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Created May 28, 2014 16:25
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Xataface home action
class actions_home {
function handle(&$params){
// Get the featured items
$indexItems = df_get_records_array('featured', array('active'=>1, '-sort'=>'effectiveDate desc'));
$ii = array();
foreach ($indexItems as $item){
$ii[] = $item->strvals();
$json = new Services_JSON;
$jsonIndexItems = $json->encode($ii);
//echo $jsonIndexItems;
// Get the featured items
$spotlightItems = df_get_records_array('spotlight', array('active'=>1), null, null, false);
$spotlight = array();
foreach ($spotlightItems as $item){
$spotlight[] = $item->strvals();
//$json = new Services_JSON;
$jsonSpotlightItems = $json->encode($spotlight);
//echo $jsonIndexItems;
// Get the news
//$res = mysql_query("select topic_id, topic_title from phpbb_topics where forum_id=8 order by topic_time desc limit 5", df_db());
$res = df_get_records_array('phpbb_topics', array('-sort'=>'topic_time desc', 'forum_id'=>8, '-limit'=>5));
$news = array();
foreach ($res as $row ) $news[] = $row->strvals();
// Get the forum posts
//$res = mysql_query("select topic_id, topic_title from phpbb_topics where forum_id=8 order by topic_time desc limit 5", df_db());
$res = df_get_records_array('phpbb_topics', array('-sort'=>'topic_time desc', 'forum_id'=>'!=8', '-limit'=>5));
$posts = array();
foreach ($res as $row ) $posts[] = $row->strvals();
// Get the freshmeat ratings
$dataface =& df_get_record('products', array('product_id'=>5));
// Get weblogs
$blogs = df_get_records_array('news', array('status'=>'Approved', 'categories'=>'2 OR 3 OR 4 OR 5', '-sort'=>'date_posted desc', '-limit'=>5));
// Get application categories
$product_cats = df_get_records_array('product_categories', array('-limit'=>3));
'indexItems'=> $jsonIndexItems,
'news' => $news,
'posts' => $posts,
'xataface_product' => $dataface,
'blogs' => $blogs,
{use_macro file="Dataface_Main_Template.html"}
{fill_slot name="head_slot"}
<meta name="keywords" content="php,mysql,framework,filemaker alternative, fmp alternative,rapid development,crud,editable grid,library,xataface,dataface,database application,mysql app,database front-end,mysql front-end,website back-end,code generator,php code generation,SQL,MySQL administrator,PHPMyAdmin,open source php framework,GPL" />
<meta name="description" content="Xataface is an open source PHP framework for building PHP/MySQL applications in less time that with fewer lines of code that do more."/>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="{$ENV.DATAFACE_SITE_URL}/js/home_alt.js"></script>
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<div style="display:none">
<h3>Build powerful user interfaces for your database in minutes</h3>
<p>Open source, PHP, GPL, MySQL</p>
<td class="ne_cell">
<li><a href="/wiki/about" style="background-image:url(">
<h3>About Xataface</h3>
<p>What can Xataface do for you?</p>
<li><a href="/videos" style="background-image:url(images/watch.png)">
<h3>Watch Xataface in Action</h3>
<p>Click here to watch videos that demonstrate Xataface in action.</p>
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<h3>Download the latest version</h3>
<p>Xataface 2.0.3</p>
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//var featured = new XatafaceNews({$indexItems});
//setInterval('', 5000);
<div id="south_cell">
<table width="100%">
<td width="33%" valign="top" class="subjectBlock" align="right" style="background-image: url(;">
<h3><a href="/documentation">Documentation</a></h3>
<li><a href="/videos#introduction.flv">Video Quickstart Tutorial</a></li>
<li><a href="/documentation/tutorial/getting_started">Getting Started Tutorial</a></li>
<li><a href="/assets/dataface/about/presentations/Introduction_to_Dataface.pdf">Building Data-centric Websites with Dataface</a> (PDF)</li>
<li><a href="/documentation">More...</a></li>
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<h3><a href="forum/viewforum.php?f=8">News</a> <a href="" title="Subscribe to RSS News Feed"><img src="" alt="RSS" /></a></h3>
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{foreach from=$news item=newsitem}
<li><a href="forum/viewtopic.php?t={$newsitem.topic_id}">{$newsitem.topic_title|escape}</a></li>
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var spotlight = new XatafaceSpotlight({$spotlightItems}, 'spotlight-item');
setInterval('', 10000);
<div id="middle_cell">
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