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Created November 17, 2017 14:27
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Playing around with some genetic algorithms.
Copyright (c) 2017 Shane Celis
Just playing around with some genetic algorithms.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
public class SimpleGA<TGenotype, TFitness> {
// Evaluate fitness (currently framed as a maximization problem)
public Func<TGenotype, TFitness> evaluate;
// Func<TPhenotype, TPhenotype, TFitness> bievaluate;
// Func<List<TPhenotype>, TFitness> coevaluate;
// Select
public Func<int,
IEnumerable<Pair<TGenotype, TFitness>>,
IEnumerable<Pair<TGenotype, TFitness>>> select; // Second list is smaller
// Tweak
public Func<TGenotype, TGenotype> mutate;
// Func<List<TGenotype>, List<TGenotype>> crossover;
public Func<TGenotype, TGenotype, TGenotype> crossover;
// generate
public Func<TGenotype> generate;
public Func<TGenotype, string> toString = x => x.ToString();
public Func<TFitness, string> fitnessToString = x => x.ToString();
public Func<TFitness, bool> terminateP = _ => false;
public Action<int> endGeneration = i => { };
public double mutationProbability = 0.7;
public int lambda = 5; // number of parents
public int mu = 5; // number of children
public int nu = 0; // number of swamp things (randomly generated)
protected Random random = new Random();
/* This is to stop the evolutionary stream from going on endlessly,
accidentally. The client really should just add a .Take(n) to limit to n
generations. */
int maxGenerations = 100;
Algorithm 19: The (\mu + \lambda) Evolutionary Strategy
Sean Luke, 2013, Essentials of Metaheuristics, Lulu, second edition
public IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Pair<TGenotype,TFitness>>>
EvolutionaryStrategy(int mu, int lambda) {
var pop = Enumerable.Range(0, lambda)
.Select(_ => generate());
return EvolutionaryStream(pop, mu, 0);
public IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Pair<TGenotype, TFitness>>> EvolutionaryStream() {
return EvolutionaryStream(mu, lambda, nu);
public IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Pair<TGenotype, TFitness>>>
EvolutionaryStream(int childrenProduced,
int parentsSelected,
int newlyMade) {
int mu = childrenProduced;
int lambda = parentsSelected;
return EvolutionaryStream(Enumerable.Range(0, lambda).Select(_ => generate()), mu, newlyMade);
public IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Pair<TGenotype,TFitness>>>
EvolutionaryStream(IEnumerable<TGenotype> pop, int? mu = null, int nu = 0) {
int lambda = pop.Count(); // Count of parents selected
if (! mu.HasValue)
mu = lambda; // Count of children produced
// Evaluate initial population.
var evaluated = pop
.Select(g => new Pair<TGenotype, TFitness>(g, evaluate(g)))
.ToList(); // This .ToList() is important.
for (int i = 0; i < maxGenerations
&& ! evaluated.Any(gf => terminateP(; i++) {
// Return the last evaluated generation.
yield return evaluated;
// Select the parents.
var parentsWithFitness = select(lambda, evaluated);
var parents = parentsWithFitness.Select(gf => gf.genotype).ToList();
// Generate the children.
var children = Enumerable.Range(0, mu.Value)
.Select(_ => (random.NextDouble() < mutationProbability)
? mutate(parents.Random())
: crossover(parents.Random(), parents.Random()));
// Insert newly generated individuals into the population.
var newlyMade = Enumerable.Range(0, nu)
.Select(_ => generate());
// Mix together and evaluate the next population.
evaluated = children
.Select(g => new Pair<TGenotype, TFitness>(g, evaluate(g)))
.Concat(parentsWithFitness) // Exclude this line for a (\mu, \lambda) algorithm.
.ToList(); // This .ToList() is important. If it's not
// here, evaluated.Any() above will be silently
// produce a new generation.
// Return the last generation.
yield return evaluated;
// Return the best individual.
yield return select(1, evaluated);
public void PrintPopulationWithFitness(string header, IEnumerable<Pair<TGenotype, TFitness>> pop) {
Console.Out.WriteLine(header + string.Join(" ",
pop.Select(gf => new Pair<string, string>(toString(gf.genotype),
public void PrintPopulation(string header, IEnumerable<Pair<TGenotype, TFitness>> pop) {
Console.Out.WriteLine(header + string.Join(" ",
.Select(i => toString(i.genotype))));
public static Pair<TGenotype, TFitness>
TournamentSelection(int k, IEnumerable<Pair<TGenotype, TFitness>> pop) {
// return pop.Random(k).MaxBy(i =>;
return pop.Random(k).OrderByDescending(i =>;
public class IntGA : SimpleGA<int, int> {
public IntGA() {
evaluate = x => x;
select = (c, xs) => xs.OrderByDescending(gf =>;
mutate = x => x + (random.Next(10) - 5);
crossover = (x, y) => x + y;
generate = () => random.Next(3);
terminateP = x => x > 100;
public class BoolGA : SimpleGA<bool[], int> {
int geneCount = 5;
public BoolGA() {
evaluate = x => x.Count(y => y);
select = (c, xs) => xs.OrderByDescending(gf => gf.Item2).Take(c);
mutate = x => x.Select(y => (mutationProbability < random.NextDouble()) ? ! y : y).ToArray();
crossover = (x, y) => {
var i = random.Next(geneCount);
return x.Take(i).Concat(y.Skip(i)).ToArray();
generate = () => Enumerable.Range(0, geneCount).Select(i => random.Next(2) == 1).ToArray();
toString = x => string.Join("", x.Select((bool y) => y ? '1' : '0'));
terminateP = f => f == geneCount;
public class IntHillClimber : SimpleGA<int, int> {
public IntHillClimber() {
lambda = 1;
mu = 1;
evaluate = x => x;
select = (c, xs) => xs.OrderByDescending(gf => gf.Item2).Take(c);
mutate = x => x + (random.Next(10) - 5);
crossover = (x, y) => (x + y)/2;
generate = () => random.Next(3);
terminateP = x => x > 100;
public class AgeFitnessPareto : SimpleGA<int[], int[]> {
public Func<int[], int[], bool> dominates;
public AgeFitnessPareto() {
int gaTime = 0;
int paretoTournamentSize = 5;
nu = 2;
evaluate = x => new [] { x[0], gaTime - x[1] }; // (fitness, age)
select = (c, xs) => Nondominated(xs.Random(paretoTournamentSize)).ToList();
// select = (c, xs) => Nondominated(xs).ToList();
mutate = x => new int[] { x[0] + (random.Next(10) - 5), x[1] - 1 }; // (genotype, birthday)
crossover = (x, y) => new int[] { (x[0] + y[0]), Math.Min(x[1], y[1]) - 1 };
// not actually called
generate = () => new int[] { random.Next(3), gaTime }; // (genotype, birthday)
terminateP = x => x[0] > 100;
dominates = (x, y) => x[0] > y[0] && x[1] < y[1]; // better fitness, lower age
// toString = x => new Pair<string, string>(string.Join(" ", x.genotype), string.Join(" ",;
toString = x => Tuple.Create(string.Join(" ", evaluate(x))).ToString();
fitnessToString = x => string.Join(" ", x);
endGeneration = i => gaTime = i;
public IEnumerable<Pair<int[], int[]>> Nondominated(IEnumerable<Pair<int[], int[]>> pop) {
var poplist = pop.ToList();
for (int i = 0; i < poplist.Count; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < poplist.Count; j++) {
if (i == j)
goto inner;
if (dominates(poplist[j].fitness, poplist[i].fitness))
goto outer;
yield return poplist[i];
public static class Program {
public static int Main(string[] args) {
if (args.Length != 1) {
Console.Error.WriteLine("usage: SimpleGA <IntGA, BoolGA, IntHillClimber, AgeFitnessPareto>");
return 2;
dynamic ga = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(args[0]));
// var ga = new IntGA();
// var ga = new BoolGA();
// var ga = new IntHillClimber();
// var ga = new AgeFitnessPareto();
// var pop = Enumerable.Range(0, 1).Select(_ => ga.generate());
var stream = ga.EvolutionaryStream();
int i = 0;
foreach (var popi in stream
//.Take(5) // Limit to only 5 generations
) {
// ga.PrintPopulationWithFitness("gen " + (i++) + ": ", popi);
ga.PrintPopulation("gen " + (i++) + ": ", popi);
return 0;
public static class Extensions {
private static Random random = new Random();
//$ cite -ma 21351230 -t excerpt -u \
public static T Random<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable) {
int index;
return RandomWithIndex(enumerable, out index);
public static T RandomWithIndex<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable, out int index) {
var list = enumerable as IList<T> ?? enumerable.ToList();
return list.ElementAt(index = random.Next(list.Count));
public static IEnumerable<T> Random<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable, int k) {
var list = new List<T>(k);
using (var e = enumerable.GetEnumerator()) {
for (int i = 0; i < k && e.MoveNext(); i++) {
for (int j, i = k + 1; e.MoveNext(); i++) {
j = random.Next(i);
if (j < k)
list[j] = e.Current;
return list;
public class Pair<TGenotype, TFitness> : Tuple<TGenotype, TFitness> {
public Pair(TGenotype genotype, TFitness fitness) : base(genotype, fitness) { }
public TGenotype genotype {
get { return Item1; }
public TFitness fitness {
get { return Item2; }
public static Pair<T1, T2> Create<T1, T2>(T1 g, T2 f) {
return new Pair<T1, T2>(g, f);
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