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"Two Of These People Are Lying" summary



Chris: Kebakko is a Polish sausage company, kielbasa company, formed mid-70s.

Gary: Kebakko is a type if Finnish convenience food, it's a bit like a meatball, it's a bit like a kebab.

Matt: Marcel Kebakko was the more famous of them and they were touring circus artists.

Tom guessed Matt, Gary was correct Matt: 1


Matt: A region of Finland.

Gary: A region of Russia now on the Finnish border - music that comes from that region traditionally played on the nose flute.

Chris: "Lentokenttä" is a fake Swedish thrash metal band formed in 1983 in Detroit (fake Swedish, not fake band).

Tom guessed Chris, Matt was correct
Chris: 1


Johnstone's Robin

Gary: Johnstone's Robin is named after a manoeuvre in cricketing circles in the 1890s.

Chris: Johnstone's Robin is a trig point just north of Bamford in the Hope Valley in the Peak District.

Matt: It's a robin, a type of bird, it lives in Taiwan.

Tom guessed Matt, Matt was correct
Matt: 1, Tom 1
(Actual article name "Coloured Bush Robin")

Ageratina occidentalis

Chris: It is a minor bowel disorder with everything that you imagine comes with that (from bacteria).

Gary: It was a form of ecclesiastical censure pre-Reformation.

Matt: It is a flowering plant with triangular glandular leaves.

Tom guessed Matt, Matt was correct
Matt: 1, Tom 1



Matt: Anton Duryard, a cricketer.

Gary: A town in the south west of Britain.

Chris: A town in Nabraska.

Tom guessed Chris, Gary was correct
Chris: 1

Willoughby Run

Gary: It is a creek in Pennsylvania.

Chris: It is a geological formation on the Willoughby estate derived from the sort of thing that is currently happening at the Willoughby Run in Pennsylvania due to erosion.

Matt: It is an album by jazz multi-instrumentalist, Roland Kirk.

Tom guessed Gary, Gary was correct
Gary: 1, Tom: 1


Ghost Festival

Matt: Actually "Hhost" Festival and it's in Croatia.

Gary: A spiritual celebration in China.

Chris: A little festival that popped up in the late 2010's when ghost riding was big "on the YouTube, yo".

Tom guessed Gary, Gary was correct
Gary: 1, Tom: 1

The 1878 North Lancashire by-election

Chris: It happened on the 8'th of april because some guy, Stanley, was the incumbent, got made minister?/chief? of War.

Gary: Is notable for the winning candidate being dead.

Matt: It didn't happen.

Tom guessed Chris, Chris was correct
Chris: 1, Tom: 1


Evangelia Psarra

Gary: Is a musician in the field of sonic art.

Chris: It is a skin disorder.

Matt: Is a Greek archer.

Tom guessed Chris, Matt was correct
Chris: 1

Green Monster

Chris: Is a land speed record car.

Gary: A 19th century rail engine on the East Coast Main Line.

Matt: A brand of absinthe.

Tom guessed Chris, Chris was correct
Chris: 1, Tom: 1


Hagia Sophia

Matt: It's a band.

Gary: It is a museum in Istanbul.

Chris: It is the site of a well-known piece of graffiti. It is a holy-site-cum temple somewhere in the Near East.

Tom guessed Matt, Gary was correct (Chris knew of it as well and gave an almost correct description)
Matt: 1


Gary: Batlow is a river in North Yorkshire (shortest in the county being 3 ft long).

Chris: Batlow is a small village in Shropshire.

Matt: It's a town in New South Wales.

Tom guessed Matt, Matt was correct
Matt: 1, Tom: 1



Chris: Noted Ceasar-era Roman drunkard.

Gary: A horse, old racehorse, last horse to go around fences and win.

Matt: Also known a Henricopolis, was a settlement.

Tom guessed Matt, Matt was correct
Matt: 1, Tom: 1

Dangers of the Engagement Period

Gary: A manual produced by the South Korean government as a lover's/couple's guide.

Chris: 1930's german film starring Marlene Dietrich.

Matt: A series of documentary films.

Tom guessed Gary, Chris was correct
Gary: 1


Ute muster

Matt: Ford Muster, it was a type of utility vehicle, or a ute - a pickup truck made out of a normal familiy car.

Gary: It is a utility vehicle made in Australia, but it's a collection of them, hence it's a muster.

Chris: It is a gathering of a Latinate study society.

Tom guessed Gary, Gary was correct
Gary: 1, Tom: 1

Windy City Open

Matt: It is a squash tournament.

Gary: An architectural competition.

Chris: A miniature golf tournament.

Tom guessed Matt, Matt was correct Matt: 1, Tom: 1


Wellington Paranormal

Gary: Wellington Paranormal is parachute competition held from a propeller-driven aircraft.

Chris: A television program, set in Wellington, New Zealand wherein two normal police officers frequently come up against paranormal activity.

Matt: It's a football (soccer) team in New Zealand.

Tom guessed Chris, Chris was correct
Chris 1, Tom: 1


Matt: Swedish motor oil brand.

Gary: Saint Austol, the saint from St. Austell.

Chris: It's an Austrian metal polish.

Tom guessed Matt, Gary was correct
Matt: 1


Lule Sámi

Chris: It is a river in Sweden?

Gary: Finnish entry to the Eurovision Song Contest in 1995.

Matt: It's a traditional Norwegian tribe in the northern Norway and crossing the border into northern Sweden.

Tom guessed Matt, Chris was correct
Matt: 1

(Article name was Lule River. Chris wrote the wrong article name and Matt correctly described the Lule Sami...)


Gary: Stands for "Hurricane Condition".

Chris: Electronics manufacturer.

Matt: A mexican wrestler from Wigan.

Tom guessed Matt, Gary was correct
Matt: 1

4x01 (2021 Christmas Special)

The Feast of the Ass

Matt: 'Tis an oil painting.

Gary: It is a medieval feast around about Christmastide.

Chris: It is a Sri Lankan celebration.

Tom guessed Gary, Gary was correct
Gary: 1, Tom: 1

(Matt and Chris gets bonus points even though there are no bonus points)


Chris: The Badalisc Tunnel, the longest tunnel in Romania.

Gary: An Italian Christmas tradition of a monster(?).

Matt: A dog-drawn vehicle, almost like a sleigh.

Tom guessed Matt, Gary was correct
Matt: 1

4x02 (2021/2022 New Years special)


Gary: A mythical dragon that lives in a cave outside of Machynlleth.

Matt: It is an unspecified beast.

Chris: It is a small town in Glamorganshire, noted for not existing.

Tom guessed Matt, they were all lying

Matt: 1, but I don't think it should count as they weren't paying by the rules.

Plot of the rue Saint-Nicaise

Chris: This was an attempt to assassinate the Emperor Napoleon.

Gary: French legal case about land-holding.

Matt: A play about the attempted assasasination of Emperor Napoleon.

Tom guessed Chris, Chris was correct Chris: 1, Tom: 1

Final score

  • Tom: 13
  • Chris: 6
  • Gary: 5
  • Matt: 11+1
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