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Created October 7, 2014 18:27
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Using Subnet-Directed Broadcasts in SCCM WOL
Here’s a method to add a menu within the SCCM Console and remote-wake (WOL) computers on non-local subnets using subnet-directed broadcasts and mc-wol.exe.
1) Download and install the SCCM Console Extensions (google it; the download link may change with new versions) and mc-wol.exe ( Put mc-wol.exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\SCCMConsoleExtensions\
2) Edit C:\Program Files (x86)\SCCMConsoleExtensions\SCCMAction.vbs, in the Wake On LAN section, to use the mc-wol.exe program you downloaded. This code gets a list of interfaces, and sends a WOL packet to the broadcast address of each interface calculated by its IP address and Netmask.
Be sure to allow subnet-directed broadcasts on your routers. I thank the original author of the console extensions for his/her original code. I added some variables and changed how others are calculated.
‘ Wake On LAN
Sub WakeOnLAN
On Error Resume Next
Set objSMSWMIService = GetObject(“winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\” & strSiteServer & “\” & strNameSpace)
Set result = objSMSWMIService.ExecQuery(“SELECT * FROM SMS_G_System_NETWORK_ADAPTER_CONFIGURATION WHERE ResourceID=’” & strResourceID & “‘ AND IPAddress IS NOT NULL”)
For Each instance in result
strMACAddress = instance.MACAddress
strIPAddress = instance.IPAddress
strIPSubnet = instance.IPSubnet
ipAddressBytes = “”
subnetMaskBytes = “”
ipAddressBytes = Split(strIPAddress, “.”)
subnetMaskBytes = Split(strIPSubnet, “.”)
broadcastAddress = (ipAddressBytes(0) Or (subnetMaskBytes(0) Xor 255)) & “.” & (ipAddressBytes(1) Or (subnetMaskBytes(1) Xor 255)) & “.” & (ipAddressBytes(2) Or (subnetMaskBytes(2) Xor 255)) & “.” & (ipAddressBytes(3) Or (subnetMaskBytes(3) Xor 255))
strCmdLine = “\\server\SMS_AA1\bin\i386\mc-wol.exe ” & strMACAddress & ” /a ” & broadcastAddress
WshShell.Run strCmdLine,True
MsgBox(“Ran ” & strCmdLine)
End Sub
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