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Created October 16, 2014 07:22
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Creating a mac2ip script for arpwatch
For network administrators, being able to trace mac addresses to IP addresses is useful in knowing what's plugged in to your switches. Here's a little script I wrote that takes one argument, the mac-address in hexadecimal format with any number of delimiters, and resolves it to an IP address using an arpwatch database on a Linux machine. It will also resolve the vendor ID using a pre-downloaded database from
Feel free to use it. If you add something, please let me know!
Usage: <mac-address>
jupiter:~# 00:16:35:69:88:49
00:16:35:69:88:49 [Hewlett Packard] -
#! /usr/bin/perl
# Written by Shane Ramey
# 4/18/2010
# Feel free to release this, and keep my name here if you modify this
use Socket;
$fileprefix = "/var/lib/arpwatch";
# Download oui.txt from
$ouiDBPath = "/usr/local/share/mac2ip/oui.txt";
open(OUIDB, "$ouiDBPath") || die "Cannot open ouiDBPath: $!";
while(<OUIDB>) {
($a, $v) = split(/\,/);
$macDB{"$a"} = "$v";
foreach $arg (@ARGV) {
@found = ();
@newMacAddress = ();
$finalMacString = "";
$foundBool = 0;
$macaddress = $arg;
$macaddress =~ s/[^0-9a-fA-F]//g;
@macElements = split(//, $macaddress);
if (@macElements != 12) {
die "Usage: $0 mac_address\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < scalar(@macElements); $i++) {
if ($i % 2 == 0) {
$macElement = $macElements[$i] . $macElements[$i + 1];
$macElement =~ s/^0//;
push(@newMacAddress, "$macElement");
$strippedMacAddress = join(":", @newMacAddress);
@files = <$fileprefix/*.dat>;
foreach $fileToUse (@files) {
open(ARPWATCH, "$fileToUse") || die "Can't open file $fileToUse: $!";
@lines = <ARPWATCH>;
foreach $line (@lines) {
@lineElements = split("\t", $line);
if ($lineElements[0] eq "$strippedMacAddress") {
push(@found, $lineElements[1]);
$foundBool = 1;
if ($foundBool) {
foreach $found (@found) {
$iAddr = inet_aton("$found");
$dnsName = gethostbyaddr($iAddr, AF_INET);
if (!$dnsName) {
$dnsName = "NOT IN DNS";
@macBytes = split(//, $macaddress);
$i = 0;
foreach $mac4Bits (@macBytes) {
if ($i % 2 == 0 && $i != 12) {
$finalMacString .= "$mac4Bits:";
} else {
$finalMacString .= "$mac4Bits";
$finalMacString =~ m/^(.*\:.*\:.*)\:.*\:.*\:.*$/;
$vendor = $macDB{uc($1)};
if (!$vendor) {
$vendor = "VENDOR NOT FOUND";
print "$finalMacString [$vendor] - $found ($dnsName)\n";
} else {
@macBytes = split(//, $macaddress);
$i = 0;
foreach $mac4Bits (@macBytes) {
if ($i % 2 == 0 && $i != 12) {
$finalMacString .= "$mac4Bits:";
} else {
$finalMacString .= "$mac4Bits";
$finalMacString =~ m/^(.*\:.*\:.*)\:.*\:.*\:.*$/;
$vendor = $macDB{uc($1)};
if (!$vendor) {
$vendor = "VENDOR NOT FOUND";
print "$finalMacString [$vendor] - IP NOT FOUND\n";
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