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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Donately Progress Bar Widget</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
This is script is 99% copied from all of Alex's hard work here:
Thanks Alex!
var DNTLY_STATS = DNTLY_STATS || (function(){
var _args = {}; // private
return {
init : function(Args) {
Args = Args || {}
_args = Args;
_args.campaign_id = (typeof Args.campaign_id !== 'undefined') ? Args.campaign_id : '730';
_args.fundraiser_id = (typeof Args.fundraiser_id !== 'undefined') ? Args.fundraiser_id : undefined;
_args.orientation = (typeof Args.orientation !== 'undefined') ? Args.orientation : 'vertical';
_args.use_css = (typeof Args.use_css !== 'undefined') ? Args.use_css : true;
// Set orientation attribute conditionally
var orientation_attr = ( _args.orientation === 'vertical' ) ? 'height' : 'width';
// Styles
if ( _args.use_css && _args.use_css == true ) {
var css = document.createElement("style");
css.type = "text/css";
css.innerHTML = ' \
.dntly-stats, .dntly-stats * { \
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box; \
-moz-box-sizing: border-box; \
box-sizing: border-box; \
} \
.dntly-stats { \
position:relative; \
width:auto; \
height:auto; \
font-family: "Hevetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; \
font-size: 12px; \
text-transform: uppercase; \
font-weight: bold; \
} \
.dntly-stats .goal-amount { \
position:absolute; \
top:0;left:0; \
text-align:center; \
width:100%; \
line-height:40px; \
} \
.dntly-stats .amount-raised { \
color: white; \
width:100%; \
line-height:40px; \
text-align: center; \
} \
.dntly-stats .bar { \
display:inline-block; \
position:relative; \
background-color: #eff1f5; \
border-radius: 3px; \
width:80px; \
height:380px; \
} \
.dntly-stats { \
content: ""; \
position:absolute; top:0; left:0; \
height:100%;width:100%; \
line-height:50px; \
background-position: 50% 50%; \
background-repeat: no-repeat; \
} \
.dntly-stats .amount-raised { \
opacity: 1; \
} \
.dntly-stats .goal-amount { \
opacity: 1; \
} \
.dntly-stats .bar .bar--progress { \
position:absolute; \
left:0;bottom:0; \
background-color: #678ec2; \
border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; \
height:0%; \
width:100%; \
-webkit-transition: height 250ms linear, width 250ms linear; \
-o-transition: height 250ms linear, width 250ms linear; \
transition: height 250ms linear, width 250ms linear; \
} \
.dntly-stats.horizontal .bar { \
width:380px; \
height:50px; \
} \
.dntly-stats.horizontal .bar .bar--progress { \
height:100%; \
width:0%; \
} \
.dntly-stats.horizontal .amount-raised { \
line-height:50px; \
opacity:0; \
-webkit-transition: opacity 150ms linear; \
-o-transition: opacity 150ms linear; \
transition: opacity 150ms linear; \
} \
.dntly-stats.horizontal .goal-amount { \
line-height:50px; \
opacity:0; \
-webkit-transition: opacity 150ms linear; \
-o-transition: opacity 150ms linear; \
transition: opacity 150ms linear; \
text-align: right; \
padding-right: 15px; \
} \
var random_id = 'dntly-stats-id__'+Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1);
// Create & append parent node
.setAttribute('id', random_id)
.setAttribute('class', 'dntly-stats')
// Set orientation class
.className = document.querySelector('#'+random_id).className + ' ' + _args.orientation
// Create & append child nodes
.setAttribute('class', 'bar bar--loading')
if( _args.fundraiser_id ) {
api_url = ''+_args.fundraiser_id+'.json'
api_url = ''+_args.campaign_id+'.json'
sendRequest(api_url, function (data) {
var json = data.response;
json = JSON.parse(json);
json = json.campaign || json.fundraiser;
var percent_raised = (json.amount_raised / json.goal) * 100;
document.querySelector('#'+random_id+' .bar')
.setAttribute('class', 'goal-amount')
document.querySelector('#'+random_id+' .bar')
.setAttribute('class', 'bar--progress')
document.querySelector('#'+random_id+' .bar--progress')
.setAttribute('class', 'amount-raised')
// Append some data immediatly
document.querySelector('#'+random_id+' .goal-amount')
.innerHTML = '$'+json.goal.toFixed(0);
document.querySelector('#'+random_id+' .amount-raised')
.innerHTML = '$'+json.amount_raised.toFixed(0);
// Append data after timeout
setTimeout(function() {
// Remove loading class
document.querySelector('#'+random_id+' .bar')
.className = 'bar bar--loaded'
// Set percent raised as height
document.querySelector('#'+random_id+' .bar--progress')
.setAttribute('style', orientation_attr+':'+percent_raised+'%');
}, 50)
function sendRequest(url,callback,postData) {
var req = createXMLHTTPObject();
if (!req) return;
var method = (postData) ? "POST" : "GET";,url,true);
// req.setRequestHeader('User-Agent','XMLHTTP/1.0');
if (postData)
req.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (req.readyState != 4) return;
if (req.status != 200 && req.status != 304) {
console.log('HTTP error ' + req.status);
if (req.readyState == 4) return;
var XMLHttpFactories = [
function () {return new XMLHttpRequest()},
function () {return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")},
function () {return new ActiveXObject("Msxml3.XMLHTTP")},
function () {return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")}
function createXMLHTTPObject() {
var xmlhttp = false;
for (var i=0;i<XMLHttpFactories.length;i++) {
try {
xmlhttp = XMLHttpFactories[i]();
catch (e) {
return xmlhttp;
<script>DNTLY_STATS.init({ campaign_id : '932', orientation : 'horizontal' })</script>
<script>DNTLY_STATS.init({ fundraiser_id : '2821', orientation : 'horizontal' })</script>
<script>DNTLY_STATS.init({ orientation : 'vertical' })</script>
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