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Last active May 12, 2018 19:20
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Combine two API call
public class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity
private Post post;
private ToDo toDo;
protected override async void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
var textview = FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.textView);
var apiService = NetworkService.GetApiService();
var getTodo = apiService.GetToDo().ContinueWith(toDo => this.toDo = toDo);
var getPost = apiService.GetPost().ContinueWith(post => = post);
await Task.WhenAll(getToDo,getPost) // Wait for complete the two tasks.
.ContinueWith(result =>
if (result.IsCompleted && result.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
// Get result and update any UI here.
textView.Text = post.Title; // For property serialized/deserialized using Newtonsoft.Json
var toDoTitle = toDo.Title;
else if (result.IsFaulted)
// If any error occurred exception throws.
else if (result.IsCanceled)
// Task cancelled
},TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext())// execute in main/UI thread.
.ConfigureAwait(false)// Execute API call on background or worker thread.
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