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Created August 2, 2023 15:30
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recipejs pa native:build mac
Build NativePHP app…
Installing dependencies from lock file
Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform.
Nothing to install, update or remove
Generating optimized autoload files
> Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postAutoloadDump
> @php artisan package:discover --ansi
INFO Discovering packages.
laravel/sanctum ....................................................... DONE
laravel/tinker ........................................................ DONE
laravel/ui ............................................................ DONE
nativephp/electron .................................................... DONE
nativephp/laravel ..................................................... DONE
nesbot/carbon ......................................................... DONE
nunomaduro/termwind ................................................... DONE
53 packages you are using are looking for funding.
Use the `composer fund` command to find out more!
> NativePHP@1.0.0 build:mac
> cross-env npm run build:mac-arm && cross-env npm run build:mac-x86
> NativePHP@1.0.0 build:mac-arm
> cross-env node php.js --arm64 && cross-env npm run build && cross-env electron-builder -p never --mac --config --arm64
Binary Source: /Users/shanerosenthal/Code/recipejs/vendor/nativephp/php-bin/bin/mac/arm64
Binary Filename: php
Copying PHP file(s) from /Users/shanerosenthal/Code/recipejs/vendor/nativephp/php-bin/bin/mac/arm64 to /Users/shanerosenthal/Code/recipejs/vendor/nativephp/electron/resources/js/resources/php
Copied certificate file to /Users/shanerosenthal/Code/recipejs/vendor/nativephp/electron/resources/js/resources/cacert.pem
> NativePHP@1.0.0 build
> electron-vite build
vite v4.4.7 building for production...
✓ 4 modules transformed.
out/main/index.js 0.55 kB
✓ built in 42ms
vite v4.4.7 building for production...
"contextBridge" and "ipcRenderer" are imported from external module "electron" but never used in "src/preload/index.js".
✓ 1 modules transformed.
out/preload/index.js 0.70 kB
✓ built in 6ms
vite v4.4.7 building for production...
✓ 2 modules transformed.
Generated an empty chunk: "index".
../../out/renderer/index.html 0.37 kB
✓ built in 345ms
• electron-builder version=24.6.3 os=22.5.0
Binary Source: /Users/shanerosenthal/Code/recipejs/vendor/nativephp/php-bin/bin/
Binary Filename: php
Arch: arm64
Platform: darwin
{ provider: 's3', name: 's3', region: 'us-east-1', path: '/recipejs' }
Copying PHP file(s) from /Users/shanerosenthal/Code/recipejs/vendor/nativephp/php-bin/bin/mac/arm64 to /Users/shanerosenthal/Code/recipejs/vendor/nativephp/electron/resources/js/resources/php
Copied PHP binary to /Users/shanerosenthal/Code/recipejs/vendor/nativephp/electron/resources/js/resources/php
Copied certificate file to /Users/shanerosenthal/Code/recipejs/vendor/nativephp/electron/resources/js/resources/cacert.pem
Building for mac | arm64
updater config { provider: 's3', name: 's3', region: 'us-east-1', path: '/recipejs' }
Copied app to resources
• loaded configuration file=/Users/shanerosenthal/Code/recipejs/vendor/nativephp/electron/resources/js/electron-builder.js
⨯ Invalid configuration object. electron-builder 24.6.3 has been initialized using a configuration object that does not match the API schema.
- configuration.publish should be one of these:
object { provider, channel?, host?, owner?, private?, protocol?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, releaseType?, repo?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, token?, updaterCacheDirName?, vPrefixedTagName? } | object { bucket, provider, accelerate?, acl?, channel?, encryption?, endpoint?, path?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, region?, requestHeaders?, storageClass?, timeout?, updaterCacheDirName? } | object { name, provider, region, acl?, channel?, path?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, updaterCacheDirName? } | object { provider, url, channel?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, updaterCacheDirName?, useMultipleRangeRequest? } | object { provider, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, updateProvider?, updaterCacheDirName?, <key>: {} } | object { account, product, provider, channel?, platform?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, updaterCacheDirName? } | object { provider, channels?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, repo?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, updaterCacheDirName? } | object { owner, provider, slug, channel?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, token?, updaterCacheDirName?, username? } | [object { provider, channel?, host?, owner?, private?, protocol?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, releaseType?, repo?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, token?, updaterCacheDirName?, vPrefixedTagName? } | object { bucket, provider, accelerate?, acl?, channel?, encryption?, endpoint?, path?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, region?, requestHeaders?, storageClass?, timeout?, updaterCacheDirName? } | object { name, provider, region, acl?, channel?, path?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, updaterCacheDirName? } | object { provider, url, channel?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, updaterCacheDirName?, useMultipleRangeRequest? } | object { provider, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, updateProvider?, updaterCacheDirName?, <key>: {} } | object { account, product, provider, channel?, platform?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, updaterCacheDirName? } | object { provider, channels?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, repo?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, updaterCacheDirName? } | object { owner, provider, slug, channel?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, token?, updaterCacheDirName?, username? } | string, ...] | null | string
* configuration.publish.provider should be "github".
-> The provider. Must be `github`.
* configuration.publish.provider should be "spaces".
-> The provider. Must be `spaces`.
* configuration.publish.provider should be "generic".
-> The provider. Must be `generic`.
* configuration.publish.provider should be "custom".
-> The provider. Must be `custom`.
* configuration.publish.provider should be "keygen".
-> The provider. Must be `keygen`.
* configuration.publish.provider should be "snapStore".
-> The provider. Must be `snapStore`.
* configuration.publish.provider should be "bitbucket".
-> The provider. Must be `bitbucket`.
How to fix:
1. Open
2. Search the option name on the page (or type in into Search to find across the docs).
* Not found? The option was deprecated or not exists (check spelling).
* Found? Check that the option in the appropriate place. e.g. "title" only in the "dmg", not in the root.
failedTask=build stackTrace=ValidationError: Invalid configuration object. electron-builder 24.6.3 has been initialized using a configuration object that does not match the API schema.
- configuration.publish should be one of these:
object { provider, channel?, host?, owner?, private?, protocol?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, releaseType?, repo?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, token?, updaterCacheDirName?, vPrefixedTagName? } | object { bucket, provider, accelerate?, acl?, channel?, encryption?, endpoint?, path?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, region?, requestHeaders?, storageClass?, timeout?, updaterCacheDirName? } | object { name, provider, region, acl?, channel?, path?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, updaterCacheDirName? } | object { provider, url, channel?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, updaterCacheDirName?, useMultipleRangeRequest? } | object { provider, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, updateProvider?, updaterCacheDirName?, <key>: {} } | object { account, product, provider, channel?, platform?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, updaterCacheDirName? } | object { provider, channels?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, repo?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, updaterCacheDirName? } | object { owner, provider, slug, channel?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, token?, updaterCacheDirName?, username? } | [object { provider, channel?, host?, owner?, private?, protocol?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, releaseType?, repo?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, token?, updaterCacheDirName?, vPrefixedTagName? } | object { bucket, provider, accelerate?, acl?, channel?, encryption?, endpoint?, path?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, region?, requestHeaders?, storageClass?, timeout?, updaterCacheDirName? } | object { name, provider, region, acl?, channel?, path?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, updaterCacheDirName? } | object { provider, url, channel?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, updaterCacheDirName?, useMultipleRangeRequest? } | object { provider, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, updateProvider?, updaterCacheDirName?, <key>: {} } | object { account, product, provider, channel?, platform?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, updaterCacheDirName? } | object { provider, channels?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, repo?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, updaterCacheDirName? } | object { owner, provider, slug, channel?, publishAutoUpdate?, publisherName?, requestHeaders?, timeout?, token?, updaterCacheDirName?, username? } | string, ...] | null | string
* configuration.publish.provider should be "github".
-> The provider. Must be `github`.
* configuration.publish.provider should be "spaces".
-> The provider. Must be `spaces`.
* configuration.publish.provider should be "generic".
-> The provider. Must be `generic`.
* configuration.publish.provider should be "custom".
-> The provider. Must be `custom`.
* configuration.publish.provider should be "keygen".
-> The provider. Must be `keygen`.
* configuration.publish.provider should be "snapStore".
-> The provider. Must be `snapStore`.
* configuration.publish.provider should be "bitbucket".
-> The provider. Must be `bitbucket`.
How to fix:
1. Open
2. Search the option name on the page (or type in into Search to find across the docs).
* Not found? The option was deprecated or not exists (check spelling).
* Found? Check that the option in the appropriate place. e.g. "title" only in the "dmg", not in the root.
at validate (/Users/shanerosenthal/Code/recipejs/vendor/nativephp/electron/resources/js/node_modules/@develar/schema-utils/dist/validate.js:86:11)
at validateConfig (/Users/shanerosenthal/Code/recipejs/vendor/nativephp/electron/resources/js/node_modules/app-builder-lib/src/util/config.ts:240:3)
at Packager._build (/Users/shanerosenthal/Code/recipejs/vendor/nativephp/electron/resources/js/node_modules/app-builder-lib/src/packager.ts:342:5)
at (/Users/shanerosenthal/Code/recipejs/vendor/nativephp/electron/resources/js/node_modules/app-builder-lib/src/packager.ts:337:12)
at executeFinally (/Users/shanerosenthal/Code/recipejs/vendor/nativephp/electron/resources/js/node_modules/builder-util/src/promise.ts:12:14)
➜ recipejs
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