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Last active December 30, 2015 17:39
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Orbital calculations
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Orbits where
import Units
import Vec
data OrbitalElements
= OrbitalElements
{ specificAngularMomentum :: !AngularMomentum
, inclination :: Inclination
, rightAscensionOfAN :: RightAscension
, eccentricity :: !Eccentricity
, argumentOfPeriapsis :: ArgumentOfPeriapsis
, trueAnomaly :: TrueAnomaly
deriving Show
stVecToOrb :: GravitationalParam -> Position -> Velocity -> Maybe OrbitalElements
stVecToOrb (GravitationalParam mu) (Position r') (Velocity v') = orb where
| v == 0 || r == 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ OrbitalElements
{ specificAngularMomentum = AngularMomentum h'
, inclination = Inclination i
, rightAscensionOfAN = RightAscension ra
, eccentricity = Eccentricity e
, argumentOfPeriapsis = ArgumentOfPeriapsis w
, trueAnomaly = TrueAnomaly ta
r = vabs r'
v = vabs v'
vr = (r' `dot` v') / r
h' = r' `cross` v'
h = vabs h'
i = let (Vec3 _ _ hz) = h'
in Angle $ acos (hz / h)
n' = (Vec3 0 0 1) `cross` h'
n = vabs n'
ra =
let (Vec3 nx ny _) = n'
a = acos (nx / n)
in Angle $ if ny >= 0
then a
else 2*pi - a
e' =
(1/mu) `mul` ((v' `cross` h') `sub` (mu `mul` unit r'))
e =
let k = mu - r * v * v
in (1 / mu) * sqrt
( (2 * mu - r * v * v) * r * vr * vr + k * k)
w =
let (Vec3 _ _ ez) = e'
a = acos $ (n' `dot` e') / (n * e)
in Angle $ if ez >= 0
then a
else 2*pi - a
ta =
let a = acos $ (1 / e) * (h * h / (mu * r) - 1)
in Angle $ if vr >= 0
then a
else 2*pi - a
orbToStVec :: GravitationalParam -> OrbitalElements -> (Position, Velocity)
orbToStVec (GravitationalParam mu) (OrbitalElements {..}) = (Position r', Velocity v') where
AngularMomentum h' = specificAngularMomentum
Eccentricity e = eccentricity
RightAscension ra = rightAscensionOfAN
Inclination i = inclination
ArgumentOfPeriapsis w = argumentOfPeriapsis
TrueAnomaly ta = trueAnomaly
h = vabs h'
rpm = (h*h/mu) * (1/(1 + e * cos' ta))
rp = Vec3 (rpm * cos' ta) (rpm * sin' ta) 0
vpm = mu/h
vp = Vec3 (vpm * (-sin' ta)) (vpm * (e + cos' ta)) 0
cos'ra = cos' ra
sin'ra = sin' ra
cos'i = cos' i
sin'i = sin' i
cos'w = cos' w
sin'w = sin' w
qpx = Mat33
(cos'ra*cos'w - sin'ra*sin'w*cos'i) ((-cos'ra)*sin'w - sin'ra*cos'i*cos'w) (sin'ra*sin'i)
(sin'ra*cos'w + cos'ra*cos'i*sin'w) ((-sin'ra)*sin'w + cos'ra*cos'i*cos'w) ((-cos'ra)*sin'i)
(sin'i*sin'w) (sin'i*cos'w) (cos'i)
r' = qpx `mmul` rp
v' = qpx `mmul` vp
trueToEccentric :: Eccentricity -> TrueAnomaly -> EccentricAnomaly
trueToEccentric (Eccentricity e) (TrueAnomaly ta)
= EccentricAnomaly $ Angle $ atan2 (sqrt (1 - e*e) * sin' ta) (e + cos' ta)
eccentricToMean :: Eccentricity -> EccentricAnomaly -> MeanAnomaly
eccentricToMean (Eccentricity e) (EccentricAnomaly (Angle ea))
= MeanAnomaly $ Angle $ ea - e * sin ea
meanToEccentric :: Scalar -> Eccentricity -> MeanAnomaly -> EccentricAnomaly
meanToEccentric epsilon (Eccentricity e) (MeanAnomaly (Angle ma))
= EccentricAnomaly $ Angle $ ea where
| e > 0.8 = newton pi
| otherwise = newton ma
newton !x
| abs (x - x') < epsilon = x'
| otherwise = newton x'
x' = x - (x - e * sin x - ma) / (1 - e * cos x)
eccentricToTrue :: Eccentricity -> EccentricAnomaly -> TrueAnomaly
eccentricToTrue (Eccentricity e) (EccentricAnomaly (Angle ea))
= TrueAnomaly $ Angle $ 2 * atan2 y x
x = sqrt (1 - e) * cos (ea/2)
y = sqrt (1 + e) * sin (ea/2)
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