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Created June 9, 2024 16:41
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Quick n Dirty PHP Benchmark Runner

Quick n' Dirty PHP Benchmark Runner

This is a quick code profiler/benchmarker for PHP functions. Instantiate the class, load it with the tests you require, then let it run.


$runner = new Runner();

// NOTE: Test parameters are passed with an array, as per call_user_func_array.
$runner->setTestParameters([eval(str_replace('#', 'null', 'return [[#,#,#],[#' .
'],[],#,[["name"=>"PHP_VERSION","value"=>"8.3.7"],["name"=>"PHP_MAJOR_VERSION' .
'","value"=>8],["name"=>"PHP_MINOR_VERSION","value"=>3],["name"=>"PHP_RELEASE' .
'_VERSION","value"=>7],["name"=>"PHP_EXTRA_VERSION","value"=>""],["name"=>"PH' .
'P_VERSION_ID","value"=>80307],["name"=>"PHP_ZTS","value"=>0]],["name"=>"PHP_' .
'SAPI","value"=>""],[#],["name"=>"PHP_BINARY","value"=>""],[],#,[],[],[],[#,#' .

$runner->addTestCase('foreach-loop', function ($constants) {
    foreach ($constants as $index => &$constant) {
        if (is_null($constant)) {

        // If this is a constant registration value, skip it.
        if (array_key_exists('name', $constant)) {

        // Removes NULL values from the second level of the array.
        $constants[$index] = array_filter($constants[$index]);

        // If we now have an empty array, we should remove it altogether.
        if (empty($constants[$index])) {
$runner->addTestCase('functional', function ($constants) {
    // Removes NULL values from the first level of the array.
    $constants = array_filter($constants);

    // Removes all NULL values from the second level of the array.
    $constants = array_map('array_filter', $constants);

    // Removes all empty second level arrays.
    $constants = array_filter($constants);
$runner->addTestCase('example-really-quick', function ($constants) {
    // Do nothing
php test.php 
Beginning tests. Tests may run up to 10 seconds.

 |                | foreach-loop | functional | example-really-quick |
 |       numTests |          389 |        389 |                  389 | 
 |  averageMemory |        1.2KB |     3.57KB |                 256B | 
 |    totalMemory |     468.23KB |     1.36MB |              97.25KB | 
 | averageRuntime |      21.55ms |     4.29ms |             941.26us | 
 |   totalRuntime |        8.38s |      1.67s |             366.15ms | 

Total test time: 10.42s
* This is a quick and dirty code benchmarker for PHP functions. It is not
* intended to replace a proper benchmark suite.
* @author Shane Thompson
namespace shanept\Benchmark;
class Runner
protected $testData = null;
protected $testCase = [];
protected $runtimeStatistics = [];
private $mulFn = null;
private $subFn = null;
public function setTestParameters($parameterList)
$this->testData = $parameterList;
public function addTestCase(string $name, callable $testCase)
$this->testCase[$name] = $testCase;
public function output($timeToRun)
$results = [
'numTests' => [],
'averageMemory' => [],
'totalMemory' => [],
'averageRuntime' => [],
'totalRuntime' => [],
$valueMaps = [
'numTests' => 'intval',
'averageMemory' => [__CLASS__, 'bytes2hr'],
'totalMemory' => [__CLASS__, 'bytes2hr'],
'averageRuntime' => [__CLASS__, 'nanosecs2hr'],
'totalRuntime' => [__CLASS__, 'nanosecs2hr'],
$columns = array_keys($this->testCase);
$numColumns = count($columns);
$columnWidths = array_map('strlen', $columns);
$longestMetricName = max(array_map('strlen', array_keys($results)));
foreach ($this->runtimeStatistics as $name => $statistic) {
$result = $this->evaluateStatsForTestCase($name, $statistic);
$results['numTests'][$name] = $result['numTests'];
$results['averageMemory'][$name] = $result['averageMemory'];
$results['totalMemory'][$name] = $result['totalMemory'];
$results['averageRuntime'][$name] = $result['averageRuntime'];
$results['totalRuntime'][$name] = $result['totalRuntime'];
echo "\n";
$divider = ' +' . str_repeat('-', $longestMetricName + 2) . '+';
for ($i = 0; $i < $numColumns; $i++) {
$divider .= str_repeat('-', $columnWidths[$i] + 2);
$divider .= '+';
$divider .= "\n";
// Output headers.
echo $divider;
echo ' |' . str_repeat(' ', $longestMetricName + 2);
printf("| %s |\n", join(' | ', $columns));
echo $divider;
// Output Data
foreach ($results as $testType => $result) {
printf(' | %' . $longestMetricName . 's | ', $testType);
for ($i = 0; $i < $numColumns; $i++) {
$outputValue = call_user_func($valueMaps[$testType], $result[$columns[$i]]);
$fmt = sprintf('%%%ds | ', $columnWidths[$i]);
printf($fmt, $outputValue);
echo "\n";
echo $divider;
echo "\n\nTotal test time: " . round($timeToRun, 2) . "s\n";
protected function evaluateStatsForTestCase($name, $stats)
$numTests = count($this->runtimeStatistics[$name]);
$totalMemory = 0;//array_sum(array_column($stats, 'memory')) / $numTests;
$totalRuntime = 0;//array_sum(array_column($stats, 'time')) / $numTests;
foreach ($stats as $stat) {
$totalMemory += $stat['memory'];
$totalRuntime += $stat['time'];
$averageMemory = $totalMemory / $numTests;
$averageRuntime = $totalRuntime / $numTests;
return compact([
public function run()
$startTesting = microtime(true);
$numTests = count($this->testCase);
if ($numTests < 1) {
throw new \RuntimeException(
'You must provide me with some tests for me to run!'
$maxRuntime = ini_get('max_execution_time');
$maxRuntime = $maxRuntime ? $maxRuntime - 5 : 10;
$keys = array_keys($this->testCase);
$this->runtimeStatistics = array_fill_keys($keys, []);
$testStartTime = time();
$lastTick = $testStartTime;
echo "Beginning tests. Tests may run up to $maxRuntime seconds.\n";
for (;;) {
// Tick 10 times, but no faster than every second.
$tick = max(floor($maxRuntime / 10), 30);
$currentTime = time();
if ($currentTime > ($testStartTime + $maxRuntime)) {
if ($currentTime > ($lastTick + $tick)) {
$lastTick = $currentTime;
echo '.';
foreach ($this->testCase as $name => $callback) {
$params = $this->testData ?: [];
$stats = [];
$startMemoryUsage = memory_get_peak_usage();
$startTime = hrtime(false);
// Do test 1000x
for ($loopTest = 0; $loopTest < 1000; $loopTest++) {
call_user_func_array($callback, $params);
$endTime = hrtime(false);
$endMemoryUsage = memory_get_peak_usage();
* Calculate the amount of time that has passed. If end - start
* is negative, then we have started the next second and should
* add this on to our calculation.
$s = $endTime[0] - $startTime[0];
$ns = $endTime[1] - $startTime[1];
$timeSpent = (pow(10, 9) * $s) + $ns;
$this->runtimeStatistics[$name][] = [
'memory' => $endMemoryUsage - $startMemoryUsage,
'time' => $timeSpent,
$testTime = microtime(true) - $startTesting;
private static function nanosecs2hr($ns)
$units = [
'unit' => 's',
'power' => pow(10, 9),
'unit' => 'ms',
'power' => pow(10, 6),
'unit' => 'us',
'power' => pow(10, 3),
'unit' => 'ns',
'power' => 1,
foreach ($units as $unit) {
if ($ns < $unit['power']) {
$result = $ns / $unit['power'];
return strval(round($result, 2)) . $unit['unit'];
return $ns;
private static function bytes2hr($bytes)
$bytes = floatval($bytes);
$units = [
'unit' => 'TB',
'power' => pow(1024, 4)
'unit' => 'GB',
'power' => pow(1024, 3)
'unit' => 'MB',
'power' => pow(1024, 2)
'unit' => 'KB',
'power' => 1024
'unit' => 'B',
'power' => 1
foreach ($units as $unit) {
if ($bytes < $unit['power']) {
$result = $bytes / $unit['power'];
return strval(round($result, 2)). $unit['unit'];
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