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Save shamun/495435 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
<mx:HBox width="100%">
<mx:HBox id="hb1" width="250">
<mx:Button id="layer1" label="a" click="onSend(event);" />
<mx:Button id="layer2" label="b" click="onRecv(event);" />
<mx:HBox id="hb2" >
<cam:webcam id="recorder" x="10" y="10" />
<mx:Button id="recordToggle" click="onRecord( event );" label="Start Recording" x="106" y="278"/>
<mx:HBox id="hb3" >
<cam:getdata id="recorderb" x="10" y="10" />
<mx:Button id="recordToggleb" click="onRecordb( event );" label="Start Recording" x="106" y="278"/>
import mx.controls.Alert;
// Its about layer 1
private function onSend(e:Event):void {
// Its about layer 2
private function onRecv(e:Event):void {
private function onRecord( e:Event ):void {
if( recordToggle.label == "Start Recording" ) {
recorder.recordStream( true );
recordToggle.label = "Stop Recording";
} else {
recorder.recordStream( false );
recordToggle.label = "Start Recording";
private function onRecordb( e:Event ):void {
if( recordToggleb.label == "Start Recording" ) {
recorderb.recordStream( true );
recordToggleb.label = "Stop Recording";
} else {
recorderb.recordStream( false );
recordToggleb.label = "Start Recording";
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="" width="320" height="240">
[Event(name="recordStreamStart", type="events.CustomEventClass")]
[Event(name="recordStreamStop", type="events.CustomEventClass")]
private var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
private var publish_ns:NetStream;
public function init():void {
nc.connect( "rtmp://localhost/test/" );
nc.addEventListener( NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onStatus );
public function onStatus( e:Event ):void {
// now we can set the publish_ns connection to our 'nc'
publish_ns = new NetStream( nc );
public function recordStream( isRecording:Boolean ):void {
if( isRecording ) {
} else {
private function recordStreamStart():void {
var fileName:String = "Flex_" ; fileName );
private function recordStreamStop():void {
<mx:VideoDisplay id="webCam" width="320" height="240" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="" width="320" height="240">
[Event(name="recordStreamStart", type="events.CustomEventClass")]
[Event(name="recordStreamStop", type="events.CustomEventClass")]
private var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
private var publish_ns:NetStream;
//private var cam:Camera;
private var mic:Microphone;
public function init():void {
// this is what you'll change to point to different servers/applications
nc.connect( "rtmp://localhost/test/" );
// get a reference to the audio stream that gets attached to the Netstream
mic = Microphone.getMicrophone();
// you can't add a NetConnection to a NetStream until the NetConnection is
// actually connected. So we wait for a status event.
nc.addEventListener( NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onStatus );
public function onStatus( e:Event ):void {
// now we can set the publish_ns connection to our 'nc'
publish_ns = new NetStream( nc );
// get the web cam video stream
//cam = Camera.getCamera();
// here at polyGeek we are all about the best possible quality!
//cam.setQuality( 0, 100 );
// attach the cam stream to our NetStream
//publish_ns.attachCamera( cam );
// attach the audio
publish_ns.attachAudio( mic );
// attach the cam stream to the VideoDisplay - id="webCam" - below
// so that we can see our web cam stream
//webCam.attachCamera( cam );
public function recordStream( isRecording:Boolean ):void {
if( isRecording ) {
} else {
private function recordStreamStart():void {
// get a unique filename for the stream to be saved
//var fileName:String = "Flex_" + String( Math.random() );
var fileName:String = "Flex_" ;
publish_ns.publish( fileName, "record" );
private function recordStreamStop():void {
<mx:VideoDisplay id="webCam" width="320" height="240" />
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