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Last active January 20, 2023 19:45
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Save shane0/6fb06d9211c35d16862793636fb910bb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
minimal version of a larger powershell back end I used to use that does almost anything using anything
@REM Tokenize current date.
@for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=/ " %%a in ( 'date/t' ) do @set x=%%d
@for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=/ " %%a in ( 'date/t' ) do @set m=%%b
@for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=/ " %%a in ( 'date/t' ) do @set d=%%c
@REM run today if no date passed
@if "%3"=="" (
@set yyyymmdd=%x%%m%%d%
) else (
@set yyyymmdd=%3
@ECHO Running %0
@SET project=%1
@SET action=%2
@rem @SET scriptpath=other_dna.ps1 %project% %action%
@set scriptpath=dna.ps1 %project% %action%
@ECHO calling %scriptpath%
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass %scriptpath%
project action path destination type continue subproject subaction

dna app

I use linux but when I have to work with windows I use this for automating small and large tasks

this is a tiny version of a bigger modular powershell app

this does anything with anything

my main use was:

  • document
    • automate creation and content in markdown files
    • markdown files can easily be converted to anything: html, pdf, slideshows, web apps like mkdocs
  • network
    • ftp, network shares, api web request, email
  • automate
    • reuse this by configuring stacks of tasks sorted by project name

there is an option to chain tasks so you can mix projects but it quickly gets hairy and hard to maintain so it's not recommended

I'll find the larger version and post it here when I find it

powershell is extremely easy to use, can be configured to run in command line and cron jobs, and can call the entire .net library

function Get-ScriptFull
Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$MyInvocation.ScriptName.Replace((Split-Path $MyInvocation.ScriptName),'').TrimStart('')
$scriptrunning = Get-ScriptFull
write-host "running $scriptrunning"
# path to your config
$csvconfig = 'dna.csv'
$csvdata = Import-Csv $csvconfig
$isodate = get-date -Format yyyy-MM-dd
$yymmdd = get-date -Format yyMMdd
$yesterday = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1).ToString('yyMMdd')
# custom wildcards use yymmdd for today 170504
# yyyy-MM-dd
# yesterday = ? (Get-Date).AddDays(-1).ToString('MM-dd-yyyy')
function update-set($csvdata){
foreach($_ in $csvdata){
$_.path = $_.path.Replace('yymmdd',$yymmdd)
$_.destination = $_.destination.Replace('yymmdd',$yymmdd)
$_.path = $_.path.Replace('yyyy-MM-dd',$isodate)
$_.destination = $_.destination.Replace('yyyy-MM-dd',$isodate)
$_.path = $_.path.Replace('yesterday',$yesterday)
$_.destination = $_.destination.Replace('yesterday',$yesterday)
return $csvdata
update-set($csvdata) --quiet --no-verbose | out-null
# logging
function Get-ScriptDirectory
Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$mypath = Get-ScriptDirectory
write-host "running $mypath using $csvconfig"
function showtask($task) {
$queryproject = "use Databasename select * from tablename where project = '" + $($task.project) + "'"
$show = Invoke-SqlCmd -ServerInstance "hostname" -Database "databasename" -Verbose -Query $queryproject
$display = ''
$show | % {
$display += " action: " + $_.item("action") + " "
$display += " path: " + $_.item("path") + " "
$display += " destination: " + $_.item("destination") + " "
$display += " | "
write-host $display
write-host $show.length tasks configured
write-host "paste readable output from your clipboard to an editor"
$show | clip
# ftp get and put
function gettask($task){
Set-Location C:\winscp
Add-Type -Path "WinSCPnet.dll"
# Set up session options
$sessionOptions = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions -Property @{
Protocol = [WinSCP.Protocol]::Sftp
HostName = ""
UserName = ""
Password = ""
SshHostKeyFingerprint = ""
$session = New-Object WinSCP.Session
# Connect
# Upload files
$transferOptions = New-Object WinSCP.TransferOptions
$transferOptions.TransferMode = [WinSCP.TransferMode]::Binary
$transferResult = $session.GetFiles($task.destination, $task.path, $False, $transferOptions)
# Throw on any error
# Print results
foreach ($transfer in $transferResult.Transfers)
Write-Host ("Download of {0} succeeded" -f $transfer.FileName)
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
} # end gettask
# put
function puttask($task){
Set-Location C:\winscp
Add-Type -Path "WinSCPnet.dll"
# Set up session options
$sessionOptions = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions -Property @{
Protocol = [WinSCP.Protocol]::Sftp
HostName = ""
UserName = ""
Password = "
SshHostKeyFingerprint = ""
$session = New-Object WinSCP.Session
# Connect
# Upload files
$transferOptions = New-Object WinSCP.TransferOptions
$transferOptions.TransferMode = [WinSCP.TransferMode]::Binary
$transferResult = $session.PutFiles($task.path, $task.destination)
# Throw on any error
# Print results
foreach ($transfer in $transferResult.Transfers)
Write-Host ("Upload of {0} succeeded" -f $transfer.FileName)
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
} # end puttask
function movetask($task){
move-item $task.path $task.destination -Force
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function copytask($task){
copy-item $task.path $task.destination -Force
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function renametask($task){
rename-item -path $task.path -newname $task.destination -Force
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function newtask($task){
if(-not (test-path($task.path))){
new-item -path $task.path -ItemType $task.type
} else {write-host "$($task.path) already exists"}
# add test with email alert option to destination if this fails?
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function removetask($task){
if($task.type = 'recursive'){
remove-item -path $task.path -Recurse
remove-item -path $task.path
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function invoketask($task){
invoke-item -path $task.path
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function cleartask($task){
clear-content $task.path
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function addtask($task){
$task.destination | add-content $task.path
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function cmdtask($task){
& $task.path
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function urltask($task){
Start-Process "chrome.exe" $task.path
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function testtask($task){
& dna $($task.destination) email
& dna $task.destination email
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function readtask($task){
Get-Content $($task.path)
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function listtask($task){
Get-ChildItem $task.path -r
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function scrapetask($task){
Invoke-WebRequest $task.path
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function servicetasktask($task){
get-service -ComputerName $task.path
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function atomtask($task){
atom -n -a $task.path
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function cliptask($task){
$task.path | clip
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function findtask($task){
get-childitem -path $task.path -r | Select-String -pattern $task.destination | ForEach-Object {write-host "match in $task.path"}
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function filebackuptask($task){
$newfile = "$($task.path)" + "." + "$isodate"
copy-item -path $($task.path) -Destination $newfile -Force
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function ownertask($task){
get-acl -Path $($task.path)
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function zipfoldertask($task){
& "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -mx=9 $($task.destination) $($task.path)
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function emailtask($task){
$param = @{
SmtpServer = ''
From = ''
To = $task.destination
Subject = $task.path
Body = "<html><body>$($task.type)<br></body></html>"
BodyAsHtml = $true
Send-MailMessage @param
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function removelinetask($task){
$match = $task.type
$clean = Get-Content $task.path | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch $match}
new-item $task.destination -ItemType file
Clear-Content $task.destination
$clean | Out-File $task.destination
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function replacelinetask($task){
(Get-Content $task.path) |
Foreach-Object {$_ -replace $task.destination, $task.type} |
Out-File $task.path
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
function expressionset($task){
Invoke-Expression "& $($task.path)"
if($task.continue -eq 'y'){
subchain $task
# subchain will launch a sub/sequence of projects/tasks as defined if $task.continue = y
function subchain($task){
& dna $task.subproject $task.subaction
function runone($action,$task){
switch ($action) {
get {gettask $task}
put {puttask $task}
move {movetask $task}
copy {copytask $task}
clip {cliptask $task}
rename {renametask $task}
new {newtask $task}
remove {removetask $task}
invoke {invoketask $task}
clear {cleartask $task}
add {addtask $task}
cmd {cmdtask $task}
url {urltask $task}
test {testtask $task}
list {listtask $task}
read {readtask $task}
scrape {scrapetask $task}
service {servicetask $task}
atom {atomtask $task}
find {findtask $task}
filebackup {filebackuptask $task}
zip {zipfoldertask $task}
owner {ownertask $task}
email {emailtask $task}
removeline {removelinetask $task}
replacestring {replacelinetask $task}
iexp {expressionset $task}
showconfig {showtask $task}
default {"missing parameters"}
function runproject{
$projectset = $csvdata | Where-Object {$_.project -eq $project}
foreach($_ in $projectset){
$action = $_.action
runone -action $action -task $_
start-sleep -s .5
function filteroneaction($action){
$taskset = $csvdata | Where-Object {$_.project -eq $project -and $_.action -eq $action}
foreach($_ in $taskset){
runone -action $_.action -task $_
if($action -eq $null){
write-host "starting $project"
elseif ($action -ne $null) {
write-host "running only task type $action on project $project"
filteroneaction $action
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