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Created June 20, 2011 16:52
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import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
import Control.Arrow
import System.Environment
newtype Account = Account { toList :: [Maybe Int] } deriving (Eq)
data Status = OK | Illegible | Error | Amb [Account] deriving (Eq)
instance Show Status where
show OK = ""
show Illegible = "ILL"
show Error = "ERR"
show (Amb acs) = "AMB " ++ show acs
instance Show Account where
show = concatMap (maybe "?" show) . toList
linesPerAccount = 4
columnsPerDigit = 3
charsPerLine = 27
charsPerDigit = 9
template = [
" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ",
"| | | _| _||_||_ |_ ||_||_|",
"|_| ||_ _| | _||_| ||_| _|",
" " ]
Usage: ocr <filename>
Reads account numbers from given file and outputs
parsed results to stdout.
main = getFileName >>= readFile >>= processFile >>= putStrLn
where getFileName = liftM head getArgs
processFile = return . formatAccounts . parseAccounts
formatAccounts = unlines . map formatAccount
formatAccount = (show *** show) >>> (\(a,b)-> a ++ " " ++ b)
-- | Parse a list of accounts from input string
parseAccounts :: String -> [(Account, Status)]
parseAccounts = map parseAccount . splitLines
where splitLines = groupN linesPerAccount . map normalize . lines
normalize = take charsPerLine . (++ repeat ' ')
-- | Parse a single account from a list of lines presentation
parseAccount :: [String] -> (Account, Status)
parseAccount = uncurry pickValid . (Account . map ocr &&& amb) . packChars
-- | Take the lines of an account presentation and return a list that contains
-- the cells for individual digits.
packChars :: [String] -> [String]
packChars = map concat . transpose . map (groupN columnsPerDigit) . init
-- | OCR the packed presentation of a single digit to an int or Nothing if the
-- digit was illegible.
ocr :: String -> Maybe Int
ocr = flip lookup digits
digits = zip (packChars template) [0..9]
-- | Generate all possible account numbers assuming that one character in the
-- input is corrupted.
amb :: [String] -> [Account]
amb acc = map Account $ do
(i,d) <- zip [0..] acc
(j,c) <- zip [0..] d
c' <- if c == ' ' then "|_" else " "
let d' = replace j c' d
let o' = ocr d'
guard $ isJust o'
return $ replace i o' ocrAcc
where ocrAcc = map ocr acc
-- | Determine the status of the OCR result.
pickValid :: Account -> [Account] -> (Account, Status)
pickValid acc alts
| status == OK = (acc, OK)
| otherwise = case valids of
[] -> (acc, status)
[x] -> (x, OK)
_ -> (acc, Amb valids)
where status = validate acc
valids = filterValid alts
filterValid = filter ((OK==).validate)
-- | Validate an account number via checksum
validate :: Account -> Status
validate = maybe Illegible status . calcCheckSum . toList
where status s = if (mod s 11) == 0 then OK else Error
calcCheckSum = maybeSum . zipWith (liftM2 (*)) (map Just [9,8..1])
maybeSum = foldr (liftM2 (+)) (Just 0)
-- | Group a list into sublists of length n
groupN :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
groupN n = takeWhile (not.null) . unfoldr (Just . splitAt n)
-- | Replace the nth member of a list with a new item
replace :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
replace i x = (second tail >>> second (x:) >>> uncurry (++)) . splitAt i
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