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Created January 10, 2023 18:45
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Dart snippet for getting commonly used locations for storage on Windows, Mac, and Linux, such as the app data directories.
import 'dart:io' show Directory, FileSystemEntity, Platform;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path_lib;
/// Static helper class for determining platform's app data path.
/// Does not require [AppData] to work, can be standalone.
/// Paths for MacOS and Linux were choosen based on popular
/// StackOverflow answers. Submit a PR if you believe these are
/// wrong.
class Locator {
static String getPlatformSpecificCachePath() {
final os = Platform.operatingSystem;
switch (os) {
case 'windows':
return _verify(_findWindows());
case 'linux':
return _verify(_findLinux());
case 'macos':
return _verify(_findMacOS());
case 'android':
case 'ios':
throw const LocatorException(
'App caches are not supported for mobile devices',
throw LocatorException(
'Platform-specific cache path for platform "$os" was not found',
static String _verify(String path) {
if (Directory(path).existsSync()) {
return path;
throw LocatorException(
'The user application path'
' for this platform'
' ("$path") does not exist on this system',
static String _findWindows() {
return path_lib.join(
static String _findMacOS() {
return path_lib.join(
'Application Support',
static String _findLinux() {
return path_lib.join('home', Platform.environment['HOME']);
class LocatorException implements Exception {
const LocatorException(this.message);
final String message;
String toString() => 'LocatorException: $message';
/// Represents a custom folder in the platform's AppData folder equivalence.
/// Use [name] to define the name of the folder.
/// It will automatically be created
/// if it does not exist already. Access the path of the cache using [path] or
/// directly access the directory by using [directory].
class AppData {
AppData.findOrCreate( {
final String name;
String get path => _path;
Directory get directory => _directory;
late String _path;
late Directory _directory;
void _findOrCreate() {
final cachePath = Locator.getPlatformSpecificCachePath();
_path = path_lib.join(cachePath, name);
_directory = Directory(_path);
if (!_directory.existsSync()) {
void delete() {
_directory.delete(recursive: true);
void clear() {
_directory.list(recursive: true).listen((FileSystemEntity entity) {
entity.delete(recursive: true);
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