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Created December 5, 2022 04:41
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const { Telegraf } = require('telegraf')
const bot = new Telegraf('TOKEN')
// Create an object to store the user's information
const userData = {}
// Set up a command to start the conversation with the user
bot.command('start', ctx => {
// Define the userData object for the current user
userData[] = {}
ctx.reply('Hello! I am a calorie calculator bot. To get started, please enter your age:')
// Listen for the user's age and store it in the userData object
bot.on('text', ctx => {
// Check if the user has already provided their age
if (!userData[].age) {
userData[].age = ctx.message.text
ctx.reply('Thanks! Now please enter your height in centimeters:')
} else if (!userData[].height) {
userData[].height = ctx.message.text
ctx.reply('Thanks! Now please enter your weight in kilograms:')
} else if (!userData[].weight) {
userData[].weight = ctx.message.text
ctx.reply('Thanks! Now please enter your gender (M or F):')
} else {
userData[].gender = ctx.message.text
// Calculate the daily calorie usage using the user's information
const age = userData[].age
const height = userData[].height
const weight = userData[].weight
const gender = userData[].gender
// The formula for calculating daily calorie usage varies depending on the gender of the user
let calorieUsage
if (gender === 'M') {
calorieUsage = 66 + (13.7 * weight) + (5 * height) - (6.8 * age)
} else {
calorieUsage = 655 + (9.6 * weight) + (1.8 * height) - (4.7 * age)
// Send the calculated calorie usage to the user
ctx.reply(`Your daily calorie usage is ${calorieUsage}.`)
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