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Created February 21, 2017 21:58
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Search for a method based on generic arguments in addition to name and parameters.
Search for a method based on generic arguments in addition to name and
parameters. Most useful for disambiguating methods with the same name.
If the elements of genericArgs are not null, it will return the specialized
generic method. Otherwise it will return the generic method definition.
Finally, if genericArgs has no elements, it will return a non-generic
method. If no method is found, it will return null.
e.g. Suppose I had the following methods in a class Minibuffer:
IPromise<string> Read(Prompt p) { ... }
IPromise<T> Read<T>(Prompt p) { ... }
And I wanted to get the generic one:
Minibuffer.GetMethodGeneric("Read", new [] {typeof(int)}, new [] {typeof(Prompt)}) ->
IPromise`1 Read[Int64](seawisphunter.minibuffer.Prompt)
Minibuffer.GetMethodGeneric("Read", new Type[] {null}, new [] {typeof(Prompt)}) ->
IPromise`1 Read[T](seawisphunter.minibuffer.Prompt)
Or I could get the non-generic one:
Minibuffer.GetMethodGeneric("Read", new Type[] {}, new [] {typeof(Prompt)}) ->
IPromise`1 Read(seawisphunter.minibuffer.Prompt)
public static MethodInfo GetMethodGeneric(this Type t,
string name,
Type[] genericArgs,
Type[] parameterTypes) {
var myMethod
= t
// I can count the number of times I've had to actually XOR on one hand.
.Where(m => (genericArgs.Length == 0 ^ m.IsGenericMethod)
&& m.Name == name)
.Where(m =>
var paramTypes = m.GetParameters();
var genParams = m.GetGenericArguments();
return genParams.Length == genericArgs.Length
&& Enumerable.SequenceEqual(paramTypes.Select(p => p.ParameterType),
if (myMethod != null
&& myMethod.ContainsGenericParameters
&& genericArgs.All(p => p != null)) {
return myMethod.MakeGenericMethod(genericArgs);
return myMethod;
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