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Created May 22, 2018 16:38
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  • Save shaneis/50994abbdf82e6fa220f7cad52763acd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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[int]$FizzRunningTotal = 0
[int]$FizzBuzzRunningTotal = 0
[int]$BuzzRunningTotal = 0
$Mod15 = [Scriptblock]::Create('param([int]$Number) $FizzBuzzRunningTotal + $_ ')
$Mod5 = [Scriptblock]::Create('param([int]$Number) $BuzzRunningTotal + $_ ')
$Mod3 = [Scriptblock]::Create('param([int]$Number) $FizzRunningTotal + $_ ')
1..15 | ForEach-Object {
switch ($_) {
{ $_ % 15 -eq 0 } {
$FizzBuzzRunningTotal = $Mod15.InvokeReturnAsIs($_)
{ $_ % 5 -eq 0 } {
$BuzzRunningTotal = $Mod5.InvokeReturnAsIs($_)
{ $_ % 3 -eq 0 } {
$FizzRunningTotal = $Mod3.InvokeReturnAsIs($_)
Number = $_
FizzRunningTotal = $FizzRunningTotal
BuzzRunningTotal = $BuzzRunningTotal
FizzBuzzRunningTotal = $FizzBuzzRunningTotal
} | Format-Table -AutoSize
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