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Created August 20, 2017 21:25
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Unit 4


Deploy an application that accepts user input, requests data from an external source, and manipulates the DOM

Discuss Key Frontend concepts

  • Define and describe AJAX
  • Define and describe DOM
  • Define and describe CSS
  • Define and describe HTML
  • Describe how events work
  • Describe jQuery
  • Describe event delegation / bubbling (no need to know capturing)
  • Describe how linking to stylesheets / images / scripts works as far as requests/responses
  • Describe how URLs are resolved in a browser (taking missing pieces from the current URL)

DOM Manipulation

  • Write JavaScript against the DOM API
    • Includes event handlers for clicks, key events, submit events
    • Creates and appends DOM elements
    • Uses event delegation to capture events from dynamically added elements
    • Finds existing elements by id and className in order to make changes
    • Mutates properties on existing DOM elements such as style, classNames
    • JavaScript appears at bottom of body tag, or uses DOMContentLoaded/$.ready to attach properly
  • Target, create, and manipulate DOM Elements
    • Creates and appends DOM elements
    • Finds existing elements by id and className in order to make changes
    • Mutates properties on existing DOM elements such as style, classNames
    • JavaScript appears at bottom of body tag, or uses DOMContentLoaded/$.ready to attach properly


  • Respond to event with event listeners
    • Includes event handlers for clicks, key events, submit events
    • Uses event delegation to capture events from dynamically added elements

HTML Forms

  • Build valid and functional forms
    • Forms include an action, method, submit button
    • Forms appropriately use labels with inputs
    • Input fields include a name attribute
    • Radio buttons are part of the same group

Higher Order Functions

  • Define and call higher order functions
    • Write a function that takes a function as a parameter and calls it
    • Call a higher order function, passing it an anonymous function as a argument
    • Call a higher order function, passing it a named function as a argument
    • Call a higher order function, passing it a reference to a function as an argument
    • Identify addEventListener as a higher order function


  • Discuss key concepts of HTTP
    • Describe and define the parts of a URL
    • Describe the 3 parts of an HTTP Request
    • Describe the 3 parts of an HTTP Response


  • Fetch and Send JSON through AJAX
    • Make a POST request and send a JSON payload
    • Make a GET request and parse the result as JSON
    • Can use jQuery, Axios or raw XMLHttpRequest


  • Deploy a static site
    • App appears on the internet with no broken links / images
    • All linked files match their references case-sensitively
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