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Last active October 23, 2020 16:23
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Learning Scala3
object ExploreDependentFunctionValue {
trait Entry { type Key; val key: Key }
def extractKey(e: Entry): e.Key = e.key // a dependent method
val extractor: (e: Entry) => e.Key = extractKey // a dependent function value
final case class IntEntry() extends Entry {
type Key = Int
override val key = 10
def m = {
object ExploreIntersectionTypes {
trait Mapper[A, B] {
def map(l: List[A])(f: A => B): List[B] =
trait Reducer[A, B >: A] {
def reduce(l: List[A])(f: (B, B) => B): B = l.reduce(f)
def mapAndReduce[A, B, C >: B](mR: Mapper[A, B] & Reducer[B, C], l: List[A])(
mapFuncf: A => B
)(reduceFuncf: (C, C) => C): C = {
val multBy2: Int => Int = (e: Int) => e * 2
val reduceToSum: (Int, Int) => Int = (a: Int, b: Int) => (a + b)
case class MapperAndReducer[A, B, C >: B]()
extends Mapper[A, B]
with Reducer[B, C]
def m: Unit = {
mapAndReduce(MapperAndReducer[Int, Int, Int](), List(1, 2, 3))(multBy2)(
object ExploreMatchTypes {
type Elem[X] = X match {
case String => Char
case Array[t] => t
case Iterable[t] => t
def m = {
val char: Elem[String] = 'H'
val elementOfArray: Elem[Array[Int]] = 10
val elementOfList: Elem[List[Int]] = 20
object ExploreTypeLambdas {
final case class Some[T](t: T)
final case class None()
type OptionWithTypeLambdas = [T] =>> (Some[T] | None)
type OptionWithoutTypeLambdas[T] = Some[T] | None
def toOptionWithTypeLambdas[T](t: T): OptionWithTypeLambdas[T] = {
if (t == null) None() else Some(t)
def toOptionWithoutTypeLambdas[T](t: T): OptionWithoutTypeLambdas[T] = {
if (t == null) None() else Some(t)
def m = {
object ExploreUnionTypes {
final case class Some[T](t: T)
final case class None()
type Option[T] = Some[T] | None
def toOption[T](t: T): Option[T] = {
if (t == null) None() else Some(t)
def m = {
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