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Last active March 7, 2019 13:04
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import time
from . import NoDevice, postRequest, _BASE_URL
_SETTEMP_REQ = _BASE_URL + "api/setthermpoint"
_GETTHERMOSTATDATA_REQ = _BASE_URL + "api/getthermostatsdata"
_GETHOMESDATA_REQ = _BASE_URL + "api/homesdata"
_GETHOMESTATUS_REQ = _BASE_URL + "api/homestatus"
_SETTHERMMODE_REQ = _BASE_URL + "api/setthermmode"
_SETROOMTHERMPOINT_REQ = _BASE_URL + "api/setroomthermpoint"
_GETROOMMEASURE_REQ = _BASE_URL + "api/getroommeasure"
class HomeData:
List the Energy devices (relays, thermostat modules and valves)
authData (ClientAuth): Authentication information with a working access Token
def __init__(self, authData):
self.getAuthToken = authData.accessToken
postParams = {"access_token": self.getAuthToken}
resp = postRequest(_GETHOMESDATA_REQ, postParams)
self.rawData = resp["body"]["homes"] = {d["id"]: d for d in self.rawData}
if not
raise NoDevice("No thermostat available")
self.modules = dict()
self.rooms = dict()
self.schedules = dict()
self.zones = dict()
self.setpoint_duration = dict()
for i in range(len(self.rawData)):
nameHome = self.rawData[i]["name"]
if "modules" in self.rawData[i]:
if nameHome not in self.modules:
self.modules[nameHome] = dict()
for m in self.rawData[i]["modules"]:
self.modules[nameHome][m["id"]] = m
if nameHome not in self.rooms:
self.rooms[nameHome] = dict()
if nameHome not in self.schedules:
self.schedules[nameHome] = dict()
if nameHome not in self.zones:
self.zones[nameHome] = dict()
if nameHome not in self.setpoint_duration:
self.setpoint_duration[nameHome] = dict()
if "therm_setpoint_default_duration" in self.rawData[i]:
self.setpoint_duration[nameHome] = self.rawData[i][
if "rooms" in self.rawData[i]:
for r in self.rawData[i]["rooms"]:
self.rooms[nameHome][r["id"]] = r
if "therm_schedules" in self.rawData[i]:
self.default_home = self.rawData[i]["name"]
for s in self.rawData[i]["therm_schedules"]:
self.schedules[nameHome][s["id"]] = s
for t in range(len(self.rawData[i]["therm_schedules"])):
idSchedule = self.rawData[i]["therm_schedules"][t]["id"]
if idSchedule not in self.zones[nameHome]:
self.zones[nameHome][idSchedule] = dict()
for z in self.rawData[i]["therm_schedules"][t]["zones"]:
self.zones[nameHome][idSchedule][z["id"]] = z
def homeById(self, hid):
return None if hid not in else[hid]
def homeByName(self, home=None):
if not home:
home = self.default_home
for key, value in
if value["name"] == home:
def gethomeId(self, home=None):
if not home:
home = self.default_home
for key, value in
if value["name"] == home:
# print([key]['id'])
# print(self.default_home)
if "therm_schedules" in[key]:
def getSelectedschedule(self, home=None):
if not home:
home = self.default_home
self.schedule = self.schedules[home]
for key in self.schedule.keys():
if "selected" in self.schedule[key].keys():
return self.schedule[key]
class HomeStatus(HomeData):
def __init__(self, authData, home_id=None, home=None):
self.getAuthToken = authData.accessToken
# print(self.modules())
self.home_data = HomeData(authData)
# print(home_data.modules)
if home_id:
self.home_id = home_id
# print('home_id', self.home_id)
elif home:
self.home_id = self.home_data.gethomeId(home=home)
self.home_id = self.home_data.gethomeId(home=self.home_data.default_home)
postParams = {"access_token": self.getAuthToken, "home_id": self.home_id}
resp = postRequest(_GETHOMESTATUS_REQ, postParams)
if (
"body" in resp
and "errors" in resp["body"]
or "body" not in resp
or "home" not in resp["body"]
raise NoDevice("No device found, errors in response")
return None
self.rawData = resp["body"]["home"]
self.rooms = dict()
self.thermostats = dict()
self.valves = dict()
self.relays = dict()
for r in self.rawData["rooms"]:
self.rooms[r["id"]] = r
for t in range(len(self.rawData["modules"])):
if self.rawData["modules"][t]["type"] == "NATherm1":
thermostatId = self.rawData["modules"][t]["id"]
if thermostatId not in self.thermostats:
self.thermostats[thermostatId] = dict()
self.thermostats[thermostatId] = self.rawData["modules"][t]
# self.thermostats[t['id']] = t
for v in range(len(self.rawData["modules"])):
if self.rawData["modules"][v]["type"] == "NRV":
valveId = self.rawData["modules"][v]["id"]
if valveId not in self.valves:
self.valves[valveId] = dict()
self.valves[valveId] = self.rawData["modules"][v]
for r in range(len(self.rawData["modules"])):
if self.rawData["modules"][r]["type"] == "NAPlug":
relayId = self.rawData["modules"][r]["id"]
if relayId not in self.relays:
self.relays[relayId] = dict()
self.relays[relayId] = self.rawData["modules"][r]
if self.rooms != {}:
self.default_room = list(self.rooms.values())[0]
if self.relays != {}:
self.default_relay = list(self.relays.values())[0]
if self.thermostats != {}:
self.default_thermostat = list(self.thermostats.values())[0]
if self.valves != {}:
self.default_valve = list(self.valves.values())[0]
def roomById(self, rid):
if not rid:
return self.default_room
for key, value in self.rooms.items():
if value["id"] == rid:
return self.rooms[key]
def thermostatById(self, rid):
if not rid:
return self.default_thermostat
for key, value in self.thermostats.items():
if value["id"] == rid:
return self.thermostats[key]
def relayById(self, rid):
if not rid:
return self.default_relay
for key, value in self.relays.items():
if value["id"] == rid:
return self.relays[key]
def valveById(self, rid):
if not rid:
return self.default_valve
for key, value in self.valves.items():
if value["id"] == rid:
return self.valves[key]
def setPoint(self, rid=None):
Return the setpoint of a given room.
setpoint = None
if rid:
room_data = self.roomById(rid=rid)
room_data = self.roomById(rid=None)
if room_data:
setpoint = room_data["therm_setpoint_temperature"]
return setpoint
def setPointmode(self, rid=None):
Return the setpointmode of a given room.
setpointmode = None
if rid:
room_data = self.roomById(rid=rid)
room_data = self.roomById(rid=None)
if room_data:
setpointmode = room_data["therm_setpoint_mode"]
return setpointmode
def getAwaytemp(self, home=None):
if not home:
home = self.home_data.default_home
# print(self.home_data.default_home)
data = self.home_data.getSelectedschedule(home=home)
return data["away_temp"]
def getHgtemp(self, home=None):
if not home:
home = self.home_data.default_home
data = self.home_data.getSelectedschedule(home=home)
return data["hg_temp"]
def measuredTemperature(self, rid=None):
Return the measured temperature of a given room.
temperature = None
if rid:
room_data = self.roomById(rid=rid)
room_data = self.roomById(rid=None)
if room_data:
temperature = room_data["therm_measured_temperature"]
return temperature
def boilerStatus(self, rid=None):
boiler_status = None
if rid:
relay_status = self.thermostatById(rid=rid)
relay_status = self.thermostatById(rid=None)
if relay_status:
boiler_status = relay_status["boiler_status"]
return boiler_status
def thermostatType(self, home, rid):
module_id = None
for key in self.home_data.rooms[home]:
if key == rid:
for module_id in self.home_data.rooms[home][rid]["module_ids"]:
self.module_id = module_id
if module_id in self.thermostats:
return "NATherm1"
if module_id in self.valves:
return "NRV"
def setThermmode(self, home_id, mode):
postParams = {
"access_token": self.getAuthToken,
"home_id": home_id,
"mode": mode,
resp = postRequest(_SETTHERMMODE_REQ, postParams)
def setroomThermpoint(self, home_id, room_id, mode, temp=None):
postParams = {
"access_token": self.getAuthToken,
"home_id": home_id,
"room_id": room_id,
"mode": mode,
if temp is not None:
postParams["temp"] = temp
return postRequest(_SETROOMTHERMPOINT_REQ, postParams)
class ThermostatData:
List the Thermostat devices (relays and thermostat modules)
authData (ClientAuth): Authentication information with a working access Token
def __init__(self, authData):
self.getAuthToken = authData.accessToken
postParams = {"access_token": self.getAuthToken}
resp = postRequest(_GETTHERMOSTATDATA_REQ, postParams)
self.rawData = resp["body"]
self.devList = self.rawData["devices"]
if not self.devList:
raise NoDevice("No thermostat available")
self.devId = self.devList[0]["_id"]
self.modList = self.devList[0]["modules"]
self.modId = self.modList[0]["_id"]
self.temp = self.modList[0]["measured"]["temperature"]
self.setpoint_mode = self.modList[0]["setpoint"]["setpoint_mode"]
if self.setpoint_mode == "manual":
self.setpoint_temp = self.modList[0]["setpoint"]["setpoint_temp"]
self.setpoint_temp = self.modList[0]["measured"]["setpoint_temp"]
self.relay_cmd = int(self.modList[0]["therm_relay_cmd"])
self.devices = {d["_id"]: d for d in self.rawData["devices"]}
self.modules = dict()
self.therm_program_list = dict()
self.zones = dict()
self.timetable = dict()
for i in range(len(self.rawData["devices"])):
nameDevice = self.rawData["devices"][i]["station_name"]
if nameDevice not in self.modules:
self.modules[nameDevice] = dict()
for m in self.rawData["devices"][i]["modules"]:
self.modules[nameDevice][m["_id"]] = m
for p in self.rawData["devices"][i]["modules"][0]["therm_program_list"]:
self.therm_program_list[p["program_id"]] = p
for z in self.rawData["devices"][i]["modules"][0]["therm_program_list"][0][
self.zones[z["id"]] = z
for o in self.rawData["devices"][i]["modules"][0]["therm_program_list"][0][
self.timetable[o["m_offset"]] = o
self.default_device = list(self.devices.values())[0]["station_name"]
self.default_module = list(self.modules[self.default_device].values())[0][
def lastData(self, device=None, exclude=0):
s = self.deviceByName(device)
if not s:
return None
lastD = dict()
zones = dict()
# Define oldest acceptable sensor measure event
limit = (time.time() - exclude) if exclude else 0
dm = s["modules"][0]["measured"]
ds = s["modules"][0]["setpoint"]["setpoint_mode"]
dz = s["modules"][0]["therm_program_list"][0]["zones"]
for module in s["modules"]:
dm = module["measured"]
ds = module["setpoint"]["setpoint_mode"]
dz = module["therm_program_list"][0]["zones"]
if dm["time"] > limit:
lastD[module["module_name"]] = dm.copy()
lastD[module["module_name"]]["setpoint_mode"] = ds
# For potential use, add battery and radio coverage information to module data if present
for i in (
if i in module:
lastD[module["module_name"]][i] = module[i]
zones[module["module_name"]] = dz.copy()
return lastD
def deviceById(self, did):
return None if did not in self.devices else self.devices[did]
def deviceByName(self, device):
if not device:
device = self.default_device
for key, value in self.devices.items():
if value["station_name"] == device:
return self.devices[key]
def moduleById(self, mid):
for device, mod in self.modules.items():
if mid in self.modules[device]:
return self.modules[device][mid]
return None
def moduleByName(self, module=None, device=None):
if not module and not device:
return self.default_module
elif device and module:
if device not in self.modules:
return None
for mod_id in self.modules[device]:
if self.modules[device][mod_id]["module_name"] == module:
return self.modules[device][mod_id]
elif not device and module:
for device, mod_ids in self.modules.items():
for mod_id in mod_ids:
if self.modules[device][mod_id]["module_name"] == module:
return self.modules[device][mod_id]
return list(self.modules[device].values())[0]
return None
def setthermpoint(self, mode, temp, endTimeOffset):
postParams = {"access_token": self.getAuthToken}
postParams["device_id"] = self.devId
postParams["module_id"] = self.modId
postParams["setpoint_mode"] = mode
if mode == "manual":
postParams["setpoint_endtime"] = time.time() + endTimeOffset
postParams["setpoint_temp"] = temp
return postRequest(_SETTEMP_REQ, postParams)
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