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Created March 22, 2018 15:38
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  • Save shaneis/b9c786287a164c649309977b279f307f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save shaneis/b9c786287a164c649309977b279f307f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Both! It does both!!!
$ThingsILike = 'Coffee', 'Whiskey', 'Food', 'ToMoveItMoveIt' | ForEach-Object -Process {
Name = $_
$ThingsICanDrink = 'Coffee;$true', 'Whiskey;$true', 'Food;$false', 'Ice;""' | ForEach-Object -Process {
$Name, $CanDrink = $_ -split ';'
Name = $Name
CanDrink = $CanDrink
$JoinParams = @{
Left = $ThingsILike
Right = $ThingsICanDrink
LeftJoinProperty = 'Name'
RightJoinProperty = 'Name'
Type = 'AllInBoth'
Prefix = 'InRight_'
Join-Object @JoinParams
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