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The Stoics talked repeatedly about the idea of the common good. To leave someone hanging, turning your heart to stone because there is so much pain and suffering in this world? That is to betray this philosophy.

Much of what happens in this world is outside of our control. We can’t stop a hurricane, obviously. But we do have the power to help our neighbor in the middle of one. We can’t help being scared, but we can decide to push through it—to speak up and defend someone who doesn’t look like us, to say, “Hey, not in my name” to policies that discriminate or persecute.

We take care of our own because we are all one. We are all part of the same sympatheia, as the Stoics called it—an interconnected cosmos. We are all our own part of the same large whole. We are cu

shanerice / gist:764cb8a8a1cdfd8a18e0ddd205bb382a
Created December 9, 2019 23:19 — forked from dsottimano/gist:e3e6294f80cb1cbb526d1defed322850
Tech seo boost 2019 - Dave Sottimano - Apps script demo
//serpApiKey from
serpApiKey : "add your api key"

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am shanerice on github.
  • I am shanerice ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASDeTphP3vXEkFO2Xsx0_7XAGZ9hyk851REA-KdiVPbp3wo

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<p>Hi, this is Chris from the Postmark team. We were running some reports on how our DMARC tool is performing, and I see that you were able to get your DMARC record setup in DNS and that you&#8217;re receiving the weekly reports. Thanks for supporting DMARC!</p>
<p>We&#8217;ve been getting feedback that the reports are interesting, but it&#8217;s hard to know exactly what to do with the results. To make this process easier, I wrote a full guide on implementing DMARC, including how to act on the reports from our DMARC tool. The goal is to convert as many trusted sources to be DMARC compliant and this guide will help you get there.</p>
<p>You can find the guide here:</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
<p><b>Help us increase DMARC adoption!</b></p>
<p>We&#8217;re huge supporters of email authentication at Postmark, even as far back as 2010 when we were one of the first [Email Service Providers?] to support DKIM. With DMARC, we want to do more th